Random swollen tendons and pain that moves around foot

Random swollen tendons and pain that moves around foot



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1,211 posts

56 months

Thursday 3rd August 2023
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For the past couple of years I've had this issue where I wake up in the morning with an intense pain and swollen tendons in various parts of my right less (sometimes my left). The location of the pain can change with each instance. For example, one time it was near my cuboid/back of 5th metatarsal, another time it's pain across the top and bottom of my foot near the 4th/5th metatarsal. I usually pop some Naxproxen for a few days and it goes away.

Last week I woke up one morning and my achilles tendon was swollen and painful. A couple of days later it started to subside but then I woke up with pain and swelling around my cuboid/back of 5th metatarsal, then this morning I've woke up and now the pain is on the bottom of my foot under the 4th and 5th metatarsal. The problem is, I have no idea why it's happening. I can't walk without pain, and the intense pain can wake me up and night. The pain in more intense first thing on a morning.

I've not done any exercise to cause it and there's never any reason why the pain comes on, it seems entirely random.

If I go to the GP, I know I'll be sent away with inflammatories and told to go back in a couple of week if the pain hasn't gone. Problem is, it will have gone.

Has anyone experiences similar or have any potential suggestions of what the cause could be? Then at least I can arm myself with some information before I contact the GP.

I'm in my early 40's, not that active in terms of exercise, and about 86kg.


42,370 posts

205 months

Thursday 3rd August 2023
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Sounds exactly like I get ! seems random and have had all sorts of investigations with nothing really conclusive.

Starts in one place, then migrates around my foot over a week or two, then, all of a sudden it goes. Was made worse by Covid, and also when I had the vaccines it flared as well. Affects both feet randomly as well, seems biased to my left more, but my last problem was with my right.

Had one a couple of months back having spent to days replacing the shingles on my garden cabin and kneeling down/squatting on it.

Have a minor pain in my Achilles from running the other day, so cant go today until it settles, its usually at the point where it joins your foot.

Have had it where its utter, abject misery and cant sleep, and sometimes I just end up limping a bit. It feels like thats it and it ill never go away, but it fades over a day or two and am back to normal.

Think my problem is, it gets a bit better I cant stop myself doing stuff and really resent not being able to do what I normally do so try and exacerbate it, when really it just needs resting, maybe some ice or heat and Naproxen as mentioned. Narproxen are the only thing that help, bascially like long acting Ibuprofen so if its not to bad its like you are fine, but need to remember to rest it.

Never had a proper diagnosis, I think its maybe an autoimmune response to some damage caused by normal stuff that would, by itself just be a niggle for a day or two, but the immune system goes postal on it, and floods it.

I do calf raises at the gym to try and strengthen it, think stretching (when its not happening) helps and maybe being lighter, if nothing else when it happens being lighter means its easier to get about, and maybe there is less pressure from weight to cause that initial damage, and at least when I am down to a nomral weight nobody can say its "Gout cos your a fat knacker" biggrin

Good luck with it, sorry to hear you have it but its good to compare notes with someone who has what sounds like the same, really random and debilitating occasional problem.


639 posts

146 months

Thursday 3rd August 2023
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I get this as well!! Been to the docs a few times and to "walk" in physios. They couldn't find out what was wrong. Extremely painful and sometimes I can't even drive as I cannot use the pedals.

I'm early 40's too. I've given up going to the docs now as by the time I get an appointment, it clears up. (5 days - 7days).

Happens about 2 or 3 times a year.

I've just been living with it and have chalked it up as old age and too much jumping out of trees or off 1 story buildings as a kid!

Glad to see I'm not the only one though!

Bazooka Joe

61 posts

124 months

Thursday 3rd August 2023
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My wife has similar and it has been linked to previous back/ spinal injury. Despite the being no obvious compression on MRI and years of various specialists. For her, it is basically down to how the body has 'learnt' to manifest pain which flares up and can be both feet as you describe. 'Pain Management' specialist is the workable solution which has reduced the frequency but it is something she will have to live with.


Original Poster:

1,211 posts

56 months

Thursday 3rd August 2023
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Bazooka Joe said:
My wife has similar and it has been linked to previous back/ spinal injury. Despite the being no obvious compression on MRI and years of various specialists. For her, it is basically down to how the body has 'learnt' to manifest pain which flares up and can be both feet as you describe. 'Pain Management' specialist is the workable solution which has reduced the frequency but it is something she will have to live with.
There might be some link there.

I sit at a desk all day, so back issues are something I've experienced.

I had an MRI on my back a few months back which highlighted some bulging discs and some degeneration. I made some appointments with a chiro who did some adjustments over a few visits and the back issues are more or less gone, but I do wonder if something is still going on?

I also thought, is low blood flow to my foot? I do tend to get regular toe nail infections in the foot that experiences the pain the most.

I also damaged the cartridge in that angle about 15 or so year ago, so sometimes I think maybe it's related to that.

Like many have said, by the time you get a GP appointment, the pain has gone. I keep a supply of Naxproxen as it's the only think that tends to help. I just ring the GP when I'm almost out and explain about my ankle injury and they make me up a prescription.

I'm glad others have the same issue and it's not just me going crazy.


5,669 posts

167 months

Thursday 3rd August 2023
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Have you checked for gout?


Original Poster:

1,211 posts

56 months

Thursday 3rd August 2023
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s1962a said:
Have you checked for gout?
How would you check for that?

I did have a health check at the GP last month, and nothing came up on the blood tests.


5,669 posts

167 months

Thursday 3rd August 2023
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TheBinarySheep said:
s1962a said:
Have you checked for gout?
How would you check for that?

I did have a health check at the GP last month, and nothing came up on the blood tests.
It does require a blood test. I had bad ankle pain that got worse with exercise, and they couldn't find anything wrong 'biomechanically' - this went on for a couple of years. I was referred for a blood test and they found my uric acid levels were high and the medicine made the pain go away in a few days. As the pain moves around it made me think it could be gout - If you already did a blood test then it's probably not that smile


42,370 posts

205 months

Thursday 3rd August 2023
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s1962a said:
TheBinarySheep said:
s1962a said:
Have you checked for gout?
How would you check for that?

I did have a health check at the GP last month, and nothing came up on the blood tests.
It does require a blood test. I had bad ankle pain that got worse with exercise, and they couldn't find anything wrong 'biomechanically' - this went on for a couple of years. I was referred for a blood test and they found my uric acid levels were high and the medicine made the pain go away in a few days. As the pain moves around it made me think it could be gout - If you already did a blood test then it's probably not that smile
I have been tested for Gout, nothing ever came up and knowing some folk with Gout, this doesnt seem similar, they tend to get it int he toe joints, thought it can be others, it comes and it stays until the flare up has gone and doesnt do the moving round thing. There issues seem to be its red and hot, usually swollen where this has very minimal swelling if any.

My doc was at a loss and offered me Allupurinol, which I accepted as was ready to try anything, but the consultant I was seeing said "its definitely not gout, whats she put you on that st for, stop immediately, you dont want to be taking that unless you have to be", to be fair I think I put her under pressure to try it as was so pissed off and in a lot of pain.

It may well be reffered pain from something else, and the autoimmune thing also seems plausible, I had a flare up when I got Covid and hadnt had it in ages, I had the offer of the booster a month later and went for it, it was pretty much 90 percent better by then and it then went mental again after the injection.

Today, I have some minor pain in my Achilles, but thinks thats being old, a bit overweight and running, then not stretching properly afterwards, doesnt feel like its going to flare up, I kind of watch it and stop doing anything too heavy on it and if it feels like its getting worse thats when I crack open the Narproxen. Dont go taking those if you dont need them, they are quite heavy duty, not in that they knock you out or anything but they can wreck your stomach and cause Kidney damage, usually prescribed with Omzaperazole to mitigate the stomach effects, and always take them with food, I tend to have something like Porridge, get halfway through and have them, then eat the rest.

I have been given various diagnosis but nothing really rings true, seen physios, orthopedic consultant, Consultant Rheumatologist, GP's and probably other ones I have forgotten, nearest to a diagnosis was an Avulsion fracture that was healing and pulling away again, maybe some wear and tear but that doesnt explain the other foot, kind of given up on the medical investigations after X rays, blood tests, MRIs etc, consultantations.


1,264 posts

197 months

Sunday 18th February
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Has anyone had any luck finding the cause or magic cure for this?

I’ve been getting it for about 10 years. Most recent flare up has went on for 5 weeks and it has a massive impact as I cannot walk when it’s at its worst.

I’ve got very flat feet, been wearing insoles religiously for 9 months and it had stopped it until this flare up.