What do you consider a safe weekly alcohol consumption?

What do you consider a safe weekly alcohol consumption?

Poll: What do you consider a safe weekly alcohol consumption?

Total Members Polled: 213

Zero: 33%
NHS 14 units: 22%
30 units : 26%
70 units: 5%
Any amount if you can still function : 15%

tight fart

Original Poster:

3,028 posts

278 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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What do you think a safe alcohol consumption is for a person?
The NHS recommends 14 max, many people will have a bottle of wine a night, 70 units a week.
I’ve always had a couple of beers after work but now retired I’m starting to think I should cut down, I do have a couple of days a week without a beer but I still probably have 40-50 units a week.

Units per drink for reference
Lager 2 pint
Beer 2.5 pint
Wine glass 3
Wine Bottle 10
Large short 2

Edited by tight fart on Thursday 21st December 09:50


18,356 posts

214 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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Ten bottles of wine is quite committed.


1,400 posts

289 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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I don't really drink anything other than red wine , the odd G&T here and there or single bottled beer but the wine was around 3/4 bottle to a bottle most days. Seen the Dr recently and my cholesterol is 7.3 and by Bp around 140/80 so changes are afoot and the booze seems to be the easiest thing to change quickly.

Harry H

3,493 posts

161 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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I very rarely drop below 14 units a week but probably rarely go over 30. Next week may well be an exception as is a particularly sociable weekend.

I'm absolutely OK with this amount. To be honest I don't really think about my intake. I drink as much as I want. It just happens to be generally more than 14 and less than 30.

The days of aiming to get bladdered are long gone as the recovery time is too great.

I wouldn't say I have any dependency although the beer when I get home from work and a bottle of vino at the weekend are a bit of a habit. Not that it concerns me.


23,619 posts

235 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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My BP was high so the doc asked me to take readings in the evening and morning every day for 2 weeks.

I immediately stopped drinking, microwave meals, salt, takeaways and just cooked from fresh. Only chicken or fish with mainly rice.

BP dropped from dodgy to high normal within 2 days.

A week in and by Saturday I treated myself to 3 bottles of ale, and on the Sunday, 3 small glasses of wine.

Those two evenings my BP was healthy low as were the mornings after.

Monday back to no drinking and BP back to high normal.

Had some booze the next weekend and my BP went down again.

Have I found a cure? smile

14 units a week is virtually teetotal and you'd might as well give up. It's about a small glass of wine a night. Pointless hehe


4,457 posts

239 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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tight fart said:
What do you think a safe alcohol consumption is for a person?
The NHS recommends 14 max, many people will have a bottle of wine a night, 70 units a week.
I’ve always had a couple of beers after work but now retired I’m starting to think I should cut down, I do have a couple of days a week without a beer but I still probably have 40-50 units a week.

Lager 2 pint
Beer 2.5 pint
Wine glass 3
Wine Bottle 10
Large short 2
40-50 units a week! You can't ever hardly be legal to drive.


2,520 posts

139 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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tight fart said:
many people will have a bottle of wine a night, 70 units a week.
My wife is one of those people. Never used to drink in the house at all, then had the odd glass with dinner, now it's a full bottle every night. Never any more or any less. She's a busy mum of 2 who works a director level job and sees it as her way to de-stress and get a good nights sleep.. even though I know it's probably having the opposite effect. I'd like her to cut back for her long term health, but it's also not cheap !


25,537 posts

118 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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Glosphil said:
40-50 units a week! You can't ever hardly be legal to drive.
That's not true. If we average that out to 7 units per day if you finish drinking at 11 PM, your 7 units should be fully processed and you'll be alcohol-free by 6-7 AM the following day.


2,614 posts

159 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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I rarely during during the week but do have a few on a friday and saturday and often on a sunday. Tend to only start after 5pm and will have a few beers then share a bottle of wine. I do sometime have a bit too much probably. I think it makes me heftier but I don't think it is bad for my health. Problem is it becomes a bit of a habit. So not havgin the weekend drinks would be a challenge, although I managed last weekend as I was ill.

tight fart

Original Poster:

3,028 posts

278 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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Zarco said:
Ten bottles of wine is quite committed.
biggrin Edited as that’s not what I drink it’s the units per drink, edited now.


6,815 posts

223 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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I know conventional wisdom once said the odd glass of red was actually good for you, but I think that has now been debunked and any alcohol consumption is detrimental to your physical health. Whether it is beneficial to you mental health, by allowing a more enjoyable social life is of course debatable and depends a lot on one's peers and lifestyle.

I work with a lot of 20-somethings, and I have to say that compared to my 20s, they drink a lot less (or at least, a lot less often). There are a few who are teetotal, which was unheard of when I was that age. I think drinking culture, like smoking and fry-up breakfasts, is dying out.

I still have the odd drink, but rarely, and only usually when pressured due to some occasion or other and I don't want to come across as a miserable bugger.

If it was just me I'd happily stop altogether, as even one drink seems to effect me the next day. Not hungover, but definitely not operating at 100%.


20,913 posts

125 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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The Lancet April 2023

"..the absolute risks of light to moderate drinking are small, and while there is no known safe level of drinking, it seems reasonable that the quality of life gained from an occasional drink might be deemed greater than the potential harm."



64 posts

85 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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Normally about 6 cans of lager on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night, don’t really think about it during the week but come 8 o’clock Friday night and the first one is open, don’t know if it’s more habit as it’s something that I have always done.
Hardly ever drink wine and the only time that I would drink shorts is on holiday then only a couple.
I think the problem is that if I have a beer that I want more, the total opposite to the wife who is quite happily to have a single glass of wine or gin & tonic then drink soft drinks.


4,953 posts

235 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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Alcohol is a poison, there is no safe limit.

but the odd one probably wont hurt. 50 units a week probably not good in the long term

bottle of wine a night to " de stress" points to a bigger underlying issue to me


23,118 posts

206 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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sawman said:
bottle of wine a night to " de stress" points to a bigger underlying issue to me
yup, and the spouse just watching on rather than discussing the issue only adds to it.


2,187 posts

205 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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I used to love it and drank lots with wild abandon weekends and holidays until I had a health scare (diverticulitis) which was made far worse after alcohol.

I read a few quit lit books and haven’t drunk in five years and don’t know if I ever will again. A close family member became a raging alcoholic around the same time and it terrified me, I had no idea how dangerous it can be.

Quite seriously it is as bad a drug as any and it now annoys me how it’s rammed down our throats. When I drank I would not of thought this way though and fully appreciate I’m a hypocrite!

Douglas Quaid

2,392 posts

90 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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JackJarvis said:
tight fart said:
many people will have a bottle of wine a night, 70 units a week.
My wife is one of those people. Never used to drink in the house at all, then had the odd glass with dinner, now it's a full bottle every night. Never any more or any less. She's a busy mum of 2 who works a director level job and sees it as her way to de-stress and get a good nights sleep.. even though I know it's probably having the opposite effect. I'd like her to cut back for her long term health, but it's also not cheap !
Does she work out first before having it?


13,390 posts

288 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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sawman said:
Alcohol is a poison, there is no safe limit.

but the odd one probably wont hurt. 50 units a week probably not good in the long term

bottle of wine a night to " de stress" points to a bigger underlying issue to me
Your first sentence (bold) is absolutely laughable! Someone else said the same ridiculous comment on here some months back.
No safe limit?
In moderation, like anything, there is little harm. Like fast and crap food, 'in excess' you'll see a problem - we have it now, the most 'obese' nation in Europe.

You do realise (obviously not!) that almost 'anything' can be a 'poison' ...IF taken in excess.
In fact, that excess can be even less with something far more easily accessible than alcohol.
I'll take you back to the 90s when we were on holiday in Nicosia. It was 'very warm', touching 40 deg by the pool. One of our friend's sons (he was 18 at the time) became almost paranoid about the heat and it being 'too hot' so he drank, not alcohol, wait for it...
good old fashioned ..WATER!
On this particular day he had quickly downed several bottles of it (well, it was handed out 'free' in the hotel complex where we stayed).

I still recall him collapsing as we were looking up at a statue of Archbishop Makarios. He was rushed to hospital. Long story short, he survived. The doctors told us he had 'Water poisoning'. Yep, good ol' water, like alcohol, is very safe in 'moderation'. Not so much in 'excess'.

I'm old enough to recall me drinking my dad's bottle of Guinness he was given 'FREE' by the NHS after he left hospital (he'd suffered his first heart attack!). Why did I drink it? My dad was a bitter (beer) man and didn't like stout! I also remember my gran got given a 'free' bottle of Guinness each time she gave blood. If I recall correctly, they gave Guinness 'free' to pregnant mothers in Ireland.
Funny, eh?

Yeah, stuff changes. Let's get up to date...

Obviously, the good ol' NHS does not advocate 'alcohol' as a health benefit anymore. In fact, it's hard to find reference to it, but ask anyone 'old' and they'll remember it. Funny, eh, if you drink sensibly (ie: in moderation) you'll find most of us are still here today!
Today the good ol' NHS would never advocate anything bad for you would they?
But they do, they advocate 'Artificial Sweeteners' over sugar.
Me? Give me (real unrefined) sugar ANY DAY over something 'artificial' going down my gullet! I've never knowingly put any artificial sweetener inside me, ever, but thousands do everyday with their 'diet' crap drinks. Give me a bottle of beer any day over a 'diet' coke.

Yep, I still drink alcohol like millions do. But in 'moderation'. I think this week so far I've had just 2 bottles (2 pints) of beer (Guinness, of course!) - beer


14,582 posts

143 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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Chatting to a few friends recently. One admitted drinking 1 bottle a wine a night minimum. Another totted up that he's been doing 100 units a week regularly. Sheesh!!!


1,515 posts

92 months

Friday 22nd December 2023
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Why are people so interested in what others do?
It’s none of your business.
And don’t give me the crap about costs to the economy and NHS.
What are the costs of motorcycling, horse riding, playing contact sports, smoking, taking drugs etc etc.