Side effects of latest covid jab, with or without flu jab??

Side effects of latest covid jab, with or without flu jab??



Original Poster:

8,657 posts

31 months

Monday 26th September 2022
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Any useful info please?

Rumours that this Autumn's jab can be quite unpleasant, not sure what to believe.


11,875 posts

213 months

Monday 26th September 2022
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OutInTheShed said:
Any useful info please?

Rumours that this Autumn's jab can be quite unpleasant, not sure what to believe.
I had mine on Saturday. I felt fine for the rest of the day but woke up with a sore arm.

Sunday was fine.

Today, my arm still a bit tender but I managed a fast 4k this morning.

I have a slightly runny nose but no idea what's causing it - maybe the jab?

Overall, very mild symptoms.


2,447 posts

38 months

Monday 26th September 2022
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Got this inoculation yesterday and flu jag too in middle of afternoon

About 10PM suddenly felt very tired so went to my bed, woke up at 4 in the afternoon feeling poorly.

Back to bed and slept until 6 PM, feeling slightly better but not right.

Inoculation was spikevax bivalent original.

Anyone else had this and suffered the following day?

I am not suggesting you do not get this just be aware of the side effects


15,078 posts

174 months

Monday 26th September 2022
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It’ll differ person to person. Most people I know who’ve had the 5th (?) bivalent covid jab dose have been pretty rough with it. The previous 1-4 jabs have been random as to when and if people have had immediate side effects ie ill with just the one, ill with them all, not ill with any.

It’s why it’s important to weigh up whether the jab will benefit you or not.


1,685 posts

28 months

Monday 26th September 2022
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Wife and I both had it 10 days ago. No symptoms what so ever .I felt poorly after 1 and 2 AZ when you we first started . 89 year old mother had it too ,10 days ago no symptoms. Sister has just had it last Friday no symptoms. I think the new one is just fizzy water.


133 posts

147 months

Monday 26th September 2022
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Im just 65 ,no covid history ,im very fit ,i windsurf, kiteboard, moto x and cycle.
Had my Moderna Bi booster on thursday morning, no issues till friday morning ,i woke up with a sore arm around injection site ,and a bit of a thick head type feeling which subsided early evening.
I felt fine and normal saturday morning,arm tenderness gone by sat eve.
Enjoyed the day kiteboarding sunday.
Knackered this evening.
Flu jab incoming next week .


18,363 posts

214 months

Monday 26th September 2022
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It's different for everyone.

All the jabs have fked me up for a few days with flu like symptoms.

Other people don't get anything.


2,131 posts

273 months

Tuesday 27th September 2022
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I'm 68, had both jabs 2 days ago.

Sore arms for about 24hrs.
Woke up next day with aches in lower back - just like the first day of the mild Covid I had back in July.
Energy level a bit reduced.

Back to normal now, nothing to report.


4,695 posts

113 months

Tuesday 27th September 2022
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Close relative had the booster in July and complained for two days of severe headaches. GP recommended painkillers and rest. Next day partner finds them staring at the ceiling aka forced gaze palsy and unresponsive. Calls an ambulance which arrives in 10 minutes and into the stroke unit in 20 minutes. Unable to respond to questions and commands. Thrombasectomy performed followed by CT and ECHO scans show Takatsubo cardiomyopathy and akinetic apex.

Long story short two months in hospital and physio and speech therapy they have been sent home to die in palliative care, are unable to talk, paralysed down the right side of their body. DNR resuscitate orders in place and specialists all in agreement that further hospital admission isn't in the patients best interests. So instead of enjoying their retirement plans they are lying in a bed at home waiting to die.

So think long and hard about taking these jabs and boosters. This isn't an anti-vax post this is the reality of what can happen.


23,634 posts

235 months

Tuesday 27th September 2022
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Before reading this thread I was already undecided about taking this 4th jab.

Worked all through Covid, no social distancing, impossible.

All 3 jabs, Pfizer, no reaction but early 2022 got the bug. Had worse colds.

Great that 3 jabs didn't stop me getting it, strange vaccine. I've had the worse year for colds when previously I'd get a cold once every two years.

Considering giving no4 the miss, only took the first 3 in order to not be detained on this island.

Douglas Quaid

2,394 posts

90 months

Tuesday 27th September 2022
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If you’ve already had covid and it was not even as bad as a cold for you, what’s the point of having a jab and risking potential side effects?


2,146 posts

172 months

Tuesday 27th September 2022
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Had the bivalent jag on Sunday morning. By Sunday night I was gubbed.
Joints sore,tired, sore skin to touch. Arm tender to touch
My wife had sore arm only but both of us couldn’t sleep Sunday night due to chills and sweats.
She was better yesterday but I still felt rubbish and was sweating again all last night.
Feel a lot better this morning but not 100%


979 posts

277 months

Tuesday 27th September 2022
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Wife and I (68 and 70)both had our 4th jab on Friday afternoon, (flu jab in a couple of weeks).
Noticed sore arms, and then feeling very rough mid Saturday afternoon.
Restless night, and both of us mentioned weird dreams. Sunday lunchtime felt fine, and had the grandchildren over in the afternoon.


2,141 posts

131 months

Tuesday 27th September 2022
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I'm 53 and became very unwell after the second jab. Haven't risked any more after that.

Squadrone Rosso

2,860 posts

152 months

Tuesday 27th September 2022
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I had my 6th almost 2 weeks ago. Little off colour the next day then fine. Injection site a bit sore for a week.

Flu jab last Friday. Slightly runny nose the next day but still cycled 68 miles.


8,024 posts

85 months

Tuesday 27th September 2022
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First 2 I had was AZ, hardly any effect. 3rd was Moderna, felt fking awful for a good couple of days after.

Not eligible for the next booster and would seriously think about having it. Especially as we have had someone in our house with covid at 3 different times so far and I havent got ill


13,701 posts

220 months

Thursday 29th September 2022
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I just booked in for my 4th jab (37 with epilepsy) after my first AZ jab I had shakes, cold sweats and a high fever. The second I had nothing. The third was Moderna. I had a sore arm but that down to getting the flu jab in the same arm at the same time.

My Mum and Dad got their 4th jabs yesterday. My mumd unaffected but my dad had to go to bed early as he was physically drained but feeling fine agsin this morning.


5,149 posts

33 months

Monday 3rd October 2022
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Bit of a sore arm, like before. Nothing else. Flu jab too.
80s mother had it, no side effects at all.


1,580 posts

263 months

Tuesday 4th October 2022
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Had my jabs last Tuesday and feel like I’ve got a dose of full blown flu and covid. Previously I’ve had no side effects but this time has made me question whether to have it next time. With normal colds/flu/covid I feel better after a few days but after a week I still feel rotten. With all the associated coughing I’ve given myself an inguinal hernia too.
On a positive note I phoned the Doctor yesterday at 8:00 and got through at 8:10. The Doctor phoned me back at 9:30 and gave me a prescription for antibiotics for the chest infection and an appointment for the hernia the day I get back off holiday on 17th.