How's everyone feeling about covid now? Moral maze...

How's everyone feeling about covid now? Moral maze...



Original Poster:

800 posts

196 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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Was supposed to start my new job on Tuesday but couldn't due to being positive. I've basically isolated at home since.
Whilst I do live with my girlfriend who can go to the shops, take the bins out etc...

I'm getting a bit twitchy.... How acceptable is it to mask up, sanitise hands and go to the shops, walk about etc....No social interactions, but yes I'll touch things in shops and people will get close to me.

I'm aware from a legal point of view, there's nothing wrong with this. But do people think this is reasonable? It feels a bit odd.


508 posts

113 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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What would you do if you had a cold? That's how I'm playing it now.


Original Poster:

800 posts

196 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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danpalmer1993 said:
What would you do if you had a cold? That's how I'm playing it now.
I wouldn't even wear a mask in that instance...

But not wearing a mask and going to the shops with covid really doesn't feel right to me.


12,086 posts

192 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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Is anyone really resting anymore unless they’re after time off work or trying to get more free money from the government (excl those needing to test for travel purposes)?!

Life has reverted to normal. Covid beds in use are up, ventilator usage isn’t. We’ve tipped into living with it and the sooner everyone wises up to that the better IMO.


1,639 posts

137 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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I tested positive Thursday morning so I have had a couple of days off work. I will do a test Sunday evening and see what’s what, if I’m feeling fine but still positive should I go in Monday and mask up or do I have to wait still?

For reference I’m a joiner and do domestic stuff but it’s usually it the unoccupied part of the house.


10,730 posts

196 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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Who knows really anymore?

What do we get from our leaders? I don't NEED to isolate, but you should. You don't NEED to wear masks, but you can if you want. You should stay at home, but not if you're needed in work.

What do we get from the Medical world? We should all continue to isolate to stop the spread, but for how long? Oh until we've all been exposed to it enough it's "just a cold" then how does avoiding it achieve that?

What about the vulnerable and sick? Oh, no need to stay indoors, but if you get it, you might still die, but if you don't die, you might not die the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, hundredth time you get it?

Ultimately, I think we just have to accept the unpleasant truth of it. Covid Zero didn't work, it's incompatible with human nature. We're all going to get it multiple times in our lives, it's just going to happen, and even if it becomes "just a cold" that only applies on an individual basis. If you've got a illness or are just plain unlucky there's almost nothing you can do to stop getting it on a long enough timeline, well unless you want to live like it's 'lockdown' the rest of your life.

I think this really is as 'good as it's going to get' there will be more strains and more vaccines as the medical works works it's arse off in a cat and mouse battle with it, but I don't see it really getting any better on an individual basis. I'd guess if you're young and fit, you might as well catch it now and start building an immunity for when you're older.


1,154 posts

205 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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I thought the problems in Ukraine had sorted Covid out?


59 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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Nicko_12345 said:
I thought the problems in Ukraine had sorted Covid out?
That and the cost of living increases.


4,756 posts

70 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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Going to the shops just for the sake off getting out of the house may be a bit offside if you can avoid it although I would say going out for a walk outside with your partner, given she lives with you anyway I don't think is unreasonable.

Not too long ago my youngest daughter (5) tested positive but to look at her you would have said she was fine and I did as I have said above, didn't take her to any enclosed public places but whilst she was off school I did take her to a local park for walks which was pretty much deserted and she would run around the grass, hide behind trees etc and all that stuff that kids do, I think it would have affected her badly being stuck inside constantly and probably helped me keep my own sanity too.

Boosted LS1

21,198 posts

265 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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I think for those with health issues it can be a worry, especially the immuno suppressed. People knowlingly spreading it are a risk to vulnerable people. I think that's a bit selfish if in confined spaces such as pubs or public transport.

That said, it's going to be impossible to avoid it forever. At least current strains aren't so deadly and the NHS has had time to learn a lot along with scientists.

Edited by Boosted LS1 on Friday 1st April 17:32


3,542 posts

208 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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garyhun said:
Nicko_12345 said:
I thought the problems in Ukraine had sorted Covid out?
That and the cost of living increases.
... which almost makes me grateful for both of them.

(Although if the government hadn't spaffed all the money away on COVID then the cost of living crisis would hardly exist.)


23,638 posts

235 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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I've been living on biscuits and dry crackers for days, fek it!

I'm headed to Tesco's for a sneaky shop, I need my greens. I'll do what I do when I have a cold (which is what this feels like) I'll keep away from people, I won't fondle the produce and the added bonus that I can wear a mask without looking too foolish.

Cover me, I'm going in........

Spare tyre

10,120 posts

135 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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I’ve recently been having treatment for cancer so I’ve been a bit more nervous about it all than others. Having been out and about it would seem that the rest of the world is getting on with life, which I think is the best way now.

People like me who need space etc just have to deal with it the best they can, the whole world needs to move on


59 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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croyde said:
I've been living on biscuits and dry crackers for days, fek it!

I'm headed to Tesco's for a sneaky shop, I need my greens. I'll do what I do when I have a cold (which is what this feels like) I'll keep away from people, I won't fondle the produce and the added bonus that I can wear a mask without looking too foolish.

Cover me, I'm going in........
Best of luck!


4,951 posts

190 months

Saturday 2nd April 2022
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croyde said:
I've been living on biscuits and dry crackers for days, fek it!

I'm headed to Tesco's for a sneaky shop, I need my greens. I'll do what I do when I have a cold (which is what this feels like) I'll keep away from people, I won't fondle the produce and the added bonus that I can wear a mask without looking too foolish.

Cover me, I'm going in........
Home delivery?


23,638 posts

235 months

Saturday 2nd April 2022
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I tried Deliveroo the other night and, as I expected, the kebab and chips arrived cold and soggy plus the bottle of soft drink to share for £2.50 was a can of Pepsi.

All for a total cost that would have netted me 3 kebabs if I had walked to the nearest one and ordered.

According to NHS you only have to isolate 5 days, which is the suggestion if you don't have a test.

I tested positive 5 days after start of symptoms and still tested +ve on day 7. Today is day 8.

A job I was due to for tomorrow said I was fine to come in and do if I wore a mask, it's only my main job that is insisting on 2 days of negatives before returning.

My manager is going nuts as he needs me in on Monday (special project no one else can do) and has asked me to test as late as possible on Sunday in the hope it's negative then test Monday morning.

That'll be the last of my free tests. I wonder what they'll do now we have to pay?


12,738 posts

218 months

Saturday 2nd April 2022
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Having avoided it for 2 years we are flying out to the USA in a couple of weeks, and it’s Sod’s law we’ll pick it up and won’t be able to fly. Can’t get excited about going at the moment.


3,583 posts

48 months

Saturday 2nd April 2022
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What’s interesting reading just this thread, is the mental health issues we now have manifested in the last 2 years.

It’s a cold. It’s a very mild illness for pretty much everyone, however you have been mind warped into thinking otherwise. It is not your fault but at some point you are going to have to grow a pair and admit it.

If all testing stopped tomorrow, we would have zero Covid. That’s the truth.


27,569 posts

178 months

Saturday 2nd April 2022
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EB89 said:
danpalmer1993 said:
What would you do if you had a cold? That's how I'm playing it now.
I wouldn't even wear a mask in that instance...

But not wearing a mask and going to the shops with covid really doesn't feel right to me.
Do you think 5 million people are isolating St home St the moment?

I had it last week. Stayed in for the first 2 days because I actually I felt a bit rough but then back to normal apart from I avoided my elderly gran on Friday as I was still showing as positive on a LFT.