Low Plate Count



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744 posts

240 months

Friday 3rd February 2023
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Had some bleeding tests back on December last year due to an issue I was having. Came back clear relative to that problem, but doctor rang me saying I have low plate count of 22000, normal rate is 150000 to 400000. I then went for a second test Iver the Christmas break, it had gone up to 42000, but still low. Doctor asked.me if I had any unexpected bleeding nose and gums, or any bruising or spots beneath the skin. None of this apparent, but in the last week or so I've been feeling rubbish. Devoid of energy, foggy head, intermittent aching limbs. Now have haemotogy appointment on Monday.

Anyone have experience of this?

Oh, and suddenly started getting negative irritating tinnitus. Yippee!