intermittent fasting - no keto

intermittent fasting - no keto



Original Poster:

1,632 posts

281 months

Tuesday 18th January 2022
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So I seem to be living in a bubble as I've only just recently come across intermittent fasting (IF) and some of the benefits etc.

However it seems that 99% of the video's/info around this topic are doing it in conjunction with a Keto diet. I have zero interest in keto diet personally (I have no body fat to speak of, and I follow a plant based diet). I'm interested in intermittent fasting for the insulin levels benefits and for longer fasts possible autophagy benefits.

However there seems very little info about IF with a non keto diet. Anyone practice this and non-keto care to comment?


8,855 posts

186 months

Tuesday 18th January 2022
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bosshog said:
So I seem to be living in a bubble as I've only just recently come across intermittent fasting (IF) and some of the benefits etc.

However it seems that 99% of the video's/info around this topic are doing it in conjunction with a Keto diet. I have zero interest in keto diet personally (I have no body fat to speak of, and I follow a plant based diet). I'm interested in intermittent fasting for the insulin levels benefits and for longer fasts possible autophagy benefits.

However there seems very little info about IF with a non keto diet. Anyone practice this and non-keto care to comment?
Yes I do intermittent fasting twice a week for roughly 20hrs each time, I do off the back of a normal healthy diet, I don't do it for weight loss either, more for gut health, reducing inflammation, and increasing mitochondria levels.


59 months

Tuesday 18th January 2022
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I though the 5-2 diet was non keto, and based around limited food intake. I suppose it is intended to allow you to eat normally when you want to, but the calorie reduction bit reducing your appetite so you eat less in the long term.


2,019 posts

96 months

Tuesday 18th January 2022
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I do follow IF in terms of 16/8 and not specifically keto, but with meat so not sure that’s helpful to you.
I really don’t think you’ll find empirical scientific evidence that’s going to measure anything like autophagy in a range of physiology's, particularly not very low bf individuals.

The way I approach it is more to do with listening to my body and treating breakfast like the Victorians used to do - breaking - the - fast, which often means nothing until 11 or 12. Or put even more simply, not eating unless I’m hungry.


5,277 posts

135 months

Saturday 22nd January 2022
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I’ve been doing IF in conjunction with a counting calories diet for a month now and it’s going well

I just don’t have breakfast anymore, biggest meal at lunch usually 600-1000 calories, then a small dinner like a omelette etc

I have a cup of coffee about 10:30 and just drink water the rest of the time

I was 12 stone and down to 11:3 now, 5ft 11 etc.

No reason you need to do it with keto, I’ve previously did keto which worked really well, it was eaiser because I never felt hungry in the mornings where as now I do feel a bit hungry.


2,781 posts

156 months

Saturday 22nd January 2022
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I think the reason it seems to be associated with Keto is that it's an unplanned side benefit.

I've been doing Keto for the past 12 months, but cheating massively when I've been on holiday.

During non cheat periods, I have absolutely zero interest in breakfast, so I don't eat any. Then I have lunch between 12 & 1, then tea at 6. I didn't plan this, it's just how it turned out - WFH might have had an impact, as if I was commuting then there would be less opportunity to snack before dinner.

During cheat periods, I have breakfast (although I could probably skip it, but we're in a hotel and it's there), then lunch is about 1 and dinner about 8.

I can switch between the 2 without issue.

However, I would say that before starting Keto, breakfast was something I could happily skip. The biggest change has been not eating past about 6:30pm.

Try skipping breakfast and see how you feel. Moving lunch and dinner closer together will probably help too


1,042 posts

230 months

Monday 24th January 2022
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16/8 for me, which basically means stopping at 8pm and not eating again until 12noon. I’ll flex that 30 mins though if needed. Also cut out sugar, fruit wise I stick to berries (or fruit you keep the skin on for the fibre). Low on the carbs, so essentially bread, rice, pasta, potatoes are eaten in small quantities and rarely. I find green veg (spinach, kale, broccoli etc) in a smoothy with an unpeeled apple or kiwi works well.

Did this for the insulin thing like you OP. Not diabetic or measuring but my blood sugars were in the warning zone and I have family history. Lost nearly 2 stone (from 15 ish to 13 ish) in three months. Feel much healthier as well. Not eating after 8pm is the big win as that’s when I tended to eat the bad stuff.

Also I don’t drink. Gave that up for a challenge four years ago but never went back. Run out of things to give up now so hopefully it keeps me healthy for a long time!

Still not sure what keto is but it pops a lot in my feeds since I’ve been searching for smoothy and sugar free recipes!