MRI-pictures and videos

MRI-pictures and videos



Original Poster:

2,802 posts

142 months

Saturday 2nd December 2023
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Long story made short.

About a month ago started getting severe pain in my right shoulder.
3 visits to the doctors-could not get passed the receptionists-that's another story.
3 visits to A+E, I am now on gabapentin, naproxen and co codamol.
Right index finger and thumb are numb.
Severe pain running down my right arm and pain in my elbow.

My sister kindly paid for a private MRI scan.
I finally got a face to face with my GP, I took MRI scan cdrom and report with me.
Doctor said that the encroachment of the neural canal should not need surgery.
He did not look at the MRI cdrom despite me asking him to.

Doctor has referred me to a physio, but, as yet, I cannot get an appointment.

Here are a few pictures of MRI scan, any doctors/physio's know what the large lump/swelling is on my shoulder?


Original Poster:

2,802 posts

142 months

Saturday 2nd December 2023
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Original Poster:

2,802 posts

142 months

Saturday 2nd December 2023
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Original Poster:

2,802 posts

142 months

Saturday 2nd December 2023
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Trying to upload a video from my phone, but cannot get it to work.


2,343 posts

97 months

Saturday 2nd December 2023
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Who specified what the MRI should be focussed on? They should be the person to interpret it.

Or - if I’ve read this right - you just went and got an MRI and are hoping a GP can interpret it. You’l do well to find a general practitioner who has enough experience to use it for an accurate diagnosis, especially if no-one has directed the radiographers on what to look for….

Get yourself a referral to a specialist and go from there. Privately if necessary.


20,891 posts

196 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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OMITN said:
Who specified what the MRI should be focussed on? They should be the person to interpret it.

Or - if I’ve read this right - you just went and got an MRI and are hoping a GP can interpret it. You’l do well to find a general practitioner who has enough experience to use it for an accurate diagnosis, especially if no-one has directed the radiographers on what to look for….

Get yourself a referral to a specialist and go from there. Privately if necessary.

You should have got the MRI under the advice of an orthopaedic specialist who would appropriately interpret the scan and determine the required the next step.

Ask your GP to be ref'd to ortho.


254 posts

211 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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On the single supplied lateral image of the C-Spine there is cerebrospinal fluid around the spinal cord and no pressure or effacement from the disc bulges. A GP would not be an expert in reviewing the images and would not be appropriate to do so. The imaging and report need to be seen by a specialist.


6,641 posts

220 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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g3org3y said:

You should have got the MRI under the advice of an orthopaedic specialist who would appropriately interpret the scan and determine the required the next step.

Ask your GP to be ref'd to ortho.
The scan on a CD rom is pretty much useless unless you find a consultant willing to go and find a PC with a CDrom driver, faff with IT to allow what ever imaging software to run, and than spend time reviewing the images and feeding back.

A direct PACS transfer into the trust IT system will work better, most trusts will have a standard process, however a clinican needs to request the transfer.

A referral to ortho to review MRI images done at a private hospital would be triaged against referrals for urgent operation request, so expect a long wait.

A consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon at the private hospital that did the MRI would be the quickest way to get some clinical context for the symptoms/images.


53,838 posts

260 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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The GP could (and may have) also referred him to an orthopaedic interface service*. They often won't accept a referral unless he's seen or at least been referred to physio.

(*ETA for the OP's benefit, this is staffed by specialist GPs and physios who can order/interpret scans and will steer you towards surgical opinion/injection therapy/physio.)

Edited by Bill on Sunday 3rd December 08:45


4,953 posts

235 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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I havent seen an NHS pc with a working cd rom drive for about 10 years. They were almost all disabled due to IG issues. Your NHS provider will be able to request mri images are sent from the private hosp. Maybe have a consult with the clinician who requested the scan at the private hosp


245 posts

99 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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For a year or so before lockdown, I had issues with not being able to get up out of the crappy meeting room chairs in the office due to pain in my coccyx area.

It got worse in lockdown as my cheap home office chair didn’t help. It got to a stage where I couldn’t sit down for longer than 5 minutes without being in extreme pain when trying to get up again. Bought a Herman miller chair from a refurb site which helped a little.

Tried the doctor who was basically useless. Sent me for online physio. She basically spent a few sessions telling me about how the medical service in Dubai was much better than in the UK.

What she did do was suggest finding someone who can do shockwave therapy.

Found a private physio who did that. She sent me for an MRI - it very quick to get the appointment (three days). Along with the cdrom and access to an online version of the images, they did a report and diagnosed a mildly degenerated Sacrum.

Shockwave was the most horrific experience ever but actually helped! After 5 or 6 goes at that it was much better but then levelled off ended up with getting an ultrasound guided cortisone injection which was painful and degrading (arse in the air, ultrasound very close to a place it REALLY shouldn’t be biggrin) but did the trick.

Long story short - forget the NHS (easier said than done sometimes, I know) and find a proper osteo/physio who knows what they’re doing.

Edited by Paulsd on Sunday 3rd December 09:38


3,588 posts

220 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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Thread hijack....

Who wants to see my recent MRI?.... quite proud of this one....


53,838 posts

260 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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1,735 posts

215 months

Monday 22nd January
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This took years and many sleepless nights (despite the morphine) to improve. It turns out I have a few auto immune issues and my body wouldn’t fix itself. Avoided any operations and now back to sort of normal.

The key is to try and fix it without a blade.


35 posts

8 months

Tuesday 23rd January
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I’ve orthopaedic surgeon next week. C5/6/7 impingement and numbness and pins and needles in left hand and index and middle finger.
Had it since October and been having physio every week since then. It has improved loads but this was the first appointment I could get even going private.
It’s been compounded by having shingles in my neck and shoulder at same place.
I thought about cancelling appointment as I’m a lot better and feels like the disc is not protruding as much.
But I would like MRI to show if there is underlying issues.

Richie Slow

7,500 posts

169 months

Wednesday 24th January
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Pishtonhead said:
I’ve orthopaedic surgeon next week. C5/6/7 impingement and numbness and pins and needles in left hand and index and middle finger.
Had it since October and been having physio every week since then. It has improved loads but this was the first appointment I could get even going private.
It’s been compounded by having shingles in my neck and shoulder at same place.
I thought about cancelling appointment as I’m a lot better and feels like the disc is not protruding as much.
But I would like MRI to show if there is underlying issues.
I had the numbness and loss of sensation/ strength that worsened over the years.

NHS consultant said that he wouldn't see me unless I went private. ( Not sure that's entirely correct to be able to use the NHS to canvass for private work).

Paid for a private MRI, took it to another surgeon and had it fixed in a fortnight. C5, C6 and C7 now all fused together , it was like an instant fix when I awoke from the surgery.

if your discs have worn down and you have bone spurs you have very few options. The numbness often comes from the nerves being pinched as they try to leave the spinal column by way of small channels between the vertebrae.

Cost me £12K seven years ago and been fabulous ever since. ( I had to borrow the money)