I'm fat, get me slimmer!

I'm fat, get me slimmer!



Original Poster:

12,489 posts

214 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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Right, I've started this thread, not as a motivation, but because it will focus me on weight loss. After some recent issues and weighing the heaviest I have ever weighed (19st11lbs if anyone is interested and I am 5ft10 tall. This puts me at 39.6 BMI.), I need to take action now otherwise I may not be in a position to do so at some point. I'm 41 years old, I'd like to see my 70s at the very least.

So what's been up? Well I've had heart palpitations (which thankfully do not seem to be happening since I had a scan early this year - my heart id pristinely normal according to the cardiologist. I have a good resting heart rate (usually between 60BPM and 75BPM).

My BP is higher than it should be (currently monitoring in prep for arranged call with GP / Surgery Pharmacist on Monday).

So what do I intend to do about it?

I can't drink most sugar free drinks as they usually contain aspartame, which triggers my migraines. I can drink reduced sugar though, so I am going to start limiting myself.

I don't drink much caffeinated drinks, usually decaff coffee and tea, so instead of fizzy drinks I am going to drink more water / sugar free cordial.

I never used to eat breakfast, now I am. I eat 40g of Shredded wheat each day, no sugar, minimum amount of skimmed milk.

I'm cutting chocolate out of my diet (treats excepted - when I have earned them), takeaways and while I don't drink a lot / often, I am reducing this further.

I am also going to start exercising again. I intend on going for varied walks around my area.

I've re-introduced fruit to my diet, and I need to start eating more salad and veg.

Small steps, but today is ground zero day. I intend on updating this thread regularly. If no one reads it then it's no consequence to me, it's a diary for me. I'll be weighing weekly at the same time of day.

My goals? I'd like to loose 1-1.5lbs a week. I've started calorie counting. I know this isn't always accurate, but it'll help me make better decisions with food choices.

Apparently to lose 1 to 1.5lbs a week I need 2355 - 3028 calories a day. I'll be aiming for around 1900 calories.

Wish me luck! Happy for anyone to contribute, offer advice, encouragement, insults, you name it. I don't like pies, but I feel that I've eaten all of them.


6,466 posts

184 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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Best of luck.
I've had a wake up call after getting a duff liver. Not booze, just fat from eating pies.

I don't have a magic bullet but I've thing that's helped me is brushing my teeth after my evening meal. It stopsv my late night grazing cos I can't be arsed to brush them again.


1,312 posts

134 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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Cycling has been absolutely superb for me losing weight. I am a bit younger than you but was just over 16.5 stone when my daughter was born and I had just quit smoking and wanted to do some sort of exercise to keep me quit. I enjoyed cycling as a kid so picked up a cheap bike and never looked back. 3 years later I'm down to 11 stone and in the best shape of my life.

I guess what I'm trying to say is exercise is key, and try to find some sort of sport that you actually enjoy doing, rather than just doing something because you feel you have to in order to lose weight - you'll find it much easier to motivate yourself to go out and do it, and more importantly - stick with it. There's no point going on a health kick for 6 months only to slip back into old habits and watch the weight pile back on.


6,821 posts

223 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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Drink water. Buy Huel. Don't calorie count, just use common sense and portion control. Lots of exercise, walking is good if you are large and/or unfit. Set a measurable specific goals for your exercise - don't just say 'walk more', say 'I will walk 20km per week and increase by 5km per week' or something, and stick to it. Keep busy. Stop watching TV in the evenings, it only encourages unhealthy snacking at the worst possible time.


6,546 posts

223 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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The best thing I read on here was

More calories than your burning: weight gain

Less calories than your burning :weight loss.

I am overweight myself, a big problem I seem to have developed is eating carbs knocks me out. If I’m at home I will almost instantly fall into a deep sleep, not at home and I just feel terrible.

We have cut out a large amount of carbs and are watching the sweet stuff. We are eating a lot more salads which tbh I’m just as happy eating as anything else.
Result is myself and wife have lost weight.
I’d say it’s been 6-8 weeks now and I’ve lost 12lbs. Wife has lost 15lbs!

Relatively easily too.

Good luck!


2,331 posts

170 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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LimaDelta said:
Buy Huel. Don't calorie count
Don't buy Huel and do calorie count (it's easy and keeps you on track). Huel is just a waste of money aimed at lazy people who can't be arsed to prepare their own meals in advance. There are plenty of tasty and healthy things you can prepare for yourself.

Jim on the hill

5,072 posts

195 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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LimaDelta said:
Drink water. Buy Huel. Don't calorie count, just use common sense and portion control..
Some of the worst advice I've ever seen on here. Don't do this.


693 posts

169 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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i use myfitnesspal when i need to calorie count, it's the best app/website out there.
I'm using it to lose 10lbs at around 1-1.5 lbs a week, which is what i am seeing.

Whats on Second

732 posts

38 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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15 stone, 6ft. and wont see 60 again.

i am on a walking regime of 20 k a week, not seeing much weight loss, but have noticed jeans seem tighter in the legs so maybe it's making more muscle ?

if i could cut out the lager and the late night snacking I could lose easily lose a stone and a half, when i was in hospital for 4 days and ate almost zero i near lost a stone, so as we all know food intake is the thing, not suggesting starvation, but maybe a fasting day once a week ?

good luck, and we demand weekly updates and figures.


6,860 posts

197 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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I'm trying to lose a bit of weight too. Only been doing it for two weeks so far.

I'm 6ft 4 and started at 114kgs. This morning I was 112.1kgs. Initial target is 100kgs but ideally I should be sub 95 really.

My aim is 2000cal a day, but also increasing my activity a bit. Not rediculous amounts as I won't keep it up, but swimming once a week, more walking etc.

So far I've averaged 1820cal a day but it's easy to go less than that.

I have downloaded an app called NutraCheck which I find easy to use and I've (for the first time i can actually remember) started looking at labels on food.

You'll need to work out what's good for you but in NutraCheck you can create a meal or favourites and just add them to your day.

For me, if I have 3 weetabix with milk and half a teaspoon of sugar at about 11am then a yoghurt and a banana about 2pm, then a bigger dinner about 6pm I'm all good.

Fruits and veg are pretty good so the more the merrier basically.

Some yoghurts are awful for calories. I found a chocolate mouse thing in tesco yesterday that was 480cal. Ski do a range of Mousse which are nice and about 65-70cal a pot depending on flavour.

A good meal I enjoy is a large jacket spud, half a tin of beans and grated cheese. It's surprisingly "light" on calories but tasty and fills me up.

Yesterday was a particularly "light" day...

The three most important things I've done are
1 - portion sizes. I used to eat a lot more than I needed purely because I was making it, and it was just as easy to make more than I needed, so why not.

2- snacks. Crisps, chocs, nuts, swap out for fruit. Watermelon is a favourite at the mo because its so damn tasty and really low calories.

3- beer. A can/bottle of beer is like 200+ calories.

The other day I really fancied a beer and peanuts so I saved up some calories and it was glorious. Most days I'd rather have "food" though (500cal is a big chunk)


776 posts

149 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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TheAngryDog said:


I never used to eat breakfast, now I am. I eat 40g of Shredded wheat each day, no sugar, minimum amount of skimmed milk.

Skipping or delaying breakfast so window during the day you are eating is reduced has helped some people get healthier.

You might find after eating a carbohydrate rich breakfast you feel hungry again soon, if so it's peaked your blood sugar levels so might be worth having a protein+fat+fibre breakfast instead (or skip).

I liked the comment made about not watching too much night time tv, I find it does increase the temptation to snack with me a lot.


2,000 posts

213 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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SpunkyGlory said:
LimaDelta said:
Buy Huel. Don't calorie count
Don't buy Huel and do calorie count (it's easy and keeps you on track). Huel is just a waste of money aimed at lazy people who can't be arsed to prepare their own meals in advance. There are plenty of tasty and healthy things you can prepare for yourself.
bks..... Huel is good. One scoop is 200 calories. It's easy to measure and replaces a meal a day for me and has all the minerals and vitamins in it

Whilst exercise is really good, it's not the most important thing for weight loss.... when you consider 30mins of flat out spin class burns around 400 calories, that's not that much.... walking or other lower impact sport is even less calories. One Mars bar counteracts all that exercise.....

All you need is a calorie deficit.


1,860 posts

212 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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Couch to 5k. Great way to get fitter/ slimmer.


31,742 posts

238 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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You get fit in the gym. You get thin in the kitchen.

Never drink your calories.


5,664 posts

60 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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super7 said:
bks..... Huel is good. One scoop is 200 calories. It's easy to measure and replaces a meal a day for me and has all the minerals and vitamins in it

Whilst exercise is really good, it's not the most important thing for weight loss.... when you consider 30mins of flat out spin class burns around 400 calories, that's not that much.... walking or other lower impact sport is even less calories. One Mars bar counteracts all that exercise.....

All you need is a calorie deficit.
Think you're missing the point re exercise. It's not solely cals burned during. It elevates metabolism and increases muscle mass which requires more cals to sustain.


2,000 posts

213 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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take-good-care-of-the-forest-dewey said:
super7 said:
bks..... Huel is good. One scoop is 200 calories. It's easy to measure and replaces a meal a day for me and has all the minerals and vitamins in it

Whilst exercise is really good, it's not the most important thing for weight loss.... when you consider 30mins of flat out spin class burns around 400 calories, that's not that much.... walking or other lower impact sport is even less calories. One Mars bar counteracts all that exercise.....

All you need is a calorie deficit.
Think you're missing the point re exercise. It's not solely cals burned during. It elevates metabolism and increases muscle mass which requires more cals to sustain.
Yes... I know. But it's still not the most important factor here. Use it to add to your calorie deficit but don't just think you can go for a run and your sorted!


2,794 posts

187 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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I’ve recently gone down from 110kgs to 87kgs. And I’m 47 year old.

Never dieted before in my life.
I didn’t want a huge change with regards to what i are or what exercise I did or didn’t do.
I didn’t have set goals of ‘I want to lose X amount of weight per week’ as long as I was seeing progression I was happy.

It’s been about 9 months or so since I lost the weight and I’ve kept it off and honestly, losing it was easy.

All I did was :-
Calorie count using the my fitness pal app that someone above mentioned it.
I wasn’t 100% strict on measuring everything I ate to the closest 0.5 of a calorie. Close enough was good enough.

I switched from having sugar in my tea and coffee and used Hermesetas instead which is the most natural tasting sweetness imo.

Didn’t really stop eating any of the foods I was eating before, but I moderated how much of them I was eating with the help of the my fitness pal app.

I didn’t do any extra exercise of any sorts.

I weighed myself once a week at the same time on the same day in the same place and kept a note of my weights in the notepad in my phone which acted as a good visual reminder to what progress I was making.

I will say that the my fitness pal app serves as a good visual reminder to what you are putting in your body each day and it almost becomes a game and you want to ‘Please’ the app by achieving(ish) your goals and you soon learn what your rough calorie intake is for each meal and become less reliant on the app for working calories out.


4,321 posts

40 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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TheAngryDog said:
Right, I've started this thread, not as a motivation, but because it will focus me on weight loss. After some recent issues and weighing the heaviest I have ever weighed (19st11lbs if anyone is interested and I am 5ft10 tall.

So what do I intend to do about it?

I can't drink most sugar free drinks as they usually contain aspartame, which triggers my migraines. I can drink reduced sugar though, so I am going to start limiting myself.

I don't drink much caffeinated drinks, usually decaff coffee and tea, so instead of fizzy drinks I am going to drink more water / sugar free cordial.

I never used to eat breakfast, now I am. I eat 40g of Shredded wheat each day, no sugar, minimum amount of skimmed milk.

I'm cutting chocolate out of my diet (treats excepted - when I have earned them), takeaways and while I don't drink a lot / often, I am reducing this further.

I am also going to start exercising again. I intend on going for varied walks around my area.

I've re-introduced fruit to my diet, and I need to start eating more salad and veg.

Small steps, but today is ground zero day. I intend on updating this thread regularly. If no one reads it then it's no consequence to me, it's a diary for me. I'll be weighing weekly at the same time of day.

My goals? I'd like to loose 1-1.5lbs a week. I've started calorie counting. I know this isn't always accurate, but it'll help me make better decisions with food choices.

Apparently to lose 1 to 1.5lbs a week I need 2355 - 3028 calories a day. I'll be aiming for around 1900 calories.

Wish me luck! Happy for anyone to contribute, offer advice, encouragement, insults, you name it. I don't like pies, but I feel that I've eaten all of them.
Alright fatty!

OK, as regards your goals:

Only drink water and lots of it, or weak herbal teas, no cordials or fizzy snack type drinks.

Take a glass of diluted apple cider vinegar every morning.

Breakfast, good, shredded wheat fine, or Bircher muesli and whole fat yogurt, or an egg and one slice wholemeal toast.

Crisps, biscuits, snacks, chocolate - banish!

Walks - great for vit D, mental and spiritual health, heart and lungs, raises metabolism.

No lunch.

Fruit, no! Empty sugar, eat lots of raw veg, esp green veg.

After breakfast, only fluids until evening meal time. Have a healthy balanced meal with lean protein, lots of veg, minimal carbs. No pudding.

No snacking, no beer, wine, spirits. Except on one night of the week, your treat night.

Correct mental attitude, you're doing this for you and your desire to be around healthier longer, good luck!

From a former fatty smile

Edited by Regbuser on Thursday 7th July 15:46


25,793 posts

197 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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I found MyFitnessPal really useful not to accurately count calories, but to get an idea of roughly how many I was eating. General gist is I tend to eat relatively healthily but my portion sizes are too big. So definitely worth doing.

Diet needs to be a lifestyle thing not a temporary thing, most people who do specific diets tend to go back to old habits and put the weight back on afterwards. You need to change your eating habits permanently.

Exercise is good but its easier to cut calories from your diet than it is to burn them off. Combination of both is best.

Some kind of activity logging watch or phone app can be useful to get an idea of how much you move around. If I'm in the office all day and don't make an effort to go out for a walk or run I can end up doing under 3000 steps in a day. On the other hand I live in a tall house and can sometimes hit my watches target of 10 flights of stairs in a day before leaving the house biggrin

Someone mentioned Couch 2 5K above, running is cheap and great exercise, but can be hard on the knees, get decent trainers and don't over do it too early. Also a great social activity, I'm lazy and find running with others makes me push harder, and gets me out for a run at times I probably wouldn't ahve bothered don my own. Find your local parkrun and there's bound to be a few people at a similar pace,

Cycling and swimming are great exercise that's gentler on the joints.


6,821 posts

223 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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SpunkyGlory said:
LimaDelta said:
Buy Huel. Don't calorie count
Don't buy Huel and do calorie count (it's easy and keeps you on track). Huel is just a waste of money aimed at lazy people who can't be arsed to prepare their own meals in advance. There are plenty of tasty and healthy things you can prepare for yourself.
Jim on the hill said:
LimaDelta said:
Drink water. Buy Huel. Don't calorie count, just use common sense and portion control..
Some of the worst advice I've ever seen on here. Don't do this.
Calorie counting is absolutely a waste of time and effort. You know deep down whether or not you should be eating it, and not all calories are equal.

And Huel is a fantastic option as a meal replacement, or even to pre-load before a meal making you less likely to overeat. Lazy people may use it, but let's face it - that's exactly the sort of people who let themselves get into poor shape in the first place. People who lack the discipline to train and prepare healthy nutritionally complete meals. Bacon sandwich is easy. Huel is easier.