Booster jab side effects?

Booster jab side effects?



Original Poster:

17,996 posts

194 months

Monday 19th September 2022
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I appreciate this is a minor issue but Dr Google is not helping me out on this.

I had the booster on Sat am. By Sat night I felt a bit hot. Could not get to sleep till 2am. HR100 (normally low 60s or high 50s)
Sun AM was unable to get out of bed. Spent the day in bed, hot and cold sweats and joint pain. HR 90 ish.

Put this down to the booster and thought I would be over it in the morning today.

This morn felt a bit better up and about. HR was down to mid 70s so assumed that I was over it and it was just the booster.

This afternoon however I have developed a bad sore throat and a runny nose and starting to feel worse again. HR 74 at rest which is still high for me.

No cough.

Is this still the booster or is it possible I caught covid in the days before? (can you even still get covid tests?)

I would normally not be bothered but I am due to see elderly relatives this week and the last thing I want to do is pass something bad on.


946 posts

139 months

Monday 19th September 2022
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It wouldn't matter to me if it was covid or a cold. I wouldn't be seeing elderly relatives if I was unwell as it will probably knock the bks out of them if they end up with it.


26,492 posts

214 months

Monday 19th September 2022
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TheThing said:
It wouldn't matter to me if it was covid or a cold. I wouldn't be seeing elderly relatives if I was unwell as it will probably knock the bks out of them.
Yeah, this.

OP - could be coincidence or an immune response to the jab but either way I'd take precautions about seeing elderly relatives if you're not feeling 100%.


Original Poster:

17,996 posts

194 months

Monday 19th September 2022
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I should have said I would not risk it, but its very weird this has come on within 6 hours of the jab.

Prior to this I have not had so much as a sniffle since December last year.

Is it possible to get a covid test OTC for free still?


328 posts

146 months

Monday 19th September 2022
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I had all those symptoms after every covid vaccine, with the booster vaccine being the worst.


Original Poster:

17,996 posts

194 months

Wednesday 21st September 2022
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Well just an update day 4 still not great but feeling a bit better today. I would say I am back to 80.
Sore throat gone just muscle aches and a light headache from time to time. Managed a full nights sleep last night first one since the jab.

I think I will be back to normal tomorrow but I am not keen on having a booster again tbh!

Edit to add resting HR still a tad high but slowly coming back down.


6,859 posts

197 months

Wednesday 21st September 2022
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I had covid proper in Oct20 prior to all the vaccine rollout. High temp (went over 40 a few times), shivers, freezing cold, sweating like mad cough and sore throat, headache, loss of taste and smell. In bed for a whole week and another fortnight of recovery. Was pretty grim.

Later on - First two jabs I had the AZOxford and was fine apart from an achey arm for the day. Last one was Morderna and it felt exactly like my first bout of covid, only for 48-72hrs, without the high temp. Shivers, achey, headache.

I spoke to a few people who had this combo of vaccines and they all said the same thing after the Moderna.

poo at Paul's

14,312 posts

180 months

Wednesday 21st September 2022
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Which booster is it and how old are you? Presuming it is the "new" booster, so you are OAP age or at risk, but if it is jab 3 booster, i can tell you i had Moderna on top of 2x Pfizers and the Moderna made me feel properly rough for about 24 hours, but still feel effects for another 12-24 hours. I had it at 5pm on evening and by 8pm i was in bed, up next day at 8, but back to bed by 11am and slept all day. next day was up as normal but felt a bit beaten up, by evening through i was ok and eating etc normally.

The "new" boosters are I think a combo of original doses plus some new targetted ones, so not sure on the side effects of them, but the Moderna gave me a very noticeable reaction, so if you've had that, i'd not worry just yet!


Original Poster:

17,996 posts

194 months

Wednesday 21st September 2022
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It was the new Moderna one. I am mid 40s.

poo at Paul's

14,312 posts

180 months

Wednesday 21st September 2022
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gotoPzero said:
It was the new Moderna one. I am mid 40s.
So this was booster number 2, ie 4th jab or booster 1, 3rd jab?


Original Poster:

17,996 posts

194 months

Wednesday 21st September 2022
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I had gen 1 moderna in June and Aug 2021.

Then nothing till now when I had the "new" Moderna dual strain booster.

Today been struggling with nose and eyes streaming. Starting to feel back to normal in myself.

It feels like heyfever now (which I suffer with but not in Sept!) and I am tempted to take some fexofenadine to see if that helps!!

HR still sat at 80 and not budging. I am normally bang on mid 60s at this time of day at rest.


27,350 posts

188 months

Wednesday 21st September 2022
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I've had minor effects, sweats feeling crap, taking to my bed. Over and done with by 24hrs.

A friend has reported problems with combined Covid/flu jab. Anyone else heard of problems?


499 posts

162 months

Wednesday 21st September 2022
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gotoPzero said:
It was the new Moderna one. I am mid 40s.

Is your user name relevant to your IQ?


Original Poster:

17,996 posts

194 months

Wednesday 21st September 2022
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Peter911 said:
gotoPzero said:
It was the new Moderna one. I am mid 40s.

Is your user name relevant to your IQ?

poo at Paul's

14,312 posts

180 months

Thursday 22nd September 2022
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Peter911 said:

Is your user name relevant to your IQ?
Oh, here we go another ‘critical thinker’

poo at Paul's

14,312 posts

180 months

Thursday 22nd September 2022
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gotoPzero said:
I had gen 1 moderna in June and Aug 2021.

Then nothing till now when I had the "new" Moderna dual strain booster.

Today been struggling with nose and eyes streaming. Starting to feel back to normal in myself.

It feels like heyfever now (which I suffer with but not in Sept!) and I am tempted to take some fexofenadine to see if that helps!!

HR still sat at 80 and not budging. I am normally bang on mid 60s at this time of day at rest.
Interesting that you had moderna all the way through. Most seem to have swapped for the booster to another provider. Moderna definitely gave me the biggest reaction of the three jabs I had.
The heart rate thing is interesting as I found when I had covid and was pretty much resting all the time, my rested rate would be 60 or so most of the time (like it normally is) but sometimes for seemingly no reason it would be high 70s. Didn’t feel any different, but just noted on testing that it was.
Seems to be back to normal now so it could be a side effect?


16,167 posts

251 months

Thursday 22nd September 2022
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My fourth jab was Moderna - in April this year. I almost immediately had haematuria (blood in urine), and soon I developed daily unprovoked nosebleed (epistaxis) with one per second blood drips for 5 - 10 minutes over about three weeks. Neither can be shown to be a Moderna side effect but both are logged as 'uncommon' side effects. I am holding fire on the covid 5th jab until I see the infection rate rising. The 'flu jab is fine.


15,078 posts

174 months

Thursday 22nd September 2022
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My dad who is in his early 70s was similar after his Pfizer booster/ 3rd dose (first two were AZ which he was ok with). He was sweating buckets, shivering, couldn’t stay awake, heart rate was racing, heavy flu symptoms. Took a week to get over it and we were keeping a good eye on his heart rate and O2. My mum was on her third Pfizer at the same time and no side effects at all.

Just keep an eye on your heart rate and get an O2 sat monitor to check oxygen levels. If they stay abnormal visit your GP or minor injuries to be on the safe side. Serious side effects are rare but they do happen more than is suggested.

Guide to O2 monitor use and what the numbers mean here


8,025 posts

85 months

Thursday 22nd September 2022
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Ambleton said:
Later on - First two jabs I had the AZOxford and was fine apart from an achey arm for the day. Last one was Morderna and it felt exactly like my first bout of covid, only for 48-72hrs, without the high temp. Shivers, achey, headache.
I had the same combo of vaccines. First two felt fine, the Moderna one spanked me senseless, felt fking awful for a good couple of days, and still felt odd for a few days more.

Im not eligible for the 4th booster, but if I was I would be thinking twice now about having it. Especially as I still havent caught covid despite my wife and kids both having caught it twice.