I don't have Coronavirus

I don't have Coronavirus



Original Poster:

2,323 posts

209 months

Sunday 20th February 2022
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Who else has gone the whole of the last two years without apparently catching Covid?

In February 2020, while skiing in France, I caught something on the penultimate evening of the trip which meant I literally spent the whole of the final day in bed with a fever and sore throat. Maybe that was it or maybe it was just a regular flu type virus, I'm not sure.

That was the last time I got ill with anything, save for a few very minor colds. I haven't had any vaccines, boosters, tests or anything else Covid related whatsoever. Yet everybody I know who has caught it (sometimes more than once) has been vaccinated...

Has anybody else gone through this, apparently unscathed?

Edited by Chicken_Satay on Sunday 20th February 22:58


273 posts

184 months

Sunday 20th February 2022
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My missus and all three kids (2, 5 and 12) have all had it over the last ten days. Not really possible to isolate in the house so I'm surprised I've managed to dodge it.


7,428 posts

248 months

Sunday 20th February 2022
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Yeah my wife has not caught it, despite my daughter and me having it. My wife is double vaxxed and boostered though....so depending on your definition of unscathed?


11,341 posts

214 months

Sunday 20th February 2022
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As far as I know I've not had it unless I have been asymptomatic,have only ever done 2 tests (both LFT's) and both were to get on an aeroplane and not worn a mask either


4,460 posts

49 months

Sunday 20th February 2022
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I've not had it AFAIK.

Don't have kids, work from home.

But sing in a choir, go to the gym regularly and spend a lot of time in Coffee shops. Haven't worn a mask since last Autumn.

Have only tested myself twice though so could have been one of the many who've been asymptomatic when infected.


2,276 posts

221 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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Not as far as I'm aware. Had loads of tests due to work travel, but not bothered testing unless I have to.

My wife was really ill with something that starting off as a bad cough back in March 2020, but never confirmed it was Covid.

Bacon Is Proof

5,740 posts

236 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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I know of a couple of people that either haven't had it or have been asymptomatic but they are a very small minority.
My colleague is one of them and he has tested quite regularly due to constant contact with the public. I was at work when I realized I had it but luckily everyone else was all clear.


13,003 posts

100 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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I haven't had it.

Most people I know haven't had it either.

Almost as if wearing a mask, maintaining social distancing, washing your hands when you get home and avoiding unnecessary trips all work. You know, the advice that people who've studied viruses and infections their whole life gave us.

In this time I've had 8 LFTs and 1 PCR test. All negative.


1,717 posts

135 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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Vaccination won't stop you catching COVID, it will prepare your immune system so you can handle it with hopefully minimal side-effects. But I bet you knew that. Since working from home for 2 years I haven't had a single cold or felt unwell unlike when I was in an open-plan office.

Douglas Quaid

2,394 posts

90 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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I haven’t had it as far as I know. There is a proportion of people that are naturally immune. Maybe I’m one, maybe not.


59 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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Same for me, I had what I thought was a dreadful bout of flu in Feb 20, didn't think any more of it.

Not caught Covid at all and tested regularly.

Been back at work since May 20.


2,613 posts

217 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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Given the large percentage of asymptomatic cases, it would be nice to have testing freely available for antibodies. Four out of our family of five had Covid back at the beginning of January (despite being fully and recently vaccinated). What about my middle daughter? Was she an asymptomatic Typhoid Mary? Did she have a case some other time?


53,859 posts

260 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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Haven't had so much as a sniffle in 2 years. It's amazing (Not really ..) how a bit hand cleaning and distance has stopped the spread of all sorts of more or less nasty bugs. wink

Wife got it last January and I didn't bother avoiding her particularly and seemed to dodge it. Of our three kids, one has just tested positive but has been fine. All of us have been testing regularly throughout.

If the OP hasn't been testing then there's no way to know if they've been one of the asymptomatic 1/3.


7,561 posts

174 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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same as above - i managed to avoid it for 2 years but tested positive last week and currently under isolation.

Wife doesnt yet have it but we're segregated the house, wear masks and have windows open. hopefully keep her from getting it.


2,052 posts

172 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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I had something that I think in retrospect was COVID before the first lockdown in Feb 2020. I've been healthy since then. Probably because I've been largely working from home and most of my illnesses come from getting on the train to/from work.


8,853 posts

186 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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Nothing for me the wife or kids, my son was desperate to get it so he could have time off from school, alas nope!


53,859 posts

260 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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mcelliott said:
Nothing for me the wife or kids, my son was desperate to get it so he could have time off from school, alas nope!
Mine too. He got it last week and was off Thursday, then there was a wind day and now 1/2 term. rofl

57 Chevy

5,414 posts

240 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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Never had it and neither has my wife. She works in a school so tests twice a week. My son caught it, he's 11 so we didn't isolate him from us. Only one kid in his class hasn't had it.

I've sat next to someone and shared snacks with them for five hours who tested positive the next day. I travelled down to London in mid December and went of a pub crawl and nothing.


23,850 posts

275 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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Nope, neither me or my mrs. have had a sniffle since November 2018.

Out and about in London, shops, pubs, gigs (when allowed), public transport etc.

No jabs for either of us.

Touchwood it carries on. smile


5,084 posts

195 months

Monday 21st February 2022
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I seem to have dodged it.

There was a fairly large outbreak at my rugby club. We all play and drink together. I didn't get it.

I picked a friend up from the airport who had it, spent an hour in the car, didn't get it.

My daughter had it, again I fluked it.