

Original Poster:

15 posts

7 months

Sunday 4th February
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The initial message was deleted from this topic on 06 February 2024 at 23:18


934 posts

141 months

Monday 5th February
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Plum47 said:
I've only just joined - am I allowed to ask about surrendering licence and possibly having to sel my car?*
I surrended my D/L no problem & straightforward.


7,422 posts

248 months

Monday 5th February
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Ask away. I have personal experience of this due to a diagnosed medical condition a few years ago.....


4,829 posts

143 months

Monday 5th February
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Am also an expert but more information needed

Surrendering my licence was the absolute best advice I was given on my initial call from the only person I ever spoke to who knew what they were talking about and crucially were also bothered about helping me

The rest of my dealings with them......................


Original Poster:

15 posts

7 months

Tuesday 6th February
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Thank you for offering to help. No-one to turn to as live alone. Had a couple of brief (a minute or so) episodes of disorientation before Christmas. Once on completely all dark country lane - SUV/LED light following me. Still in complete control of car. Then in supermarket just before Christmas disorientated for a minute or two then okay. GP said 'stress" but I have health anxiety so saw private neuro who wanted me to have tests. No diagnosis but "wondered" if epileptic. Said I had to tell DVLA. GP thinks tests will show nothing.

Phoned DVLA - said I could either surrender my licence until tests or fill in questionnaire and possibly have licence revoked. I live alone in rural area. Told I could continue drive until I get forms and send my licence back or get decision on questionnaire but I haven't so far. I really don't know what to do. Wasn't TOLD NOT to, just to inform DVLA. I opened a can of worms. My car will have to go as can't leave it rusting outside possibly for months, Don't know whether to jump or wait till I'm pushed but I want to do the right thing.

Edited by Plum47 on Tuesday 6th February 00:54


13,697 posts

220 months

Tuesday 6th February
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Been there got the Tshirt twice in my life.
I have life long epilepsy diagnosis controlled by medication.

Firrst time I kept the car for a year. My dad got insured on it and drove it once a month.
Second time different car. I traded it in with the wifes car and we bought one nice car which I can now drive.
A car will happily sit for a year. SORN it, pump up the tyres and put it on a trickle charger and it wil be fine.

Epilepsy diagnosis means no driving until you can show to be fit free fo a year.
If you get medication that also needs to be clear fof a year fit of no fit. These can run concurrently.

You can reapply 2 months (8 weeks) early to get forms back etc. Be prepared to harass your GP to sign paperwork.

I had this over covid times. The wait at the DVLA meant I didnt get a licence for 18 months.
I was emailing my MP on a weekly basis with strongly worded emsils to get a reseloution.

My current licence is a 5 year restricted licence. Will have to reapply in 5 years so DVLA can check my medical records that Im still ok.
When you get your licence back dont be sjprised if its a 1 year restricted licence. Its just the DVLA keeping tabs for another year. If all ok expect a 3 year or 5 year licence depending on findings. After that licence expect to be considered for a full nofmal up to 70 year old licence.

Any other questions just ask.


Original Poster:

15 posts

7 months

Tuesday 6th February
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Thank you and I'm glad you have sorted your problems. I'm 75 not diagnosed with epilepsy the consultant was "wondering". No physical symptoms and total awareness during brief episodes. However do you think it will be okay to drive until I either send forms back or surrender licence. The woman I spoke to said I could and have 2 things to do next week but once they are over... Meantime I will ring my insurance to tell them. No-one has told me not to drive - be easier if they did.
My car is an 2011 Yaris with a slight scratched dented door (no idea who did that in a car park!). Only 64,000m very reliable but I live near the sea and cars corrode quickly. Had lots of work done underneath 2 years ago. MOT this week. It wont be worth much so when and if I can drive again I'll just get another little runaround cos I don't go hundreds of miles like I used to. I'm 75 year old woman living alone so on 3 year renewals anyway.

I suppose I have to wait for tests although GP thinks they'll not show anything. You seem think it would be better to surrender licence than risk having it revoked, even without a diagnosis? This is my dilemma! I'm sorry to be a pain but really am at a loss - it's actually naking me feel ill,


13,697 posts

220 months

Tuesday 6th February
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Its easier to get a surrendered licence back than proving your fit to drive again after the dvla revoking your licence.


4,829 posts

143 months

Tuesday 6th February
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sherman said:
Its easier to get a surrendered licence back than proving your fit to drive again after the dvla revoking your licence.
This with knobs on which is what my earlier post alluded to

Good luck


Original Poster:

15 posts

7 months

Tuesday 6th February
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Can't decide if you agree or disagree? But I can't decide anything at the moment.

Best to surrender?


13,697 posts

220 months

Tuesday 6th February
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Plum47 said:
Can't decide if you agree or disagree? But I can't decide anything at the moment.

Best to surrender?
Get your health sorted out.
Sainsburys will deliver your shopping.
Taxis arent that expensive. You wont need one daily.

Edited by sherman on Tuesday 6th February 16:44


6,351 posts

197 months

Wednesday 7th February
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Plum47 said:
Can't decide if you agree or disagree? But I can't decide anything at the moment.

Best to surrender?
The general opinion here seems to be that it would be best surrender your license. It might be worth discussing your GP first.


Original Poster:

15 posts

7 months

Wednesday 7th February
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Thanks Spud, I will try. Should get forms in today or two so have to decide. Getting car MOT on Friday then I suppose I may as well sell it because one way or another it will be months.


508 posts

53 months

Thursday 8th February
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I let the dvla decide for me , when I sent in the renewal it was then forwarded to the medical dept , after 3 months ( driving under section 88 I believe ) and various phone calls ( dvla medical dept ) who are a nightmare to get hold of , and dvla communicating with my consultants I finally got it back , didn’t think I would , I was over was the moon , just said you must inform us of any change in your condition .
I assumed the issue was because of either heart / diabetis , but they said it was cancer , they wanted to know what adaptations there was to my lorry , what medication I was on
Whatever you decide op all the best , I’d not give my license up without a fight , though mine is needed for job


Original Poster:

15 posts

7 months

Friday 9th February
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I'm pleased for you that you got it sorted. I have been told by a few people that it's easier to get back if you surrender it. If in a while I have no further episodes I will reapply abd hope GP and consultant agree I can drive. I've spoken to DVLA and they are sending forms for me yo choose whether to surrender or risk having it revoked and as consultant mentioned epilepsy which it patently is not it would get revoked. The very minor episodes were over two months ago and if I hasn't gonevto neurologist they would be history, I coming to terms with the fact that I might not drive for months and planning to sell my car. I brought it on myself!


3,739 posts

119 months

Friday 9th February
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Plum47 said:
I'm pleased for you that you got it sorted. I have been told by a few people that it's easier to get back if you surrender it. If in a while I have no further episodes I will reapply abd hope GP and consultant agree I can drive. I've spoken to DVLA and they are sending forms for me yo choose whether to surrender or risk having it revoked and as consultant mentioned epilepsy which it patently is not it would get revoked. The very minor episodes were over two months ago and if I hasn't gonevto neurologist they would be history, I coming to terms with the fact that I might not drive for months and planning to sell my car. I brought it on myself!
You say it's patently not epilepsy, but there are different types of seizure, including absence seizures:


Just to say, I am commenting from experience, as I was diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy in my mid teens (am now mid 50s) and have had to surrender my licence on a number of occasions (and my seizures were very few and far between - I'm talking years). In the early days, you had to be two years seizure free before you could reapply.

My dad, who was a very wise man, having read all the information from DVLA, was of the opinion that surrendering your licence was a far better option than risking it being revoked.

Best of luck.


Original Poster:

15 posts

7 months

Friday 9th February
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Thank you, had car MOT today and getting in valeted next week then going to sell it. When and if I get licence back I'll get a little Aygo - just want a runaround as don't drive long distances any more. Trying to come to terms with it. Thanks for your interest and support it has helped me reach the decision. I can drive for about another week before the forms have to be back. Better make the most of it!


Original Poster:

15 posts

7 months

Friday 9th February
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Thank you, had car MOT today and getting in valeted next week then going to sell it. When and if I get licence back I'll get a little Aygo - just want a runaround as don't drive long distances any more. Trying to come to terms with it. Thanks for your interest and support it has helped me reach the decision. I can drive for about another week before the forms have to be back. Better make the most of it!


6,351 posts

197 months

Saturday 10th February
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Good luck with your health, and your new Aygo when you get it.


Original Poster:

15 posts

7 months

Saturday 10th February
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Thanks Spud - will be an old Aygo unfortunately.