Huel - good / bad ?


Pixelpeep Electric

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8,600 posts

147 months

Monday 9th January 2023
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My story is not an uncommon one - i'm nudging 50 and have pretty much lived how i wanted without much thought to my health later in life.

Long story short, i had a heart attack a few years ago where they also discovered i have type 2 diabetes. I work long hours, i'm usually out the house 12 hours a day with travel etc and have literally NO energy when i get home.

Other half is similar without the health conditions (yet!)

i am desperate to eat well - i have cut out all the usual like chocolate, ginsters peppered steak slices (my absolute favourite) fizzy drinks, KFC, Beer but where i fall down is i don't get enough fruit and veg.

We usually eat stirfry/ stir in sauce chicken/beef curries and the occasional slow cooker casserole (with tons of veg!) on the weekends

I could do with losing around 1.5stone and want to eat healthier but have no energy when i get home from work to prepare veg etc

I've recently seen some adverts about this huel food, it seems too good to be true, does anyone have any experience of this?

Could this be used for lunch at work and the occasional 'fill in' meal at home?


279 posts

24 months

Monday 9th January 2023
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I have used huel ready made drinks and also Yfoods.

Yfoods tastes better but has more calories.
Huel is more protein shake powdery taste to me.

I pick a few up when I’m in Tesco or co op and use them if I know I’m going to be galavanting around in the car or don’t have time to eat.


475 posts

165 months

Monday 9th January 2023
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I'd change jobs, start exercising and save your life


1,149 posts

97 months

Monday 9th January 2023
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OP, the HUEL stuff is quite nice and its ready to go. Price was can be a bit pricey unless you are able to buy bulk online and have a place to store. I like the shakes and like you I may have one instead of breakfast sometimes. I'm a fussy sod so If I forget my protein yogurts and breakfast biscuits they are a good alternative I find.

But the long and short of it is you need to move more and eat less and eat right. I don't think there is a real need to calorie count, picking grains or rice out to get the perfect amount but you need to get the right things in there. it sounds like you are already doing this which is a good start.

Can you get to a gym in the morning before work ? Can you go for a walk on lunch or after work maybe for a start ?

if you have no energy in the week to prep veg/meals.. can you do this in on the weekends? Batch cook some meals or even cut and freeze some veg as a minimum.

I am similar to you but I am 20 years younger, I think I suffer from high blood pressure so am trying to make steps to help then. Eat well , move more. its simple but tough at the same time.

Good luck mate


59 months

Monday 9th January 2023
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About 4 years ago I used Huel for exactly the purpose you are describing. Weight loss and a general improvement to diet and nutrition.

I was self employed at the time, and working long hours building my business. It was hard to eat properly and I didn't have the time. I fell into the spiral of just grabbing tasty junk food from McDonalds, Greggs, Subway, corner shops, and so on, as it was quick and easy, and seemed like a tasty reward for all my work and hours. I was eating a lot of meat. Bacon and sausage sandwiches with tomato ketchup at breakfast time, McD's Burger, KFC, or a meat based sandwich at lunchtime. Sausage rolls and steak bake type junk at other times, then when I got home I would probably eat more meat for dinner.

I had read that many people had lost weight when using Huel, even thought it is a meal replacement product, not a diet product, so I decided to give it a go.

After about 6 months of Huel for breakfast and lunch, I had lost about 10kg (85kg to 75kg) which was fantastic, and numerous people commented that I looked really well. I was never fat, but I had gone from being slightly chubby/podgy/unfit looking to looking slim and fitter.

The other thing to note was that it really changed how I felt as well. I felt really good and like I had more energy. I attribute this to feeling a lot lighter physically, but also because the Huel was giving me proper A to Z nutrition, vitamins, and fibre, combined with being plant based. Previously I was just getting way too much meat, bread, pastry, carbs, processed junk, and so on, and not much else.

Sine then I have managed to keep the weight off though a better diet and the determination of simply not wanting to go back to those days of feeling fat, unhealthy and tired. I still use Huel a few times a week, but mostly for lunches and for the days I'm in the office, as it stops me just taking the lazy/tasty route of just going to Subway/Mc D's, or going to M&S and getting a triple decker sandwich, crisps, and a fizzy drink...

All in all, I really rate it as a product and I can honestly say it really helped me get to where I wanted to be, and made me feel a lot better.

Some people will chime in and right say there is no substitute for a proper healthy diet and exercise, and that is absolutely true, but for me it's all about being realistic. There is no point in promising yourself you will start running and eating fruit/veg/salad if you know there is no way you will ever be that kind of person. For me it is about being practical and doing what works.

If you want some entertainment, this really quite a good lighthearted video discussing all these 'meal replacement' products and the pros/cons. Long story short, Huel is the best of the bunch:


13,298 posts

222 months

Monday 9th January 2023
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Drink protein shakes if you must, but the root cause of your tiredness is more likely to be lack of exercise. Find time to exercise properly as a priority - if you have showers at work, get in a bit earlier and do couch to 5k before you start. If not find a nearby gym and use that. Do it consistently and you'll find that your mental health will improve as well.

12 hour days including traveling are not uncommon and you shouldn't feel unable to cook a meal when you get home.


181 posts

97 months

Monday 9th January 2023
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It takes 15-20 mins start to finish to prep and cook a protein and veg meal. Unless you get home and get straight into bed to sleep you do have time to make a healthy meal in the evening its just you don't want to or can't be bothered.

20 minutes a day of doing something very simple could extend your life and quality of life by years.. a no brainier, same applies to exercise.

Huel is a processed food that claims to be everything you need but nothing can replace real food imo.


18,311 posts

277 months

Monday 9th January 2023
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I'm thinking of getting the powder after trying a couple of the ready made drinks. I find them very drinkable and it's good to know it's a nutritionally complete meal. If it helps with my weight loss goals, all the better. I would probably have them as a breakfast rather than trying to replace a proper meal on a night time, though. I really can't be bothered making healthy meals to have for breakfast, I'm not really a morning person, and a nice milkshake is just easier to consume too.

Pixelpeep Electric

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8,600 posts

147 months

Monday 9th January 2023
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Lord Marylebone said:
About 4 years ago I used Huel for exactly the purpose you are describing. Weight loss and a general improvement to diet and nutrition.

I was self employed at the time, and working long hours building my business. It was hard to eat properly and I didn't have the time. I fell into the spiral of just grabbing tasty junk food from McDonalds, Greggs, Subway, corner shops, and so on, as it was quick and easy, and seemed like a tasty reward for all my work and hours. I was eating a lot of meat. Bacon and sausage sandwiches with tomato ketchup at breakfast time, McD's Burger, KFC, or a meat based sandwich at lunchtime. Sausage rolls and steak bake type junk at other times, then when I got home I would probably eat more meat for dinner.

I had read that many people had lost weight when using Huel, even thought it is a meal replacement product, not a diet product, so I decided to give it a go.

After about 6 months of Huel for breakfast and lunch, I had lost about 10kg (85kg to 75kg) which was fantastic, and numerous people commented that I looked really well. I was never fat, but I had gone from being slightly chubby/podgy/unfit looking to looking slim and fitter.

The other thing to note was that it really changed how I felt as well. I felt really good and like I had more energy. I attribute this to feeling a lot lighter physically, but also because the Huel was giving me proper A to Z nutrition, vitamins, and fibre, combined with being plant based. Previously I was just getting way too much meat, bread, pastry, carbs, processed junk, and so on, and not much else.

Sine then I have managed to keep the weight off though a better diet and the determination of simply not wanting to go back to those days of feeling fat, unhealthy and tired. I still use Huel a few times a week, but mostly for lunches and for the days I'm in the office, as it stops me just taking the lazy/tasty route of just going to Subway/Mc D's, or going to M&S and getting a triple decker sandwich, crisps, and a fizzy drink...

All in all, I really rate it as a product and I can honestly say it really helped me get to where I wanted to be, and made me feel a lot better.

Some people will chime in and right say there is no substitute for a proper healthy diet and exercise, and that is absolutely true, but for me it's all about being realistic. There is no point in promising yourself you will start running and eating fruit/veg/salad if you know there is no way you will ever be that kind of person. For me it is about being practical and doing what works.

If you want some entertainment, this really quite a good lighthearted video discussing all these 'meal replacement' products and the pros/cons. Long story short, Huel is the best of the bunch:
Superstar - thank you for sharing. My hope is, as you've described, it helps me over the first hurdle, and gives me the energy to then start preparing meals during the week and exercising.

I recently changed office location (september) and got into a routine of a 30 minute walk during my lunch break, was covering around 2km a day but then it turned really cold and i stopped, i just need to get back on that and the two combined should get me to a place where a 'normal' healthy lifestyle can take over

Pixelpeep Electric

Original Poster:

8,600 posts

147 months

Monday 9th January 2023
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Brummiebeau said:
OP, the HUEL stuff is quite nice and its ready to go. Price was can be a bit pricey unless you are able to buy bulk online and have a place to store. I like the shakes and like you I may have one instead of breakfast sometimes. I'm a fussy sod so If I forget my protein yogurts and breakfast biscuits they are a good alternative I find.

But the long and short of it is you need to move more and eat less and eat right. I don't think there is a real need to calorie count, picking grains or rice out to get the perfect amount but you need to get the right things in there. it sounds like you are already doing this which is a good start.

Can you get to a gym in the morning before work ? Can you go for a walk on lunch or after work maybe for a start ?

if you have no energy in the week to prep veg/meals.. can you do this in on the weekends? Batch cook some meals or even cut and freeze some veg as a minimum.

I am similar to you but I am 20 years younger, I think I suffer from high blood pressure so am trying to make steps to help then. Eat well , move more. its simple but tough at the same time.

Good luck mate
thank you smile


59 months

Monday 9th January 2023
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SDarks said:
It takes 15-20 mins start to finish to prep and cook a protein and veg meal. Unless you get home and get straight into bed to sleep you do have time to make a healthy meal in the evening its just you don't want to or can't be bothered.

20 minutes a day of doing something very simple could extend your life and quality of life by years.. a no brainier, same applies to exercise.

Huel is a processed food that claims to be everything you need but nothing can replace real food imo.
I think the bit about 'processed food' is misleading, as it's such a meaningless term. It covers everything from milling pure oats for porridge, to some of the worst ready meals stuffed with additives and preservatives.

If you take a load of fresh vegetables, steam/cook them, and then mash them into a stew, adding nothing else, that stew is now a processed food.
If you take pure porridge oats, some barley, some dried fruits, and mix/mill them into a breakfast cereal, adding nothing else, that is now a processed food.
If you took a load of fruit, and blended them into a pure fruit smoothie, that is now a processed food.

What is real food?

I have no skin in the game here, but it just interests me to know what people mean when they say stuff like 'real food'? Huel is nothing but oats, tapioca, brown rice, pea, flaxseed, sunflower and coconut which has been milled into a powder, with some real dried fruit for flavour.

If you bought all those things separately from a wholefoods shop or health food shop, and then milled/blended them yourself, you would rightly be assuming that you were consuming something pretty healthy. Yet when someone else does it and puts it in a bag for you, some people are convinced it isn't real food to it's some hocus pocus of chemicals.


3,750 posts

29 months

Monday 9th January 2023
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