Muscle Tremors, getting scared

Muscle Tremors, getting scared



Original Poster:

3,352 posts

82 months

Wednesday 2nd February 2022
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A few weeks ago I started with hand/arm tremors on waking up, but then disappeared quickly, and I thought it was related to stress

Last friday I woke up again like this, and went to sit up in bed and noticed my torso started to shake when i loaded up my arms to get out of bed,
i tried a sit-up but my body started to shake on the way up and my arms too - press up was the same, ​then tried crouching up and down and my legs were doing the same...

tithin a few hours, my hands and arms felt "funny" and starting having a minor tremor all the time - and a gnarly headache and neck ache.
zero sleep saturday night as i was tremoring and worried and same all day saturday but also with a major tingly feeling all over my body
zero sleep sunday, every time i tried i had a massive twitch on my body that woke me up - i also felt like my right arm needed to be moved ALL the time. felt super anxious and tense and had to get up and walk around all the time.

Monday - called GP and bloods taken without actually seeing the GP in person
Felt a bit better Monday afternoon , but Monday night got worse again
Tuesday, forced a GP visit - all bloods were totally normal - GP spoken to Endocronology and the local hospitals Neurology dept who will call over the next 2 days about a CT scan. GP said, any worsening get medical help iimmediately
that night - fell asleep on the couch, my other half woke me up and for a brief second i looked at her but couldnt speak to her and froze - i felt really really sick and poorly, dialed 111 and while conversing to them lost my train of thought completely They asked me to come into local overnight clinic to see the Dr in 1 hour.

in that 1 hour something changed - my head went funny , but then all of my tremor symptoms went down by 90%, all the tingling went, and i started to feel great.
went to the clinic who didnt do anything apart from blood pressure and a chat
slept well last night but still woke with tremors, that disappeared with a few mins of waking up and feel pretty good today, tremors are there but very minor

not sure whats going on - but i'm pretty scared of what google is suggesting.

Four Litre

2,104 posts

197 months

Wednesday 2nd February 2022
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Appreciate your anxious as everyone would be. I mention that as when you went in to hospital it got better. Ive had all sorts of weird and wonderful symptoms from anxiety over the years, at one point I lost the ability to speak properly with my face looking like Id had a stroke (think of Stallone!!)

Fingers crossed for you...


Original Poster:

3,352 posts

82 months

Wednesday 2nd February 2022
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Thanks Four Litre - i've tried to not spiral, but its difficult in the hours of waiting and not knowing.


1,012 posts

116 months

Thursday 3rd February 2022
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I can't offer much insight into the full range of symptoms you're experiencing, but I had a similar experience with muscle tremors, and the anxiety they can cause.

Mine were triggered by a stressful period of work (combined with existing but previously undiagnosed nerve damage in my right arm). My hand started twitching uncontrollably, and the more I stressed about it, the more the twitching spread around my body. (Everything from minor fasiculations to Myclonic Jerks, which are the big spasms that can wake you up at night.) I also experienced random muscle pain and perceived weakness.

Once I'd convinced myself (with the assistance of a whole bunch of tests) that nothing too serious was going on, it actually became quite interesting, experiencing how the tremors/twitches ebbed and flowed. The overwhelming conclusion in my case was that, whatever kicks off the original episode(s) of muscle tremor, the condition is incredibly sensitive to stress...the more you worry about tremors, the more tremors you will experience. I hope you get some proper medical insight into your symptoms, but I would say that muscle tremors are surprisingly common, and a lot of people get very concerned about it. From what I have read (and my own experience), if the tremors vary in intensity, and are widely spread around your body (rather than concentrated in one limb), it's usually a positive sign in terms of not being a serious issue in themselves.


Original Poster:

3,352 posts

82 months

Thursday 3rd February 2022
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Thanks for your reply Ian - i cannot think of a specific stress i'm under at the moment that might have caused the issue(s) but you never know.

i stupidly looked at an online video that showed testing for Parkinsons and it was similar to what is happening to me, my left hand movement on hand and foot is difficult the more i attempt the repetition. so now i'm just in bits, and still waiting for neuro appt. i am considering just going private to get something done asap.


2,907 posts

201 months

Thursday 3rd February 2022
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Didn't want to read and leave, not that I'm much use on the subject.

I hope the symptoms have eased and hope its something that just passes in time. I've had periods of anxiety from high stress workloads where I've had involuntary shaking and it is worrying. I will say however that I wasn't stressed in those particular moments when I was shaking.

TyrannosauRoss Lex

35,495 posts

217 months

Thursday 3rd February 2022
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OP - when you get your blood results please ask for the lab results and put them up here. Where abouts are you based?

Could be a number of things from something so simple like a B12 deficiency to something more serous (I've been there with the latter, treated many patients with the former).

It'd be interesting to see what blood tests they've requested, don't take "they're fine" for gospel either. Always get the result yourself.


Original Poster:

3,352 posts

82 months

Friday 4th February 2022
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TyrannosauRoss Lex said:
OP - when you get your blood results please ask for the lab results and put them up here. Where abouts are you based?

Could be a number of things from something so simple like a B12 deficiency to something more serous (I've been there with the latter, treated many patients with the former).

It'd be interesting to see what blood tests they've requested, don't take "they're fine" for gospel either. Always get the result yourself.
Thanks for taking the time to reply TyrannosauRoss Lex
They did electrolytes, liver, kidney, thyroid, testosterone, blood tests like cell counts and a few others - and the results were said to be "perfect" - i did not know about B12 until a few days ago so ordered an online kit , did it as soon as it arrived and sent it back for results. I will get the GPs blood results though if i can, i have a call with them again today, as i've basically had 1 hour sleep in 1 week - when i try and sleep i get big muscle twitch, when i get past those, i wake up a little bit later arms and torso shaking, after a few seconds of being awake it goes away and left with my "usual" tremors so lie awake thinking about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!

i'm not normally a worrier or a panicker, and have been through testicular cancer years ago, but these involuntary shaking and twitching has knocked me for six.
If i'm honest i've convinced myself its Parkinsons.

I'm based up at the top end of England, carlisle and/or newcastle nearest biggest hospitals - i've been looking at getting a private consult but makes sense to await the CT scan on tuesday,

The only reason i post these things is up is in case other ever find it when they are going through the same - i'm a regular on TC forums to help people on that - i know the internet can be a hateful, scary place but it can also be a great place to bring people together and find help.

TyrannosauRoss Lex

35,495 posts

217 months

Friday 4th February 2022
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rider73 said:
TyrannosauRoss Lex said:
OP - when you get your blood results please ask for the lab results and put them up here. Where abouts are you based?

Could be a number of things from something so simple like a B12 deficiency to something more serous (I've been there with the latter, treated many patients with the former).

It'd be interesting to see what blood tests they've requested, don't take "they're fine" for gospel either. Always get the result yourself.
Thanks for taking the time to reply TyrannosauRoss Lex
They did electrolytes, liver, kidney, thyroid, testosterone, blood tests like cell counts and a few others - and the results were said to be "perfect" - i did not know about B12 until a few days ago so ordered an online kit , did it as soon as it arrived and sent it back for results. I will get the GPs blood results though if i can, i have a call with them again today, as i've basically had 1 hour sleep in 1 week - when i try and sleep i get big muscle twitch, when i get past those, i wake up a little bit later arms and torso shaking, after a few seconds of being awake it goes away and left with my "usual" tremors so lie awake thinking about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!

i'm not normally a worrier or a panicker, and have been through testicular cancer years ago, but these involuntary shaking and twitching has knocked me for six.
If i'm honest i've convinced myself its Parkinsons.

I'm based up at the top end of England, carlisle and/or newcastle nearest biggest hospitals - i've been looking at getting a private consult but makes sense to await the CT scan on tuesday,

The only reason i post these things is up is in case other ever find it when they are going through the same - i'm a regular on TC forums to help people on that - i know the internet can be a hateful, scary place but it can also be a great place to bring people together and find help.
Ideally they should have done ESR, CRP, B12 and folate as well, in my opinion. RE B12 - is it a total serum B12, active B12 or what? Don't take the NHS reference range for gospel, people can get bad symptoms well into the "normal".

Prior to the lack of sleep, were you generally tired, or not?

I would be very interested in following your case. If you are happy with that I would love to see your lab work results by either PM or on here. It doesn't sound like Parkinson's, the onset doesn't fit, and it typically effects the hands first (you often get a "pill rolling tremor") - which yours doesn't fit with.

I wouldn't necessarily be convinced it's a brain tumour either, a tumour on one side would likely only cause tremors in one side, and the tumour would have to be in the motor cortex to do so. The fact it is body wide SUGGESTS (but by no means definitively) it's a systemic issue, or spinal cord (but again, I'm not convinced it'd be that based upon your presentation).

Hang in there.


Original Poster:

3,352 posts

82 months

Friday 4th February 2022
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TyrannosauRoss Lex said:
rider73 said:
TyrannosauRoss Lex said:
OP - when you get your blood results please ask for the lab results and put them up here. Where abouts are you based?

Could be a number of things from something so simple like a B12 deficiency to something more serous (I've been there with the latter, treated many patients with the former).

It'd be interesting to see what blood tests they've requested, don't take "they're fine" for gospel either. Always get the result yourself.
Thanks for taking the time to reply TyrannosauRoss Lex
They did electrolytes, liver, kidney, thyroid, testosterone, blood tests like cell counts and a few others - and the results were said to be "perfect" - i did not know about B12 until a few days ago so ordered an online kit , did it as soon as it arrived and sent it back for results. I will get the GPs blood results though if i can, i have a call with them again today, as i've basically had 1 hour sleep in 1 week - when i try and sleep i get big muscle twitch, when i get past those, i wake up a little bit later arms and torso shaking, after a few seconds of being awake it goes away and left with my "usual" tremors so lie awake thinking about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!

i'm not normally a worrier or a panicker, and have been through testicular cancer years ago, but these involuntary shaking and twitching has knocked me for six.
If i'm honest i've convinced myself its Parkinsons.

I'm based up at the top end of England, carlisle and/or newcastle nearest biggest hospitals - i've been looking at getting a private consult but makes sense to await the CT scan on tuesday,

The only reason i post these things is up is in case other ever find it when they are going through the same - i'm a regular on TC forums to help people on that - i know the internet can be a hateful, scary place but it can also be a great place to bring people together and find help.
Ideally they should have done ESR, CRP, B12 and folate as well, in my opinion. RE B12 - is it a total serum B12, active B12 or what? Don't take the NHS reference range for gospel, people can get bad symptoms well into the "normal".

Prior to the lack of sleep, were you generally tired, or not?

I would be very interested in following your case. If you are happy with that I would love to see your lab work results by either PM or on here. It doesn't sound like Parkinson's, the onset doesn't fit, and it typically effects the hands first (you often get a "pill rolling tremor") - which yours doesn't fit with.

I wouldn't necessarily be convinced it's a brain tumour either, a tumour on one side would likely only cause tremors in one side, and the tumour would have to be in the motor cortex to do so. The fact it is body wide SUGGESTS (but by no means definitively) it's a systemic issue, or spinal cord (but again, I'm not convinced it'd be that based upon your presentation).

Hang in there.
This sounds like your day job - and I wouldn't want to bombard you with this and feeling any duty on replying all the time - but its most appreciated!
I'm getting the bloods printout tomorrow so i can put things up then. B12 is active B12, thats a few days as it was a home/send back test bought online.

prior to all this - just 2 things
1 - an ultrasound on a lump on sit bone, as i do a lot of cycling not worried about this as such, ischial bursitis is common awaiting results.
2 - TRT for last 8 / 9 months due to TC 5 years ago (long story as to why it took so long to diagnose)

I cycle or run every couple of days when i feel like it, not massive distances or duration or to compete, but keeps me fit and gets me outside, although I have been resting up for 4 weeks due to what i think is achilleas tendonitis and calf pain in the left leg.

TyrannosauRoss Lex

35,495 posts

217 months

Friday 4th February 2022
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rider73 said:
TyrannosauRoss Lex said:
rider73 said:
TyrannosauRoss Lex said:
OP - when you get your blood results please ask for the lab results and put them up here. Where abouts are you based?

Could be a number of things from something so simple like a B12 deficiency to something more serous (I've been there with the latter, treated many patients with the former).

It'd be interesting to see what blood tests they've requested, don't take "they're fine" for gospel either. Always get the result yourself.
Thanks for taking the time to reply TyrannosauRoss Lex
They did electrolytes, liver, kidney, thyroid, testosterone, blood tests like cell counts and a few others - and the results were said to be "perfect" - i did not know about B12 until a few days ago so ordered an online kit , did it as soon as it arrived and sent it back for results. I will get the GPs blood results though if i can, i have a call with them again today, as i've basically had 1 hour sleep in 1 week - when i try and sleep i get big muscle twitch, when i get past those, i wake up a little bit later arms and torso shaking, after a few seconds of being awake it goes away and left with my "usual" tremors so lie awake thinking about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!

i'm not normally a worrier or a panicker, and have been through testicular cancer years ago, but these involuntary shaking and twitching has knocked me for six.
If i'm honest i've convinced myself its Parkinsons.

I'm based up at the top end of England, carlisle and/or newcastle nearest biggest hospitals - i've been looking at getting a private consult but makes sense to await the CT scan on tuesday,

The only reason i post these things is up is in case other ever find it when they are going through the same - i'm a regular on TC forums to help people on that - i know the internet can be a hateful, scary place but it can also be a great place to bring people together and find help.
Ideally they should have done ESR, CRP, B12 and folate as well, in my opinion. RE B12 - is it a total serum B12, active B12 or what? Don't take the NHS reference range for gospel, people can get bad symptoms well into the "normal".

Prior to the lack of sleep, were you generally tired, or not?

I would be very interested in following your case. If you are happy with that I would love to see your lab work results by either PM or on here. It doesn't sound like Parkinson's, the onset doesn't fit, and it typically effects the hands first (you often get a "pill rolling tremor") - which yours doesn't fit with.

I wouldn't necessarily be convinced it's a brain tumour either, a tumour on one side would likely only cause tremors in one side, and the tumour would have to be in the motor cortex to do so. The fact it is body wide SUGGESTS (but by no means definitively) it's a systemic issue, or spinal cord (but again, I'm not convinced it'd be that based upon your presentation).

Hang in there.
This sounds like your day job - and I wouldn't want to bombard you with this and feeling any duty on replying all the time - but its most appreciated!
I'm getting the bloods printout tomorrow so i can put things up then. B12 is active B12, thats a few days as it was a home/send back test bought online.

prior to all this - just 2 things
1 - an ultrasound on a lump on sit bone, as i do a lot of cycling not worried about this as such, ischial bursitis is common awaiting results.
2 - TRT for last 8 / 9 months due to TC 5 years ago (long story as to why it took so long to diagnose)

I cycle or run every couple of days when i feel like it, not massive distances or duration or to compete, but keeps me fit and gets me outside, although I have been resting up for 4 weeks due to what i think is achilleas tendonitis and calf pain in the left leg.
Do you eat well? No family history of coeliac or B12 deficiency, dementia, Parkinson's etc etc? Do you ever get any abdominal issues (bloating, reflux, IBS, constipation etc)? On any medication?

Yes, keep me posted, it's an interesting case (admittedly not for you!).


675 posts

236 months

Friday 4th February 2022
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Clearly worrying symptoms and I wish you all the best.

I've had experience of two people I know having had similar symptoms. One was an electrolyte imbalance. The second was protracted and resulted in months of tests and hospital visits, with other symtpoms including muscle wastage and kidney disfunction but resulted in no diagnosed underlying cause. Apparently muscle twitches and the like are quite common. After 18 months things got back to normal by themselves.


Original Poster:

3,352 posts

82 months

Saturday 5th February 2022
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TyrannosauRoss Lex said:

Do you eat well? No family history of coeliac or B12 deficiency, dementia, Parkinson's etc etc? Do you ever get any abdominal issues (bloating, reflux, IBS, constipation etc)? On any medication?

Yes, keep me posted, it's an interesting case (admittedly not for you!).
Eat well yes, ibs 3 years ago struggled with pain, ended up with sygmoidoscopy with all clear, found out eventually lactose intolerances , all good since.
Family history all clean of everything

Been wiped out today with sleepers gp gave me.

TyrannosauRoss Lex

35,495 posts

217 months

Saturday 5th February 2022
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Be interesting to see what your results come back at. Remember, always ask the GP for the lab results.


Original Poster:

3,352 posts

82 months

Wednesday 9th February 2022
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Active B12 bang on in the middle of normal

CT scan - took 2 mins over the brain, all clear

blood scan below from GP

symptoms have eased considerably, just slight tremors on wakeup and slightly under load, feel a lot better in myself

the ultrasound for my pelvic issue has, however thrown a curve ball, and i'm waiting an oncology appt.

TyrannosauRoss Lex

35,495 posts

217 months

Wednesday 9th February 2022
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Sorry to hear about the curve ball, fingers crossed for you.

Nothing untoward on there, marginally low lymphocytes but likely due to recent infection or something; glad your symptoms are generally improving smile


Original Poster:

3,352 posts

82 months

Wednesday 16th February 2022
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so here we go - tomorrow, consult/assessment in the morning..... tremors still there on movement, twitch still there on face/lip , movement of feet and arms still not smooth from point a to point b.

hardly slept during the week for about 2 weeks now - i use the sleeping tablets at weekends as it gives me about 11 hours sleep but feel groggy, sketchy and tingly for a day after, like i've had 200 coffees

i'm utterly terrified and i dont mind admitting it.....


Original Poster:

3,352 posts

82 months

Monday 8th August 2022
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this has been a long road, and without an end insight

i've been to a 2 different private neurologists to get this looked at, 1 was utter rubbish, thankfully the second was excellent, and diagnosed an unusual but benign essential tremor, then came the NHS neuro, who also did the same, but within just a few weeks of that diagnosis, i started getting stiff thumbs and the thumb joints became painful and gripping and fine movements are tricky....
but then the biggie -
i started to get painful twitches in the calfs and then in various other parts of the body, in fact all over at any point in time - ranging from neck to arms to back to legs, but consistently in the calfs -

when i googled this the results were pretty scary - so the GP referred me back to neuro (another long wait) so i went back to private, who suggested an EMG - which i got a few weeks ago - results came the day before my NHS Neuro appt.

The EMG couldnt pick up the twitches (a big surprise to me) but it did pick up abnormalities across the board - it did not help by the fact he had to end the test early because i passed out from all the jabbing of large needles into me and giving me electric shocks - i was already pretty stressed and the pain of the test really hit me for six.

anyway NHS neuro have decided the previous diagnosis was wrong, and THEY SUSPECT Benign Fasciculation Cramping Syndrome but they want to redo the EMG test which will be a while- they are also going to give me some clonazepam which may or may not help.

so i'm still fking scared.


5,500 posts

143 months

Monday 8th August 2022
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Hang in there.

I think I know where your train of thought (and Google!) has taken you.

Anxiety is a very powerful thing, and I feel as though I’m stating the bleeding obvious by saying that it can manifest itself in a multitude of ways.

I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of it, and I wish you well.


3,750 posts

29 months

Tuesday 9th August 2022
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Just out of interest, have you have the covid jab and boosters?