Vape from Smoking?



Original Poster:

1,149 posts

159 months

Thursday 2nd February 2023
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Just wondering what experience people have switching from smoking to vaping?

I'm not a heavy or regular smoker. I work hard long hours and enjoy 1 cigarette in the evening almost as a relaxation thing. I don't drink in the week, but if I go to the pub or "out out" I will smoke more (socially, I suppose), this might be once a fortnight.

Middle of Jan I stopped for a bit, but started again a week or so ago. Chest feels heavier and more mucusy, even just having the 1 fag.

So I've been thinking about having an evening vape instead of a cig. Will a vape give me the same rush/chill out feeling? Looks like there's lots of different types.


Nico Adie

613 posts

48 months

Thursday 2nd February 2023
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I did it over 2 years ago, haven't gone back to the old Billy Braggs since then. I use a Smok Pen 22 and 88 Vape fluid - took me a while to settle on a flavour but I've been on Menthol Chill for the past 18 months, 18mg. I used to smoke about 10-15 a day, the savings from switching to vaping are incredible. They should really tax vape fluid more tbh!

ETA - yes, vaping does give the same nicotine rush. The only time I miss smoking now is after eating spicy food...


10 posts

138 months

Thursday 2nd February 2023
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I did this went cold turkey when my eldest was born (12 years ago nearly) then foolishly started up again when me and the ex split was happily going through 20+ a day which was costing a pretty penny, moved over to the elf bar disposables much better on the wallet (I know its not the cheapest way of doing things mind) a fair amount of different flavours so I'm sure you would find one to your preference no smoke smelling clothes either which is a bonus. I still feel like I get "the hit", last year had to go into hospital for heart issues when I said I vape I got a lot less of a telling off then the smokers on the ward I do plan to knock it on the head altogether in the near future mind.

Harry H

3,493 posts

161 months

Thursday 2nd February 2023
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The trouble I found with vaping is that unlike a cigarette it's never ending. So the occasional fag turned into being permanently attached to this electronic dummy. I was sucking away permanently. In the end it pissed me off so much I stopped altogether. So I suppose it worked.

I still carry around the nicotine lozenge's though for when the urge gets strong. I've found I'm really not addicted to smoking in the slightest. Nicotine is another thing altogether. I've been an addict for most of my adult life and I hope now I've found the least destructive way of getting my fix.


655 posts

147 months

Thursday 2nd February 2023
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Been on the vape for a year now, treat it the same way as a cig, so dont smoke indoors etc. Works for me.


25,122 posts

165 months

Thursday 2nd February 2023
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I wouldn't want to deter anybody from switching to vaping. A couple of years ago, the biggest study yet conducted into the damage to health from vaping compared to smoking found it to be IIRC 95% less damaging to health. That is huge.

However, my experience was similar to the below. I'd go as far as to say that I've never been so addicted to nicotine as I was while vaping. It's just too 'clean', too convenient, too available... you end up doing it all the more.

At the end of the day, vaping is what the tobacco companies have backed to ensure an ongoing dependence on Nicotine products.

Harry H said:
The trouble I found with vaping is that unlike a cigarette it's never ending. So the occasional fag turned into being permanently attached to this electronic dummy. I was sucking away permanently.


238 posts

41 months

Thursday 2nd February 2023
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I started vaping about four years ago and found it to be a great way to augment my cigarette smoking ;-)
like others, I found vaping almost too easy and probably enjoyed it more than cigarettes.
It was 'better' than smoking cigarettes - it gave the same hit and enjoyment but with a greater variety of flavours and for me a more techie/geeky appeal.

I gave up completely three years ago - I decided I would go for a walk and use the walk to go cold turkey.
700km and four weeks later it worked! Giving up turned out to be easier than I imagined.


4,108 posts

112 months

Thursday 2nd February 2023
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Harry H said:
The trouble I found with vaping is that unlike a cigarette it's never ending. So the occasional fag turned into being permanently attached to this electronic dummy. I was sucking away permanently. In the end it pissed me off so much I stopped altogether. So I suppose it worked.

I still carry around the nicotine lozenge's though for when the urge gets strong. I've found I'm really not addicted to smoking in the slightest. Nicotine is another thing altogether. I've been an addict for most of my adult life and I hope now I've found the least destructive way of getting my fix.
This was me about 7 years ago.

Went from 50g of rolling baccy to a vape about 8 years ago, after 6 months I was constantly puffing on the thing. One day 7 years ago on the 30 minuet drive home from work I realised I had been puffing on it for the whole drive home. When I parked up I left it in the drivers door pocket and never touched it again. Not smoked anything since.

Disclaimer If I pass someone smoking it makes me want a smoke. But I manage to resist.


13,327 posts

260 months

Thursday 2nd February 2023
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Made the switch 11 years ago. There was a 6-month period of a bit of smoking and a bit of vaping but the former just sort of petered out.

I actually enjoy it more although the comment about the increased regularity resonates with me as well. I've made a conscious effort to be more sporadic with it but easy to lapse.

Obviously not all vaping is alike. I could be sat next to you vaping and other than seeing me, you wouldn't know. Then you have the sub-ohm boys in their vans producing Cumulous Nimbus size plumes of cloud with every puff - which I despise and think if it weren't for them, we'd be allowed to vape in more indoor spaces than we are.

I was working in Cluj, Romania last year and out with some colleagues in the evening - most of whom smoke copiously. My vape battery died towards the end of the evening so emboldened by drink, I bummed a ciggie. First one I'd had in years. Managed two drags and that was enough - awful!


2,036 posts

175 months

Thursday 2nd February 2023
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I switched 11 years ago also, and similarly am not into the sub-ohm cloud stuff.

If the OP really smokes as little as posted then if that were me I wouldn't be worried about it.


12,278 posts

113 months

Thursday 2nd February 2023
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mooseracer said:
If the OP really smokes as little as posted then if that were me I wouldn't be worried about it.
That, I used to smoke and tried vaping when I stopped liking it. Never had the same appeal for me so I just stopped smoking tobacco altogether. If I wanted a cigarette now I'd have one.


1,993 posts

192 months

Thursday 2nd February 2023
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I Smoked for 15 years then switched to Vape about 5 years ago.

With the right juice and strength it will hit the same spot as a cigarette.

Feel much better (don't get gassed just walking up a hill anymore).

For quitting smoking, you want a MTL vape not a DTL cloud blower.


946 posts

139 months

Thursday 2nd February 2023
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It's ony 1 cigarette a day. If your that concerned then knock it on the head.