Weird ear issue



Original Poster:

4,479 posts

51 months

Sunday 2nd April 2023
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This is going to be hard to explain!

Had a viral infection new year, main issue was ears, blockages and muffled hearing.

All gone now, but what I do have is a slightly weird hollow feeling in my ears, I can almost feel a vibration when i click teeth almost as if there is fluid in there or something, I don't know.

I do blow them open like you would on a plane now and then and it clears the canal a bit but this weird sort of hollow inner sound is still there, don't know if its always been there, i think not!

Hearing is fine, no issues, but just feels a bit odd.


4,303 posts

40 months

Sunday 2nd April 2023
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Onset of tinnitus, welcome to the old gits club !


76 posts

66 months

Sunday 2nd April 2023
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The infection bit sounds similar to what I have now, although I'm still struggling to hear very well nearly 6 weeks later. I would advise trying to get to see your GP for peace of mind. Out of interest how are you clearing the blockages?


5,838 posts

220 months

Sunday 2nd April 2023
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I had similar, ending up at ear, nose and throat department at local hospital.

After having hearing test, confirmed slight hearing loss, then cameras up nostrils, that confirmed wax/liquid behind eardrum, being prescribed Beconase nasal spray, and also advised to treat my dry nostrils with Vaseline.


18,366 posts

205 months

Sunday 2nd April 2023
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Sounds like it’s a middle ear issue


Original Poster:

4,479 posts

51 months

Sunday 2nd April 2023
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I was given a sort of spray at the time to clear it, this worked a little but not much.

What happened was a sinus infection in one side, the spray cleared that, but the infection then worked across presumably via sinus to the other side and that took ages to clear.

I used the spray until it ran out, but I think another poster was right as it came across it is perhaps now middle ear rather than outer and might be something trapped.

I do not use buds or anything and do not have ear wax issues, quite the opposite my ears are very clean apparently, but I had issues as a child, grommets etc and I have also had issues with severe pain from pressure etc. This infection one night I had severe pressure then a sort of crack as it cleared, bubbling and some watery leakage, then it cleared. Nothing from other side. But this was January.

I would also add I am a motorsport fan and have been going for many years, so that might not have helped but so far my hearing is fine, I do get occasionally tinnitus but it usually passes.


12,728 posts

184 months

Sunday 2nd April 2023
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This has appeared in the health forum alot and i curently hae the same. started around new years and still have it. got nasel spray from docs which has done nothing.

ear is blocked as if underwater but as you say hold nose and blow equals the presure but as soon as i swallow it returns. also a ringing in the ear...


2,015 posts

153 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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I've got an ear problem too. Started when I had a very bad viral throat infection over xmas/new year, it's left me with a blocked Eustachion Tube in my right ear which I can't clear using the blowing method. I've been waiting for an appointment with the ENT at the local hospital for the last 6 weeks so that I can be advised whether they are going to be able to clear the "blockage".


15,352 posts

219 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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vulture1 said:
This has appeared in the health forum alot and i curently hae the same. started around new years and still have it. got nasel spray from docs which has done nothing.

ear is blocked as if underwater but as you say hold nose and blow equals the presure but as soon as i swallow it returns. also a ringing in the ear...
I have the exact same issue and it too only started at the turn of the year.


811 posts

94 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Similar issues here since October, father in law has had the same. Another friend had an ear drum burst.
Seems to come and go, was better Jan-March but back again now. Definitely seems to be middle ear-ish as can affect balance a little as well.
I went to see an ENT privately in Jan and he advised it was a low level viral infection. I suspect it’s this winters version of cold as I haven’t been really snotty at all this winter, just this bloody ear stuff!


Original Poster:

4,479 posts

51 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Seems like we have all had viral infections and sinus type infections, that was my case.

I will add it does not cause me any real issues, I am just aware something is not quite right.


171 posts

97 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Yeah same issue here. Never had a muffled lug before.
Had Covid a few weeks back then a stupid cough/clearing back of throat.

Feels like pressure from flying crossed with water in the ear from swimming.

Struggling to hear left side.


15,352 posts

219 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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RoamingBull said:
Feels like pressure from flying crossed with water in the ear from swimming.

Struggling to hear left side.
That's exactly how would describe my experience.


Original Poster:

4,479 posts

51 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Has anyone come across any remedies, there is very little you can do from a Boots say, perhaps a pharmacy could help? Doctor is like trying to get an NHS dentist, impossible!


171 posts

97 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Went to Medi centre out here.

They sent a camera down my lugs.

Ear in question showed inflammation of inner ear area. I've had a cough/dry nose for a week or so after covid from our skiing trip. Guess it's all related to this lot.

Ear and Nose specialist prescribed me a weeks supply of Antibiotics with nasal spray 3 sprays per day. Stated it would take some time to fully clear. Bloody irritating it is tbh.


12,728 posts

184 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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I saw a doc (st local doc i dont rate) who said it was blocked ear canal and gave me just a nasel spray
I went to see a more specialist at a pharmacy who specialises in ears. At leat it was described to me better and shown the "problem"
Also went for a hearing test just the cheap one at an optitcians. hearing seemed ok.

Still have the blocked feeling and its been 4 months now.


1,615 posts

187 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Sounds like eustacian tube dysfunction. Google nasal rinsing. Decongestants and antihistamines etc have little supporting evidence. They along with steroid sprays can cause a rebound effect.


42,373 posts

205 months

Thursday 6th April 2023
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Thought I had the Eustachian tube thing, long story short went to a private doc as the NHS was a two year waist and despite being told my ears were clar he found a lump of imacted wax, couldnt move it so said squirt some bicarb ear drops in and come back in two weeks, which I did.

In the meantime it felt a bit better so I squirted some warm water from a syringe, a few bits of crud came out then felt it clear and a piece the size of half a peanut came out, not perfect but its 90 percent better than it was, so satisfying it being cleared and being able to hear again, still got a bit of tinnitus but can live with that, done it since and a bit cam out, migth be just something I have to do periodically.

Had insurance but had already used the measly £1500 outpatient limit, so they paid £16, and I have paid £584 biggrin £600 and I was in 15 minutes the first time, and 10 the second !

Still, it worked and when I was suffering with this at its worse if someone said £600 and I will sort it, I would have snapped their hand off.


914 posts

153 months

Thursday 6th April 2023
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cuprabob said:
RoamingBull said:
Feels like pressure from flying crossed with water in the ear from swimming.

Struggling to hear left side.
That's exactly how would describe my experience.
I’ve had exactly this for around 7 months now. It came on about a week after getting back from holiday in August where I had been doing a lot of swimming underwater. Initially I thought I had an ear infection, but actual discomfort passed after a few days and left me with the blocked/pressure feeling that won’t clear. I also feel like my hearing is reduced by maybe 10-20%. It doesn’t feel like there is actually water in there.

In the Autumn I tried to get a GP appt but was only able to see the practice nurse. She looked in my ears and declared them very clean/clear, and suggested I went to Spec Savers (yes) to get a free hearing test. I did this and it came back normal, although I still feel my hearing is reduced.

I haven’t done anything more about it yet, but intend to, despite having no confidence in my local GP practice to have a clue or refer me appropriately. I guess I will have to go private. Any other suggestions on here would be most welcome!


Original Poster:

4,479 posts

51 months

Friday 7th April 2023
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I think then issue occurring here is that none of this is life threatening so nobody seems to take it seriously, almost seems like "you are fine" yet it could be an issue that develops into a problem later and nobody seems to give a toss!

I get that I understand the pressures, but it seems as a patient you have to be relentless to get anything done!