Headaches then feeling sick... or vice versa?

Headaches then feeling sick... or vice versa?



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4,890 posts

220 months

Sunday 12th March 2023
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Putting this one out here, not that I expect the miracle answer but it's been ongoing for a while now and frankly, I'm fed up...

For the past few years I've had sporadic headaches, always feels like a dull pain behind my right eye which in turn ends up making me feel quite sick and more often than, not... I'll be sick. Best way to describe it is like a sort of groggy hangover but what seems a bit odd is that when said headaches start, I get very gassy too and start burping and feel like I need to go a have a number 2, even if I don't. But oddly, if I am sick or nip to the toilet, it does ease the symptoms slightly though the headaches will linger on and over the counter paracetamol etc don't really do much.

I have been to my GP on a couple of occasions but they don't seem that interested and on the last visit, I was prescribed anti-sickness tablets along with Sumatriptan.... the latter of which I've only taken once overnight as they state I shouldn't be driving or doing dangerous things and well, that's my day job so more often than not I'll just try and power on through it, assuming it doesn't build to the point where I'm being sick and / or lying in a dark room hoping it'll pass.

I have done a bit research on the subject, more so the link between gastro and headaches... and on the back of it I have tried a few things myself like cutting back on dairy, not eating cheese as much and trying the likes of Rennies tablets but it should probably be said that I don't have any known issues in that respect, no underlying tummy / gut concerns, don't wear glasses, fit, healthy, 41 year old however said headaches seems to be lasting longer (been battling one of the past three days now) and it's always the same groggy, strangely tired / weak / cold plus feeling sick along with a constant headache symptoms.

Looking to book another appointment with my doctor this week as it's having a bit of an effect on work... sadly I have a job where you need to be at your best physically and mentally day to day and so batting this st when it arrives is just becoming a chore. As said, not expecting the miracle cure but just putting it out there in case anybody can relate / has any thoughts?



11,340 posts

214 months

Sunday 12th March 2023
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Sounds like migraine headaches to me, I have suffered with them since I was around 11/12 years old, thankfully over the years got to know what sets them off so very rare I get them now


11,176 posts

186 months

Sunday 12th March 2023
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I agree, migraine. Mine are similar to what you describe. It comes on and think it’s just a headache then it gets worse.

It’s not uncommon that vomiting helps, but no one understands why.

Mine are typically triggered if I am out on a sunny day without sunglasses or have to drive in low sun without them.

I take solpadine max when I think I have one now and that is effective for me.

tactical lizard

172 posts

136 months

Sunday 12th March 2023
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Do you take multi vitamins at all? A deficiency in B6 can cause migraines. I went from nearly daily migraines to once every couple of months by just taking B6


Original Poster:

4,890 posts

220 months

Monday 13th March 2023
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Thanks chaps.

I've tried to keep note, albeit mentally of when / where etc however there's nothing really that I can say is a common factor. Initially I had a theory that it was due to it being too warm at night as quite regularly I'd wake up with that hangover / groggy feeling but given they can occur at any time, it's not that and nor can I see any other trigger. Likewise, I've tried to make some changes to my lifestyle - less caffine, more water, more sleep now that the kids are a bit older etc etc but nothing has really reduced the issues.

My wife was initially was a bit skeptical when I claimed that when said headache really kicks off and thus I end up feeling sick and inevitably being sick... or having to take a trip to the toilet for a seat for a bit, after it does feel slightly better but really the only thing that does ease it a bit is a combination of hiding under the covers and time. She's fairly convinced it's stress related and is quick to point out that I do get "pre-match nerves" as it were, usually before a long drive or similar but never a headache.

What's prompted me to think about this a bit more is that lately, and by that I'd say the past 12 months I've had more prolonged but less severe headaches without the sickness but it's a lottery as to whether they'll progress and it's also a lottery as to whether the bad symptoms will pass or a milder headache will linger on. Last week / today has been such an case... started getting a lingering headache Wednesday afternoon but powered on, it's what we do, but Thursday I just felt floored and a bit shaky and cold. That stuck around for a couple of days but yesterday evening it kicked off with a headache and the usual nausea then really gassy, which usually means being sick isn't far off and I was.

Feel utterly floored today, possibly due to being sick overnight and a lack of sleep but said headache is lingering... he says whilst looking at a screen (though I add, that's not my day job) and still feel a bit "iffy" Taken a couple of anti-sickness tablets, though last nights probably didn't last long and then took a Sumatriptan last night but hard to say if it did anything... I'm not convinced, I still feel like crap today. As for vitamins, I did start religiously taking multi-vitamins as of last year but again, impossible to say if they're doing anything.

This is nothing new to be honest but a change in roles means I'm mostly working solo, quite a distance from home and doing quite physically involved work which requires full focus and so there is an increased worry that when a headache decides to kick off big time, it's putting me in a tricky situation. Last time I had to down tools, abandon the van and my wife came to pick me up. Plus between this and a Covid hit early in the year, I'm also slightly concerned that it's painting a bad picture of my attendance as far as my employer goes - they have the "three strikes and it's discussion time" policy which is fair enough but again, it's a role that dictates you can't really have an easy day if you're not feeling on good form plus working with a headache / under the influence of strong medication is potentially dangerous so it's a bit catch 22.

The joys!


2,335 posts

200 months

Monday 13th March 2023
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I had very similar symptoms for years and was eventually diagnosed as follows:

- the sickness feeling was a consequence of the pain of the headaches. I was prescribed pain relief by suppository as it had got to the point where when the headaches were bad I couldn't take or keep down pain relief taken orally. Once I could get the pain under control the nausea went away.

- when I sought investigation into headaches my blood pressure was found to be at the "how are you still walking around sir????" level. Once that was under control my headaches and associated nausea have gone away. I was around 40, going through a stty divorce, in a stressful job and had a high BMI for what it's worth.

Obviously everyone is different but I would get your blood pressure checked and if high I would monitor it daily and seek treatment until it's back in "normal bounds"


Original Poster:

4,890 posts

220 months

Monday 13th March 2023
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That makes for interesting reading. I honestly can't remember the last time I had my blood pressure checked - being honest, my last GP appointment, he didn't seem remotely interested and gave me anti-sickness and pain relief and showed me the door. Have pretty much suffered in silence since. Well, not silence as I do my fair share of pathetic whining to my wife but she's getting fed up now and suggests I need to find a solution or at least, first try and understand the problem more but she is also sticking to her "stress" diagnosis whereas I still try and blame that cheese I had last Monday. I think I'll make an appointment and suggest / hope the GP is a bit more willing.


2,335 posts

200 months

Monday 13th March 2023
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Davie said:
That makes for interesting reading. I honestly can't remember the last time I had my blood pressure checked - being honest, my last GP appointment, he didn't seem remotely interested and gave me anti-sickness and pain relief and showed me the door. Have pretty much suffered in silence since. Well, not silence as I do my fair share of pathetic whining to my wife but she's getting fed up now and suggests I need to find a solution or at least, first try and understand the problem more but she is also sticking to her "stress" diagnosis whereas I still try and blame that cheese I had last Monday. I think I'll make an appointment and suggest / hope the GP is a bit more willing.
You can get BP monitors for £20 on line, and a week's worth of high readings would give you enough data to get the GPs attention. (I have to do an average of 3 morning & evening for a week when I am in for a medication review)

If it's not BP, you do have to drive them to get a diagnosis of the root cause. Most do seem to work on you'll come back if the prescription I've given you doesn't sort it but they don't tell you that, or if they do I haven't been listening!


Original Poster:

4,890 posts

220 months

Monday 13th March 2023
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In some ways I feel like I make mountains out of mole hills (ironically the "Health Anxiety" thread has been bumped up today!) and like most things in life that I complain about - cars, the kids, my missus and her faffing... I sometimes need to take a step back, stop, think and realised that really in the bigger scale of things, it's not bad at all. But and it's a big but, it's there and it's real and I think I'm more concerned about the impact it has had / can have on my job plus I also have the kids a day at the weekend and when this really kicks in, I'm pretty much no good for anything but now the consequences are much greater which is why I think I'm eager to try and identify and at least manage or control.

Strangely, this has lingered on much longer over the past 24hrs and whilst I've a slight headache that paracetamol etc isn't clearing, I still feel a bit sick and a wee bit disconnected, that slight jelly limbs feeling... but now I can't decide if that's the medication that was provided or lingering symptoms that for some reasons, aren't clearing as quickly as they have previously. And that concerns me. Doesn't help that last night there was an advert for headaches and the NHS chirpily saying "Could be a brain tumour" now that they've stopped telling us a cough could be cancer and I jokingly said to my wife "See, it's a brain tumour" and she was not amused. Rang the GP, GP says we're busy mate... try calling back in the morning.


6 posts

27 months

Monday 13th March 2023
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I'd agreed with Collectingbrass - it could very well be blood pressure related. Having spent the night in hospital last week after the Doc took my blood pressure and sent me directly to hospital as it was so high, I'm now very aware of the risks! I had no idea!

I had what I thought were migraines for about a year - headaches leading to being sick. It looks like that was down to very very high blood pressure.

If your GP won't check can you book in with the nurse for a blood pressure test? Or as suggested above - just buy a blood pressure monitor. At least you can rule that out, and if it's really high you have something for them to work with.


1,873 posts

40 months

Tuesday 14th March 2023
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Davie said:
I have been to my GP on a couple of occasions but they don't seem that interested and on the last visit, I was prescribed anti-sickness tablets along with Sumatriptan.... the latter of which I've only taken once overnight as they state I shouldn't be driving or doing dangerous things and well, that's my day job so more often than not I'll just try and power on through it, assuming it doesn't build to the point where I'm being sick and / or lying in a dark room hoping it'll pass.
Change GP to one who will listen


2,849 posts

110 months

Tuesday 14th March 2023
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Any health insurance with private GP available through your work?


7,031 posts

131 months

Tuesday 14th March 2023
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Another one for checking blood pressure and being able to at least rule it out if it's at normal levels. High blood pressure can cause headaches.


1,261 posts

164 months

Wednesday 15th March 2023
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Don’t want to sound alarmist, but a friend had these exact symptoms and was diagnosed with a brain tumour and is very sadly no longer with us. RiP Pete.
Go to your GP and don’t be fobbed off until they take your plight seriously.
Blood pressure and a blood analysis would be the first steps of screening for what the cause could be.

Edited by dobly on Wednesday 15th March 02:14


320 posts

165 months

Wednesday 15th March 2023
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Water consumption - are you drinking enough? Fizzy drinks, tea and coffee do not count (or alcohol!)

Eye sight test - when did you last have them checked?

Temperature - are your symptoms not helped by cranking up the heating at home, office, car?

Diet - have you changed what you consume over the past few years? Dairy and gluten can cause headaches for some. You don’t have to be gluten intolerant to suffer a mild form of it.

Check the simple stuff whilst you wait for your follow up

Edited by projectgt on Wednesday 15th March 03:39


2,801 posts

87 months

Wednesday 15th March 2023
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dobly said:
Don’t want to sound alarmist, but a friend had these exact symptoms and was diagnosed with a brain tumour and is very sadly no longer with us. RiP Pete.
Go to your GP and don’t be fobbed off until they take your plight seriously.
Blood pressure and a blood analysis would be the first steps of screening for what the cause could be.

Edited by dobly on Wednesday 15th March 02:14
You don’t want to sound alarmist?


Original Poster:

4,890 posts

220 months

Wednesday 15th March 2023
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Thanks gents

Still trying to get an appointment to speak to a GP but not feeling as crap as I have been over the past few days - bit of a lingering headache, feel a bit groggy and everything seems a bit more of an effort of late but that's been how I've felt for the past week or so, however I can live with most of that and usually brush it off as age / tired / stressy life but it's the nuke spec headache followed by very unsettled stomach then inevitable sickness that I'd really like to get under control as that is something I generally can't power on through, hence has a much more significant impact.

General health / day to day... reasonably fit, I have an active job and two kids under 5 and my diet whilst not brilliant isn't bad really... I don't live on takeaways and junk food. I do drink a decent amount of water daily and rarely drink fizzy juice and have almost cut my caffine intake to zero over the past few months. Don't smoke, never have and I'm not overweight and don't have any underlying health issued and my eyesight seems ok, hasn't been checked in a while but I've not noticed any issues - aside for the past week having inherited a sticky eye infection from m y 2yr old but that's under control and looking better.

Temperature is an interesting one as initially, way back I'd first thought it could be due to the house being too warm at night - I'm not great with stuffy heat, as a result my house generally sits around 18degs and our room is cooler than that most nights, must to my wife's disgust but I've accepted her whining and being wrapped up in 78 layers is a small price to pay. But again, past few times have been during the day so overnight temperature can't be that relevant. When said headaches kick in, I do find myself feeling cold, shivery... and past few times I've found myself going in a hot shower, usually after being sick then going to bed or I'll find myself in the van, heaters cranked up and just feeling rough. Certainly hot water over my head seems to help a bit, albeit it short term.

I have debated a watch of some sort that monitors heart rate / blood pressure... but don't wish to fuel paranoia but maybe it's something I do need to consider. I do occasionally get a bit of a mad heart racing thing going on, I'd mentioned that a while back to a previous GP and they did a basic ECG and said they had no concerns. Similarly, my last blood pressure check was probably a long time ago so something I intend to raise assuming the next GP is a little more interested in my concerns.

My wife is convinced it's stress related and maybe to an extent, some of it is... like many, life has been a challenge and that rarely goes unnoticed health wise more so if it drags on for a prolonged period but that does't really explain / justify the headaches / sickness as they can come on at any given time - I've woken up with it, I've had it kick in when on a nice, relaxed long drive (that was fun!) and I've had them come on when I'm at work, doing a fairly routine job and again, I can't see any common factor.

I've usually just shrugged it off as one of those things... but of late there seems to be a bit more lingering symptoms, granted mild but still there and that along with the impact a proper session has on work / home life is what has prompted me to try and find some sort of resolution. If such a thing even exists.

Edit: 12th of April is the earliest my GP surgery can do... I guess it's better than my dentist who said end of May. That's probably why I haven't ever really done much about it. The irony is I used to work in the motor trade and people would go off on one if you quoted a two week lead time for a service...

Edited by Davie on Wednesday 15th March 11:06


7,031 posts

131 months

Wednesday 15th March 2023
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Buy a fifty quid blood pressure monitor, electronic with the cuff which pumps up. It'll measure your heart rate too when it's doing its thing. You might know someone who actually owns one which you might borrow - ask around. I wouldn't faff around with a smart watch which purports to measure blood pressure at this point in time as they're not cheap.


Original Poster:

4,890 posts

220 months

Wednesday 15th March 2023
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I've taken the advice by a few and have purchased a blood pressure monitor... and a fitness tracker watch. Just cheapy ones because I'm from Fife so you know, every penny is a prisoner. Blood pressure has returned at 125/74 with a heart rate of 72bpm. my wife suddenly looked interested, mainly as she was shocked I'd spent some money.... but her is 123/67 and a heart rate of 80bpm. I'll maybe try AM/PM over the next few days just as a matter of interest but initial thoughts... probably no need to call an ambulance. Still feeling a bit crap though, this lingering mild headache / groggy stuff just seems unwilling to bugger off despite assorted drugs.

Anyways, appreciate the advice.


1,945 posts

35 months

Wednesday 15th March 2023
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It sounds like a classic dairy intolerance. Basically the body is no longer able to metabolise lactose and the side effects you describe, gas, being sick, headache (probably sinus pain) and the rest are familiar symptoms associated with the digestion going into reverse to try and expel the offending diet. Unfortunately milk products are in just about everything and even some types of beer gets sweetened with lactose (ales). So I would suggest eliminating all dairy and see what happens. This includes milk products and anything with lactose in it. Then maybe consider MRIs for brain tumours and the like. Lots of people are dairy intolerant and don't realise it.