I can't be arsed!



Original Poster:

2,675 posts

171 months

Wednesday 17th January
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Over the last couple of years I have experienced a creeping laziness. To the point now where I just can't be arsed.
Can't be arsed with getting up on time so always chucking on yesterday's clothes and heading to work late.
Can't be arsed with work politics or people complaining, totally lost interest in standing out as a good worker.
Can't be arsed making my lunch so just buy crap but dont actually enjoy it. Certainly can't be arsed to exercise!
No hobbies,I like cars but wont have a dream car or anything I particularly like so not fussed or excited about that. In fact buying one will be more of a chore when the time comes.
I'm amazed when I see people with much, much more challenging lives than me and they manage to keep a sense of motivation and positivity.
Someone please give me a kick up the arse or tell me if you've managed to re motivate yourself out of a rut and how!


15,094 posts

196 months

Wednesday 17th January
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You sound depressed - consider a GP visit for some happy pills?


How old are you & any more detail you care to share?


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

171 months

Wednesday 17th January
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I am coming up 37 soon so wondered if it's just a rut before some kind of realisation that I need to buck my ideas up because I'm not in my 20s any more and need to look after myself better!
I feel like giving myself a kick is similar to rolling a boulder in that once it's moving it will gather momentum but it's that initial push that's eluding me


2,157 posts

78 months

Wednesday 17th January
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Would be good to rule out testosterone deficiency via a blood test. Classic symptom is lethargy.


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

171 months

Thursday 18th January
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I did wonder but one of the symptoms is the loss of body hair, but I am still blessed with an abundance of that.


2,157 posts

78 months

Thursday 18th January
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Not everyone gets all the 'common' symptoms. I too have always been fine for body hair but have/had a natural testosterone level below 'normal'. I'm now on T replacement therapy and some of the symptoms have gone, or are not so bad.


754 posts

53 months

Thursday 18th January
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foxbody-87 said:
Over the last couple of years I have experienced a creeping laziness. To the point now where I just can't be arsed.
Can't be arsed with getting up on time so always chucking on yesterday's clothes and heading to work late.
Can't be arsed with work politics or people complaining, totally lost interest in standing out as a good worker.
Can't be arsed making my lunch so just buy crap but dont actually enjoy it. Certainly can't be arsed to exercise!
No hobbies,I like cars but wont have a dream car or anything I particularly like so not fussed or excited about that. In fact buying one will be more of a chore when the time comes.
I'm amazed when I see people with much, much more challenging lives than me and they manage to keep a sense of motivation and positivity.
Someone please give me a kick up the arse or tell me if you've managed to re motivate yourself out of a rut and how!
Feeling like you can’t be bothered to do something comes from believing there is no point in doing it. You need a renewed sense of purpose in life to motivate you. If you can’t find one then invent one. Just a single thing you want to achieve e.g. lose weight, get a new job, learn a new skill. Be relentless in completing this challenging but achievable goal, and you may find you feel differently.


189 posts

8 months

Thursday 18th January
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Try things you used to like. Be open to trying other things, even simple things. Be selfish.

Sounds silly but I used to watch the news every day at tea time, but just found it depressing with everything that was wrong with the world. So cut it out, helped a little, You're not going to feel amazing just by not watching the new but just an example of looking for things in your life you can change for the better. Lots of little changes can add up.

Find sitting thinking about how depressed you are just makes you feel more depressed. Sounds easy but try distract yourself. I always found mornings the worst to get myself going, especially weekends when there's no work to get up for.

If trying to sort it yourself doesn't work then admit to yourself that you need help. Look for counselling. Someone close you can unload on or someone professional. I spoke to a counsellor for some time. Looking back they never gave the magic answer to cure all my ills but it certainly helped unloading on someone with no skin in the game.

Master Of Puppets

3,377 posts

67 months

Thursday 18th January
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I'm wondering if SAD might be anything to do with it, do you think you would be a bit happier if you woke up tomorrow
and it was suddenly early June, sun blazing high in the sky, lovely and warm, birds singing, time to get the deckchair out
and enjoy the new rays from an ancient sun?

I know 3 people close to me who have SAD and what you describe sounds just like them in mid winter.


355 posts

27 months

Saturday 20th January
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It sounds like depression. Go see you're Doc.

Nova Gyna

1,431 posts

31 months

Saturday 20th January
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foxbody-87 said:
I did wonder but one of the symptoms is the loss of body hair, but I am still blessed with an abundance of that.
Username checks out. smile

As others have mentioned, it sounds like depression. It's best to have a chat with your doctor. It won't necessarily end up with happy pills; a few lifestyle changes could make all the difference.


3,249 posts

198 months

Saturday 20th January
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I'm the same age and have the same issues. Just zero enthusiasm to do anything and will make excuses to get out of certain things.

I have the added frustration that my body seems to be falling apart at an early age. Do anything in the gym I get injured, play golf injured, go swimming shoulder can't hack it. I've got arthritis in my ankle and I'm assuming my other joints are heading the same way but I don't know how to find out for sure.

I currently take high dose vitamin D and magnesium glycinate but thinking about trying some glucosamine complex and turmeric complex to see if they make any difference.


4,852 posts

149 months

Saturday 20th January
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Sleep is a big factor I think and creates a lot of habit.

I've lapsed with being ill before xmas and then lie ins over xmas.

Get up at a set earlyish time a day and start the day right I say.


388 posts

86 months

Saturday 20th January
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I've wondered about this low-t thing.

I'm so low the last few years that all I do is work as much as I can (I actually enjoy it), but anything else I have zero
interest in. I'd actually be quite pleased if I just dropped dead (I mean this so much of late, but not suicidal).

I do wonder if it's a lack of Testosterone.


3,249 posts

198 months

Saturday 20th January
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I've noticed real issues with my memory in the last few years too which I don't remember (pardon the pun) being such a problem previously. That can be related to low testosterone but I don't really tick the boxes for any other symptoms.


3,750 posts

29 months

Saturday 20th January
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DIET DIET DIET. OP list your typical diet. I suspect the problem and fix is quite simple.


703 posts

195 months

Saturday 20th January
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Get some comfortable trainers and go for a jog
Start with a brisk walk jog

The issue with exercise is that there is no desire to do it until you start doing it.

Stop whinging about aches and pains.

You aren’t going to magically bloom into life by changing your diet.

Accept this is going to be you for the rest of your life or elevate your heart rate for a decent period of time and start living.

Everything else is complete bullst.


9,540 posts

238 months

Sunday 21st January
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Forget the gym and jogging, go for a walk in the fresh air doesnt have to be miles.
Poor diet can make you feel a lot worse so id try and attack that first.
Easier than it sounds i know but i wouldnt reach straight for the happy pills yet.


20,891 posts

196 months

Sunday 21st January
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No partner or kids?

No goals or targets in life?


911 posts

101 months

Sunday 21st January
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BenEK9 said:
Get some comfortable trainers and go for a jog
Start with a brisk walk jog

The issue with exercise is that there is no desire to do it until you start doing it.

Stop whinging about aches and pains.

You aren’t going to magically bloom into life by changing your diet.

Accept this is going to be you for the rest of your life or elevate your heart rate for a decent period of time and start living.

Everything else is complete bullst.
It's proven that exercise is as effective as the best results from anti-depressants. It also regulates so many things that start to go wrong in your late 30s like blood pressure, cholesterol, low testosterone etc.