Broken molar


R Mutt

Original Poster:

5,893 posts

77 months

Thursday 12th January 2023
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It was about 5 years ago I was told my the private dentist it needed removing. I don't recall whether root canal was mentioned but I never went back to have the work done as it turned out my dental plan only covered NHS work and I never got round to going back under the NHS and it hasn't really troubled me since. But now it feels like the bulk of the remaining tooth is on its way out naturally. Do I need to get treatment to preempt this and avoid infection?


2,059 posts

113 months

Thursday 12th January 2023
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You know the answer to that… go and see your dentist and get it removed as it’s a focus of infection, it’s not a con…


1,492 posts

223 months

Thursday 12th January 2023
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Def get it checked.

Despite also having a broken molar (UR6) I avoided the dentist for years until i had an ear infection a few months ago that "may have been linked" to the tooth. Honestly it felt like someone stabbing me in the side of the head, i would not wish it on anyone (except pootin).

I've since been to the dentist and got it all fixed up and feel much better.
For ref, 3 fillings, xrays and hygienist was less than £500.

Do it before it turns nasty.

Mr Squarekins

1,148 posts

67 months

Thursday 12th January 2023
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Waiting/delaying dental work never ever ends well. Early fixing is always better.

R Mutt

Original Poster:

5,893 posts

77 months

Thursday 12th January 2023
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jimmytheone said:
Def get it checked.

Despite also having a broken molar (UR6) I avoided the dentist for years until i had an ear infection a few months ago that "may have been linked" to the tooth. Honestly it felt like someone stabbing me in the side of the head, i would not wish it on anyone (except pootin).

I've since been to the dentist and got it all fixed up and feel much better.
For ref, 3 fillings, xrays and hygienist was less than £500.

Do it before it turns nasty.
I presume that's private because you can't actually get an NHS appointment?


1,492 posts

223 months

Friday 13th January 2023
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R Mutt said:
I presume that's private because you can't actually get an NHS appointment?
Yes, the dentist initially rejected me "cuz NHS" so i went private with the same place.
However, i have limited dental cover through work so i can claim approx half back.

ETA: I had avoided the dentist so long because i was, quite frankly, scared to fook.
It was nearly painless, and the alternative ie chronic dental pain was far far worse.

Edited by jimmytheone on Friday 13th January 18:04


2,164 posts

202 months

Friday 13th January 2023
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sorry for the capitals, I put my cracked molar off, I was crying at work, never known bloody pain like will only get worse.....get it done!!!! Please trust a total stranger on the Internet, the pain is unreal.....

R Mutt

Original Poster:

5,893 posts

77 months

Friday 13th January 2023
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jimmytheone said:
R Mutt said:
I presume that's private because you can't actually get an NHS appointment?
Yes, the dentist initially rejected me "cuz NHS" so i went private with the same place.
However, i have limited dental cover through work so i can claim approx half back.

ETA: I had avoided the dentist so long because i was, quite frankly, scared to fook.
It was nearly painless, and the alternative ie chronic dental pain was far far worse.

Edited by jimmytheone on Friday 13th January 18:04
Yeah I'm not a fan but obviously this was the thing I actually needed sorted, while 5 years or so ago I was told I needed fillings etc too. I probably need a slight chip bonded too now, but I'll need a consultation again first, then a wait till the next available appointment. I'm going to see if the same place will just do it straight up based on the old x-rays but I'm guessing they won't, for not entirely medical reasons. Obviously I want this sorted but I don't want the other work to make it more painful in every respect and put me off.


1,492 posts

223 months

Friday 13th January 2023
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R Mutt said:
jimmytheone said:
R Mutt said:
I presume that's private because you can't actually get an NHS appointment?
Yes, the dentist initially rejected me "cuz NHS" so i went private with the same place.
However, i have limited dental cover through work so i can claim approx half back.

ETA: I had avoided the dentist so long because i was, quite frankly, scared to fook.
It was nearly painless, and the alternative ie chronic dental pain was far far worse.

Edited by jimmytheone on Friday 13th January 18:04
Yeah I'm not a fan but obviously this was the thing I actually needed sorted, while 5 years or so ago I was told I needed fillings etc too. I probably need a slight chip bonded too now, but I'll need a consultation again first, then a wait till the next available appointment. I'm going to see if the same place will just do it straight up based on the old x-rays but I'm guessing they won't, for not entirely medical reasons. Obviously I want this sorted but I don't want the other work to make it more painful in every respect and put me off.
I hear you!
In case it helps, this was the breakdown of costs over 3 visits - the first was a examination and quick filling/putty for the broken molar i'd been neglecting, that was 21st Dec. Feeling brave, i booked the other 2 appointments there and then, 3rd & 5th of Jan - i figured i would keep my big boy pants on and get it all done, not least because i went back to (WFH) work on 3rd Jan so had some paid recovery time smile

Initial exam 48
Hygienist 69
Composite filling UR6 (molar) 122
Composite filling UR5 (molar)122
3 xrays at £8 each - bargain!
Composite filling UL1 90
Total 475

I'm not going to bang on about it but it wont get any better on its own, better to get it done now before it causes more major trauma/infection. But you know that right smile


19,478 posts

278 months

Friday 13th January 2023
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I have this. They cannot get it to remove it.. its fine 99% of the time. I rarely get infections, but when I do I manage it with antibiotics. I tnd to avoid using the tooth,,and it feels jagged when I touch it but.. its manageable. Luckily, I believe..


291 posts

64 months

Friday 13th January 2023
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Get it sorted!

Cracked a molar opening a beer bottle in 2014 (yeah, fking stupid). Left it for years until 2019 when I was at work chewing gum and some went into the tooth. Jesus Christ I've never felt pain like it! Felt like a bolt of lightening going through me and saw a flash of light.

Had to go to an emergency dentist to get it temporarily filled. Then had a proper filling which lasted around 3 years. I knew the filling was failing as I got an infection in the tooth and the pain was intense. Throbbing pain non stop. Antibiotics helped and then I had a root canal and porcelain crown put on.

Get it sorted as it will save a lot of hassle!

R Mutt

Original Poster:

5,893 posts

77 months

Saturday 14th January 2023
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Knoxville2410 said:
Get it sorted!

Cracked a molar opening a beer bottle in 2014 (yeah, fking stupid). Left it for years until 2019 when I was at work chewing gum and some went into the tooth. Jesus Christ I've never felt pain like it! Felt like a bolt of lightening going through me and saw a flash of light.

Had to go to an emergency dentist to get it temporarily filled. Then had a proper filling which lasted around 3 years. I knew the filling was failing as I got an infection in the tooth and the pain was intense. Throbbing pain non stop. Antibiotics helped and then I had a root canal and porcelain crown put on.

Get it sorted as it will save a lot of hassle!
Mine is already missing bits so any partial repair might as well be a home bodge job! Hopefully I can just go and get it out

R Mutt

Original Poster:

5,893 posts

77 months

Wednesday 25th January 2023
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Got it out and just mild soreness now the anaesthetic has worn off but still bleeding. Was biting the gauze for 45 mins per dentist advice but made the mistake of Googling, with some people saying 2 hours. Am I worrying unnecessarily about a bit of blood? Buying some gauze anyway


13,326 posts

260 months

Wednesday 25th January 2023
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R Mutt said:
Got it out and just mild soreness now the anaesthetic has worn off but still bleeding. Was biting the gauze for 45 mins per dentist advice but made the mistake of Googling, with some people saying 2 hours. Am I worrying unnecessarily about a bit of blood? Buying some gauze anyway
You've got a hole in your head. It's going to seep a bit of blood for a while. Nothing to worry about. I had mine out a few weeks back binned the gauze and let do its thing after about 45 mins. Still a bit of blood but nothing major.

R Mutt

Original Poster:

5,893 posts

77 months

Wednesday 25th January 2023
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StevieBee said:
R Mutt said:
Got it out and just mild soreness now the anaesthetic has worn off but still bleeding. Was biting the gauze for 45 mins per dentist advice but made the mistake of Googling, with some people saying 2 hours. Am I worrying unnecessarily about a bit of blood? Buying some gauze anyway
You've got a hole in your head. It's going to seep a bit of blood for a while. Nothing to worry about. I had mine out a few weeks back binned the gauze and let do its thing after about 45 mins. Still a bit of blood but nothing major.
Nice one.

Also made the mistake of reading internet advice on exercise. Dentist says a few hours. Some say a few days.

Should I play football tomorrow night?

Seems a bit of a minefield. Keep it clean but don't rinse

Edited by R Mutt on Wednesday 25th January 21:46

R Mutt

Original Poster:

5,893 posts

77 months

Friday 17th February 2023
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Over 3 weeks now. When do I stop getting silly little bone fragments coming out?!


1,688 posts

174 months

Friday 17th February 2023
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Could take months depending on how much debris was left inside (ie smashed the tooth apart getting the remains out) also if there's any root left the nerve is dead and the body will start rejecting it as a foreign body hence expelling it any way it can