Knee pain


Square Leg

Original Poster:

14,830 posts

194 months

Tuesday 22nd February 2022
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Bit of backstory- end of last July I ruptured my left Achilles.
13 weeks in a plastic boot, and this put quite a bit of pressure on my right knee and have had quite severe pain in that knee at times, and still ongoing.

My left knee is now also painful (I detached my mcl in that knee 5 years ago by stupidly falling off a ladder, but it healed without surgery).

My problem, I think, is partly due to my job.
I’ve been a decorator since 16 years old, and I’m 53 this year.
Getting up and down from a kneeling position, climbing steps / stairs / ladders is so uncomfortable- at work today I bashed my right knee on the metal edge of my steps and the pain bought tears to my eyes…

I’m really getting pissed off with it now, and to make things worse I don’t think I’ll be able to play cricket this year - and that is a massive downer for me.
So, I’m trying to make an appointment to see a physio as I see this as a good start, failing that I could wait several weeks for a GP appointment- but no doubt they’d want me to see a physio anyway.

For the last few years ive taken glucosamine & chondroitin liquid every day - it seemed to work at first but I no longer think it does.
I also have Naproxen to take as and when, but that also appears to do very little.

Point of this post - just really want to know if anyone is in a similar position, and what have you done / taken to alleviate the issues.
This really is affecting my everyday life now, and mentally is fking me over…

Thanks, and apologies for the long post.


18,517 posts

287 months

Tuesday 22nd February 2022
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No real help but you have my sympathy.
I've a nagging knee injury (not really an injury, more arthritis or rhumatism) in my left knee which I keep aggravating walking a dog that pulls, running (Parkrun & training for a 10K) and what gets me most is stairs and ladders. We live in a bungalow fortunately and ladders I have to be careful which leg I lead with.
Can only blame it on damp concrete drives and garages, fixing cars, laying paving etc.


605 posts

174 months

Tuesday 22nd February 2022
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Have you tried ice?

I have had numerous injuries over the last 6-7 years. Herniated disc, broken ankle, knee meniscus tear. All became much more manageable with ice.

I have a long 6inch wide Velcro neoprene belt (for back support). Bag of frozen peas, tea towel, wrap it reasonably tightly in place with the belt. Do 20 mins or so, then repeat as much as necessary.

I don’t like taking too many anti inflammatory drugs, and in all these injuries, ice has been the saviour and best road (for me) to recovery and pain control.

Perhaps get a knee MRI ASAP as the knee is very complex, so could be any part of it, including arthritis that is the issue.

Good luck!


1,758 posts

169 months

Tuesday 22nd February 2022
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Can’t really help I’m afraid, but at least sympathize with your predicament.
Not sure what happened to my knee a few weeks ago but just walking up stairs it suddenly gave way under me then was unable to straighten it. Feels like something broke away from my knee cap and is stuck behind it. It’s constantly giving me pain now and every so often will not support my weight. It’s annoying , frustrating , and the fact it’s impossible to see a doctor will no doubt be with me for some time.
I worked offshore for many years and blame hammering my knees up and down steel stairs countless times.
Good luck and hope you find a fix.


1,689 posts

151 months

Tuesday 22nd February 2022
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Constant knee issues here for years but currently all is well, or as well as can be for me, still some discomfort but nothing debilitating.
Taking glucosamine, Turmeric and fish oil supplements which seems to be helping.


583 posts

129 months

Tuesday 22nd February 2022
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I was experiencing knee pain with some swelling last May. Went and saw the GP who told me rest it, ice it etc, and report back in a couple of weeks. I did, no improvement. Got referred to Musculo Skeletal in July who did an xray, felt it, moved it, gave me some exercises. Couldn't do the exercises consistently as the pain came and went. Went back in September and said that it's no good. Referred for an MRI on the knee, had that at the end of October, results end of November showed the meniscus had both horizontal and vertical tears, along with a tear to the medial collateral ligament. Have now seen a consultant and am on the waiting list for a meniscus repair, who knows when that will be. A ridiculously long drawn out process which would have been so much quicker if the MRI had been done early on, as everyone was just guessing as to what it was.

You need that MRI to get a real diagnosis.


381 posts

111 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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left field, this guy is helping people with severe knee issues move much better than they have before.


18,517 posts

287 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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GregK2 said:
Constant knee issues here for years but currently all is well, or as well as can be for me, still some discomfort but nothing debilitating.
Taking glucosamine, Turmeric and fish oil supplements which seems to be helping.
Interested in how you take the tumeric and if you think it helps.
I understand the jury is still out on it's benefits.
I do take gluco, and eat a lot of fish anyway.


1,689 posts

151 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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Skyedriver said:
GregK2 said:
Constant knee issues here for years but currently all is well, or as well as can be for me, still some discomfort but nothing debilitating.
Taking glucosamine, Turmeric and fish oil supplements which seems to be helping.
Interested in how you take the tumeric and if you think it helps.
I understand the jury is still out on it's benefits.
I do take gluco, and eat a lot of fish anyway.
This is the particular turmeric supplement I take (No affiliation - others are available etc) If you wanted to see the ingredients.

I personally take 2 a day and sometimes 4 if I have been particularly active.
I've been taking them almost 1 year now, I have used fish oil for many years and have been taking Glucoasmine about 5 months.

There's quite a few other variables so It is hard to say how much effect each one has, but I am able to do more running than I was before and it seems to be inflamation that causes my issues.


24,498 posts

191 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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OP: may not be as bad as you think!

I went to see an NHS physio a week ago as I was experiencing increasing, constant knee pain, that had really started after the first Lockdown, but got much worse in last six months.

(unrelatedly I also had an ankle injury last summer that wasn't healing).

I assumed the knees were just something a 48 year old with 30 years of manual labour should get used to, and was just hoping for advice on how to manage it.

She explained that there were muscles/tendons over the tops of my kneecaps that had effectively shortened through lack of use (a) during first lockdown then (b) through lack of use when recovering from last summer's ankle injury.

She gave me some simple daily exercises to do, rather hilariously utilising a hot water bottle and a rolling pin. I asked how soon this would have any effect and she said "within a couple of weeks", and sure enough my knees aren't half as bad already.

I had actually gone on our surgery's website and gone through some kind of online form, and ended up being offered a physio appointment, and suspected this was a gentle fobbing-off, but I got an appointment very quickly and I left the consultation very happy.

It helped that I'd had a very attractive physio feeling my knees on and off for twenty minutes


222 posts

62 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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Ive had bad knees for years, Ive never found that any supplements help at all.
Had torn ligaments and muscles, and cartilage repair, and shattered a knee cap.

what I have found is that you need to make a fuss to GP, tell them your depressed and its having an effect on broader life and stopping you being active, get it pushed through for MRI because then you will know exactly is wrong, anything else is guess work. If there is some damage within the joint then most issues can be deal with.

However, you cannot underestimate how important muscle imbalance plays a part with knee pain. strengthening and stretching is so so important.
You might find that your vocation has created some issues, tight glutes, IT band, hamstrings or calves for example and they will all have an impact on the knee joint, so some sessions with a physio may also be worthwhile and whilst you might have to pay that might give you some relief far quicker than going through the GP/NHS process.


704 posts

83 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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I had knee pain which started after a game of village cricket in 2018 ,it was not bad in the beggining then got nagging

GP referred me to the consultant via my insurance who asked for an MRI and it showed chondromalacia pattale. referred to physio ,it didnt help and a few months went by

Consultant wanted a keyhole surgery done and then came COVID lockdown in March 2020 and then i was procrastinating it

Now have fixed the surgery for May 2022

Square Leg

Original Poster:

14,830 posts

194 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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Thanks for all the replies - some interesting thoughts, much appreciated.
I’m waiting for an appointment from my local physio (need my Achilles checking over anyway) and will take it from there, but will have a chat about having an MRI (which I’ll pay for privately to get things moving).

Had to take a Naproxen this morning which actually seemed to work, but has worn off now and both knees are screaming at me for another…
Got indoor cricket nets tonight and as there’s no running involved I’m going to have a go…