How do people stay in shape if working or drinking?

How do people stay in shape if working or drinking?



Original Poster:

1,707 posts

138 months

Monday 30th May 2022
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A prospective job involves travel but apart from that how does anyone stay in shape?

I love a drink to be honest with you - sometimes to excess. But how do people drink and stay slim? If I even smell a mars bar I gain about 7lbs in weight.

I understadn the premise of not drinking as much, but its more about actually working and entertaining others. The food, the drink, the lifestyle that goes with it.

Can you have a healthy life and be fit if doing this?


10,345 posts

248 months

Monday 30th May 2022
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You've just got to do your best. It's a balance and you can spend your working life making yourself ill and free time battling it by living a healthy lifestyle with lots of healthy food and exercise.

Work takes its toll on the body no matter what you do.


1,049 posts

135 months

Monday 30th May 2022
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The younger you are the easier it is. Once you’re 40, it’s hard and it only gets harder.


3,033 posts

89 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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You can eat and drink whatever you like, you just have to use more calories in a day than what you consume! So the more you intake the more youl have to hit the gym/exercise.


1,985 posts

169 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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You have to make a choice - it's not compulsory to drink when you entertain.

A few thoughts;

Ideally cut down or think about the drinks you have - some have far less calories

Take time in holidays or when you are not travelling to live healthier. A break from drinking every once in a while repairs the body quickly

Exercise helps but won't offset your bad eating /diet. Accept this and be realistic

Try to keep your sleep consistent - this makes a big difference to health and how you feel

Don't let you weight and health get out of control. It's a real challenge to get it back. If you feel like things are going too far, get it under control and make a choice on weekdays most most to you

I've been in this position and it's not easy at times smile


236 posts

184 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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CAH706 said:
You have to make a choice - it's not compulsory to drink when you entertain.

A few thoughts;

Ideally cut down or think about the drinks you have - some have far less calories

Take time in holidays or when you are not travelling to live healthier. A break from drinking every once in a while repairs the body quickly

Exercise helps but won't offset your bad eating /diet. Accept this and be realistic

Try to keep your sleep consistent - this makes a big difference to health and how you feel

Don't let you weight and health get out of control. It's a real challenge to get it back. If you feel like things are going too far, get it under control and make a choice on weekdays most most to you

I've been in this position and it's not easy at times smile
This is really sensible advice - you can’t out train a bad diet!

The other thing for me that it is perfectly acceptable to go on work events/dinner with clients and not drink! I’ve learned that it actually becomes a topic of conversation with others when they see you’re not drinking.




5,887 posts

180 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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I lost 4 stone in 2020/1. I like a drink too and travelled a lot which meant lots of crap food. It had crept up a little.

To get rid I hit the Gym, hard. Obviously travel was curtailed and the pub was shut so it really helped me shift it quickly. I'm maintaining now, and I still run/row but only 2/3 nights rather than 7. I eat Salad Mon-Thurs, don't drink in the house at all. Limit myself to one packet of low fat crisps per day. I eat breakfast religiously and have something light at lunch (not a sandwich).

I do have a drink at the weekend and a takeout though.

If travelling, try not to go the easy route, burgers, full english, quick greggs. Limit or even better stay of the booze during the week.


31,742 posts

238 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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The young might be able to get enough exercise to drink and stay thin. As you age it gets more and more difficult.

In the end it's either/or really.


13,533 posts

226 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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When you travel its all too easy when eating in hotels or restaurant to eat differently to how you do at home. 3 course meals because it's there, indulge at that buffet because it's there. A drink at the bar & the barman puts up a bowl of nuts. The biscuits beside the tea & coffee in the room. You are away from home maybe a bit bored in your hotel so you eat & drink.

So 2 thoughts from me: irrespective of whats on offer try & eat as close to how you would at home; make sure you don't get bored when working away


9,631 posts

260 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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Glenn63 said:
You can eat and drink whatever you like, you just have to use more calories in a day than what you consume! So the more you intake the more youl have to hit the gym/exercise.
That's only true in the abstract. In reality, it's hugely much easier to eat too much than it is to burn off the excess. "You can't outrun a bad diet" and "a six-pack is made in the kitchen" are very much the reality for almost everybody.


856 posts

83 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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When I traveled a lot with work. I used to go for a run.
Because I was in a different area/country I never got bored of running the same route over and over like at home.
It was a good way of seeing the local area as well.


3,387 posts

242 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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Have an affair with a gorgeous woman many years your junior. I lost 12 Kgs doing that.....


5,321 posts

89 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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rlw said:
Have an affair with a gorgeous woman many years your junior. I lost 12 Kgs doing that.....

sexercise and stress will have done that with little thought


3,033 posts

89 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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deckster said:
Glenn63 said:
You can eat and drink whatever you like, you just have to use more calories in a day than what you consume! So the more you intake the more youl have to hit the gym/exercise.
That's only true in the abstract. In reality, it's hugely much easier to eat too much than it is to burn off the excess. "You can't outrun a bad diet" and "a six-pack is made in the kitchen" are very much the reality for almost everybody.
Very true, maybe I was a bit to liberal with my reply. If your devouring 5k cals or more a day you will struggle to keep the weight off. But if 90% of your meals are decent and only when your out entertaining are you eating lots then it’s very doable. A steak and jacket potato and couple glasses wine shouldn’t be a major issue and you still look to ‘fit in’ with others.


1,762 posts

268 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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I travelled for work a lot, for years.
Had the advantage of not having to socialise much with colleagues.
What worked for me was:
- Always being in a hotel with a gym
- Gym at least once a day
- Eat sensibly. Chicken caesar salad from room service was my go to.
- Limit the drinking.


25,130 posts

165 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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Regularly drinking to excess is not compatible with a healthy lifestyle. If you want a healthy lifestyle you will really need to moderate the frequency and the amount you drink.

If you want to be fit and healthy you will need to incorporate regular exercise.

If you just want to be slim then just watch what you eat and choose low calorie drinks. However don't kid yourself that being slim is the same thing as being fit and healthy!

The key to my weight loss was porridge or similar for breakfast every day and reducing high calorie low value foods from lunches and dinners. I am not overweight anymore but without doing the exercise I am not fit either.


1,287 posts

243 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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Pretty much, yes.

I work, I drink beer, I eat pretty normal food... and yet my weight has been pretty constant for over a year.

How? Just by balancing it all. 30 mins or so of reasonable exercise each morning. Reasonable food and drink the rest of the day. But, yes, I've as well as doing the exercise I've also changed what I eat a little. Not massive changes, but smaller things. Smaller portions, not finishing off the dish which is shared with the family, just because it's a shame to see it go to waste, and also mostly missing out desserts.

I basically do the calories in/calories out stuff. And it pretty much works just fine for me. And yes, I can just about fit it all in, without getting up too early or going to bed too late.


6,649 posts

220 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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Glenn63 said:
You can eat and drink whatever you like, you just have to use more calories in a day than what you consume! So the more you intake the more youl have to hit the gym/exercise.
If only its so easy to put that theory into practice in real life.....there is a whole tread on here, and many a $$$$$$ have changed hands selling the the dream smile.

Turned 40 this year, work, family, household chores, finding just alone time is hard let alone spending hours in the gym.

Food is by far the most important factor, I've actually found if very easy to modify the intake for week days when working, but for weekends/holidays it's an different matter.

We are currently on half term holiday, there isn't much point of having a holiday if you are going to be Scrouge and say no to food....this is just some of the food I've stuffed down in the last 24hrs, all washed down with beer/wine. There is no point in calorie counting this lot, apart from say there has been no deficit!

For me it's removing the temptation at work that's been key, if the temptation is there I just don't have the will power (nor do I want to not eat nice food ok holiday).

Luckily holidays are rare, so been back at work next week is much needed to stop the weight from pilling on. If my work involved lots of eatting out etc, no chance could I dream of losing weight, quite the opposite might as well order the XXXXL cloths now smile.

Edited by gangzoom on Tuesday 31st May 19:28


3,033 posts

89 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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Now that looks like my kind of meal! laugh
I’m lucky with time as I have no kids etc so gym 4 days a week. I don’t really eat carbs during the week just high protein small amount of fats but as I drive wagons it’s easy to stick to as I can only eat what I take with me.
The weekends I still eat the high protein but then whatever I like (without being to silly) on top.

Prof Prolapse

16,160 posts

195 months

Wednesday 1st June 2022
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gangzoom said:
Turned 40 this year, work, family, household chores, finding just alone time is hard let alone spending hours in the gym.
I get it mate. I have a senior job, four kids, and one of them is a baby. I also have a house that is being done up. It can be hard, I do not have time for the gym either.

You find time though, you do any exercise you can (calisthenics, running, home weights) and you do 40 minutes or so before/after work and/or on lunches, and be strict with doing it at least three days a week, and you make your diet better (it doesn't need to be perfect).

I absolutely guarantee, if you're consistent, with less time spent exercising than most middle aged men spend stting, you will drop weight and gain muscle. You will look a st load better, it will make you feel better, and you live longer.

You don't need a gym.