Recurrent cold sores



Original Poster:

876 posts

99 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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I started getting cold sores a few years back, about 2 or 3 outbreaks a year. The only trigger I have identified is periods of stress/worry coupled with poor sleep. I do try to avoid stress but sometimes you can’t. I’m wondering if there’s anything else I can do to prevent outbreaks. I play football, diets not the best but I’m not overweight, don’t drink or smoke. Blood tests have always come back clear and my gp doesn’t seem to be bothered. Maybe some supplements like Zinc would help?


5,533 posts

215 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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Almost always triggered when the body is under too much stress - lack of food (or good food), sleep, hydration, too much exercise, mental stress (work, relationships etc)

I find sleep and food play the biggest role, so I’d look at them first, then hydration and exercise. Try and combat stress, alongside.

So check your diet, and try and rest more, stress less.
Haven’t found anything else that helps tbh

Mr Squarekins

1,148 posts

67 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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Another thing to be aware as a cause for them to flare up, is sudden changes in temperature.

Leaving an ice cold a/c environment into a hot day for example, and vice versa. Difficult to prevent, but be aware.


550 posts

27 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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Isn't 'cold sore' another term for facial herpes?


27,536 posts

178 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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Sunlight is a biggie.

Also extremes of temperature as mentioned.

Not a lot you can do.


787 posts

82 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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Stress bring mine on.

Best solution by far when applied quick enough is the compeed patches, I find them extremely effective.


59 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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Use a cream containing aciclovir, if you apply it as soon as you feel the tingle of a cold sore coming you can often nip them in the bud.

No cure unfortunately, just follow the advice above re: sun, stress etc.


2,391 posts

237 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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The only thing which helps me - and can stop the blister forming if I react quick enough - is L-lycine.

I take absolutely loads of the stuff for a couple of days, probably 10,000mg. It seems to work though.

Apparently some people take a much lower dose, maybe 1000mg every day as a preventative measure but I only get an out break once a year generally.


91 posts

240 months

Sunday 13th August 2023
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Having suffered with cold sores as a kid, I know the NHS won't care.

However, these days you can get pre-infection or infection packs of Valtrex tablets that can stop cold sores forming or get them gone overnight.

You can order It online via Superdrug etc, just google it.

Would echo the Compeed pads being brill as well. I also keep a few Sterets handy to clean the area before applying.


Original Poster:

876 posts

99 months

Sunday 13th August 2023
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Thanks for the suggestions, appreciated. My sleep hasn’t been good lately and I think that’s the main reason.

Origin Unknown

2,338 posts

174 months

Monday 14th August 2023
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They're a bugger, aren't they?

As with you OP, stress brings them on for me. IME, Zovirax works best for me if I can get cream on as soon as I feel the tingle. As in within 30 seconds. I keep Zovirax in the car, my home office, bed side table, and laptop bag, and whenever I travel it's stashed away in my rucksack. Miss that 30 second window and it's 7 days before it's fully clear.

Paul Dishman

4,792 posts

242 months

Monday 14th August 2023
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Origin Unknown said:
They're a bugger, aren't they?

As with you OP, stress brings them on for me. IME, Zovirax works best for me if I can get cream on as soon as I feel the tingle. As in within 30 seconds. I keep Zovirax in the car, my home office, bed side table, and laptop bag, and whenever I travel it's stashed away in my rucksack. Miss that 30 second window and it's 7 days before it's fully clear.
That's the correct way to use it. I think the OP would also benefit from a course of an oral anti-viral such as acyclovir, repeated a couple of times a year


2,854 posts

62 months

Tuesday 15th August 2023
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I started getting more of them a few years ago and like others have said, my doctor really didn't care. This annoyed me because it was genuinely getting me down as going into meetings at work etc. I was feeling very self conscious.

For me, sun is the big trigger. I've started applying suncream routinely on days out and I do think it's helped. Often I'd get caught out on a sunny spring day, catch the sun and 2 days later get one.

I also think when I was taking a multivitamin I got more of them - possibly due to too much vitamin D.


Original Poster:

876 posts

99 months

Tuesday 15th August 2023
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Interesting, had always thought Vit D was good for the immune system. I take 2000iu per day and then a multi-vit on top. Maybe it’s too much?

Peanut Gallery

2,492 posts

115 months

Wednesday 16th August 2023
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You can get an oral aciclovir, yes, it is "just" facial herpes, but be glad it is staying near your mouth - it can travel to your eyes, neck, etc.

If it is really recurring, and more than 3 times a year, and giving you viral fatigue incessantly, you can go onto a low daily dose of aciclovir.


379 posts

172 months

Wednesday 16th August 2023
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Was only a few years ago i realised that coldsores was actually herpes lol,
Going to the pharmacy one day and asking for something for it when she replied ah herpes,
Took me by surprise lol, i had no idea

For me what sets them off is, Sunlight, stress, fatigue and too much booze.
And my life leads me to all, sigh.
Zovirax, I apply very often. Even when i do not show symptoms of having a flare up... i put a bit on before bed or before work, works a treat.

Only flares if i dont apply the stuff,
As someone else mentioned, i always have a packet of it somewhere, Also have the antiviral tablets but not taking them atm.


2,159 posts

94 months

Wednesday 16th August 2023
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AI1601 said:
Interesting, had always thought Vit D was good for the immune system. I take 2000iu per day and then a multi-vit on top. Maybe it’s too much?
Unless you do not venture outside for multiple days you do not need to take Vit D from the start of April to the end of September


3,162 posts

227 months

Wednesday 16th August 2023
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montymoo said:
Was only a few years ago i realised that coldsores was actually herpes lol,
Going to the pharmacy one day and asking for something for it when she replied ah herpes,
Took me by surprise lol, i had no idea
Could be worse, I got acyclovir tablets on prescription to take..

When I picked it up, the pharmacist questioned
“I’m not sure why it says start taking on 28th of June & not straight away”. The look on her face when I said
“Oh I don’t have any issues now but I’m going on holiday then & it’s preventative”

FYI - I got prescribed in my 30’s after a bad outbreak, I took photos & got an appointment at the doctors to show them photos. A box lasts me ages as I only take on holiday (trigger is sun) or if I get an actual cold (my nose blisters if it gets red with all the blowing with tissues.).


Original Poster:

876 posts

99 months

Thursday 17th August 2023
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Booked an online appointment with my GP asking for antivirals for the next outbreak. Got a call back from a ‘clinician’ who ignored everything I wrote and has sent me for a blood test to check for coeliac (which my brother has) and crohn’s. From what I’ve read herpes isn’t related but I guess they know best?? To top it off I’ve come down with a sore throat/cold. Just great.