Sore throat



Original Poster:

7,910 posts

164 months

Wednesday 28th September 2022
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I’ve had a sore throat for coming up to two weeks now. I had the cold side of things around a week ago but the throat issue has stayed before and after. It’s driving me mad. Swallowing is making my eyes water at the moment. I’m drinking so much I’m pissing like a horse.

Anymore paracetamol and I’ll rattle as I walk down the stairs.

What can I do? Throat sweets don’t appear to be helping.

NHS website says to see the GP if it’s been over a week as it could be Strep Throat but the photos don’t look anything like my throat that I can see. It seems a bit pathetic to go to them over something so minor.

Any witches remedies to try would be greatly appreciated!


2,032 posts

247 months

Wednesday 28th September 2022
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It’s 99% likely to be sore throat/strep etc, but could be something else. I started getting a sore throat a few weeks before I was due to see a specialist ENT who was looking at a lump in my neck. Well the lump turned out to be lymph nodes inflamed with cancer from my tonsil which was enlarged (and the source of the constant sore throat). Currently week 4/6 chemo/radiotherapy.

Everyone I had seen said I likely had an infection which the vast majority will be, but if it continues and you can afford it I would get a private consultant to look at it with an endoscope. Iirc my appointment was a couple of hundred cost to my insurer and he knew straightaway it was cancer and not an infection. Good luck

poo at Paul's

14,312 posts

180 months

Wednesday 28th September 2022
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LosingGrip said:
I’ve had a sore throat for coming up to two weeks now. I had the cold side of things around a week ago but the throat issue has stayed before and after. It’s driving me mad. Swallowing is making my eyes water at the moment. I’m drinking so much I’m pissing like a horse.

Anymore paracetamol and I’ll rattle as I walk down the stairs.

What can I do? Throat sweets don’t appear to be helping.

NHS website says to see the GP if it’s been over a week as it could be Strep Throat but the photos don’t look anything like my throat that I can see. It seems a bit pathetic to go to them over something so minor.

Any witches remedies to try would be greatly appreciated!
After that sort of timeline, it is not a waste of the GPs time to contact him. Could be viral but also could be an infection which cuold clear up in a few days with proper treatment. Give them a call IMO.


15,098 posts

196 months

Wednesday 28th September 2022
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Try gargling some very very salty warm water - should give you some temporary relief.

Definitely needs looking at after 2 weeks though.


2,265 posts

180 months

Wednesday 28th September 2022
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When I had strep throat I had very high temperature as well. Could it be an ulcer in the throat? I have had that before and it was pretty painful.


11,178 posts

186 months

Wednesday 28th September 2022
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If it's a bacterial infection then anti biotics are a no brainer, go to a dr.


Original Poster:

7,910 posts

164 months

Wednesday 28th September 2022
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I was expecting a lot of man up comments ha.

I’ll attempt to get an appointment tomorrow smile.


3,771 posts

199 months

Thursday 29th September 2022
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from a symptoms perspective try an antiseptic throat spray


2,493 posts

59 months

Thursday 29th September 2022
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Whisky. Works every time for me.


4,024 posts

205 months

Thursday 29th September 2022
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1 week ignore and get on with it. 2 weeks would justify some antibiotics to cover. Might still be viral but you have been patient enough waiting to see if it goes of its own accord. Telephone call with GP should suffice.


Original Poster:

7,910 posts

164 months

Thursday 29th September 2022
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Very impressed with the doctors. Econsolt sent at 1240. Just had a phone call after sending a photo in. Looks viral. Been recommended some spray to try and see how things go in another week or two.


3,040 posts

160 months

Thursday 29th September 2022
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Something is doing the rounds. I also have a sore throat, glands up etc. Doesnt seem to be covid however.


283 posts

134 months

Thursday 29th September 2022
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Yep had a sore throat for a couple of weeks as well. The cold bit only lasted a couple of days. Probably a virus doing the rounds. Last few days seem to be better as only really noticing it in the morning.


557 posts

33 months

Thursday 29th September 2022
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Myself, the boss at work and a few staff have all got this stupid "sore throat gargling glass" thing at the moment and we're still (!) LFTing daily on site so it ain't the Co, unless it is a new Scarient.

Weirdest thing is it isn't constant, can go hour OK, the n suddenly sore throat for a few hours again, doesn't seem related to ambient air or air in the plant (drier) or in the offices (air con but moist with management BS).

We've had a number of staff off with Glandular fever with similar symptoms since March 2022 - something no one can remember ever really hitting us before, especially as it is known to be the "kissing disease" from kids at Uni so a 'more mature' workforce where I am shouldn't bet the people going down with it (for weeks at a time) most late 30 - mid 50s?


779 posts

117 months

Thursday 29th September 2022
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BobSaunders said:
Something is doing the rounds. I also have a sore throat, glands up etc. Doesnt seem to be covid however.
There 100% is!

I got a sore throat last Friday. I woke on Saturday with body aches, lack of energy and cold sweats.

Went to the Drs on Monday and got put on a course of penicillin. Thankfully it's cleared it up.


2,493 posts

59 months

Thursday 29th September 2022
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BobSaunders said:
Something is doing the rounds. I also have a sore throat, glands up etc. Doesnt seem to be covid however.
I was on holiday last week with my wife and her sister. We all had very similar symptoms to those described above so we tested for covid. Strangely, my sister in law tested positive while my wife and I didn't.


5,084 posts

195 months

Thursday 29th September 2022
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Desiderata said:
Whisky. Works every time for me.
Me too