Who’s had the covid poll?

Who’s had the covid poll?

Poll: Who’s had the covid poll?

Total Members Polled: 174

Had it once confirmed by PCR: 29%
Had it twice confirmed by PCR : 3%
Had it once confirmed but possibly twice.: 10%
Think I’ve had it but not confirmed by : 15%
Don’t think I’ve had it: 43%
Had it more than twice. : 0%
Don’t want to share but like a vote any: 1%


Original Poster:

59 months

Sunday 9th January 2022
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Haven’t done a who’s had it poll for a while.

I’m isolating at the moment after a positive PCR, think I also had it at the beginning but don’t know.


6,966 posts

158 months

Sunday 9th January 2022
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Had it in the summer, wasn’t pleasant for a few days but I didn’t die.


Original Poster:

59 months

Sunday 9th January 2022
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Had it last January, was pretty rough but not horrendous but did suffer some long term symptoms. I'm now triple jabbed and tested positive on boxing day, was like a mild cold, having to isolate was worse than covid.


4,011 posts

185 months

Sunday 9th January 2022
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MonkeyMatt said:
Had it last January, was pretty rough but not horrendous but did suffer some long term symptoms. I'm now triple jabbed and tested positive on boxing day, was like a mild cold, having to isolate was worse than covid.
What do you do for a living? Are you particularly exposed?

It amazes me that some people have managed to catch it twice by popping to the supermarket once a week and yet others, myself included, have spent the last two years in full contact with others and have completely avoided it.


Original Poster:

59 months

Sunday 9th January 2022
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Crumpet said:
MonkeyMatt said:
Had it last January, was pretty rough but not horrendous but did suffer some long term symptoms. I'm now triple jabbed and tested positive on boxing day, was like a mild cold, having to isolate was worse than covid.
What do you do for a living? Are you particularly exposed?

It amazes me that some people have managed to catch it twice by popping to the supermarket once a week and yet others, myself included, have spent the last two years in full contact with others and have completely avoided it.
First time I caught it through work, one of our site security staff thought it was a good idea to come to work with covid (after a possitive test) without telling anyone he had it until it became obvious he did. Second time I caught it from my other half, she's a junior sports coach so I fairly high risk environment. You can do everything you can to avoid it but it only takes one encounter i guess


9,147 posts

172 months

Sunday 9th January 2022
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Crumpet said:
MonkeyMatt said:
Had it last January, was pretty rough but not horrendous but did suffer some long term symptoms. I'm now triple jabbed and tested positive on boxing day, was like a mild cold, having to isolate was worse than covid.
What do you do for a living? Are you particularly exposed?

It amazes me that some people have managed to catch it twice by popping to the supermarket once a week and yet others, myself included, have spent the last two years in full contact with others and have completely avoided it.
I'm the same apart from first 6 weeks back in lockdown 1 and a 4 week break over December been around people everyday with very little covid measures hard in a workshop also been around about 20 people who tested positive for covid not caught it once that I know off. Did get a nasty bug back in October that wiped me out for a good week but that was something else PCR test was negative.

There has to be something in people's make up that causes this.


Original Poster:

59 months

Sunday 9th January 2022
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You’d think the boffins would want to investigate why you guys who are exposed to it loads don’t develop the illness as you’ve perhaps got some kind of natural immunity?

Having said that I probably thought I was in that group as I’ve been exposed to loads of people that have had it, including my kids and I’ve been traveling loads etc.

Until a few days ago when I got it and confirmed it with a PCR test hehe

There was ten of us in a group that traveled abroad for work together last week and it looks like four caught it on the same trip and are now isolating.

I think this latest strain seems far easier to catch. I know loads of people who have gone the entire pandemic without a confirmed illness but caught it in the last few weeks.


4,011 posts

185 months

Sunday 9th January 2022
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Yeah, I’ve lost count of the number of positive contacts I’ve had; memorably drinking from the same pint glass as one positive person on one occasion and sitting next to a girl on an emirates flight for seven hours who had textbook symptoms (five days later got the track and trace call). Went to the pub with two mates and both of them caught Covid and then just before Christmas spent a week in close contact with someone who had Covid.

Throughout the first lockdown and the last two years it’ll be over fifty commercial airline flights, hundreds of taxis, hundreds of hotels, hundreds of restaurants and bars and hardly any precautions. I genuinely have no idea how I haven’t caught it when most of my colleagues have. Pretty much the whole class at my childrens’ school was off with Covid in November and we were just sat there waiting for the inevitable. It can’t just be luck? I do get the feeling this Omicron is easier to catch so I’m starting to think it’s my turn soon!


4,459 posts

239 months

Sunday 9th January 2022
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Caught it over Christmas. Very mild - less than a normal cold, cough & sore throat. I'm 76 with heart & kidney problems so considered more at risk of a severe reaction than average.


10,345 posts

248 months

Sunday 9th January 2022
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Not had it and it's been easy for me to avoid it; WFH, often work alone, have no kids.

To those not understanding it or think it's luck or magic:

If you were stood in a field and someone sprayed a machine gun around you may or may not get hit.
That's the long and short of it, if you don't want to get it hit, don't stand in the field.

Riley Blue

21,445 posts

231 months

Monday 10th January 2022
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I haven't had it but I'm 72 and with a vulnerable person in the household I'm probably more cautious than many.


53,871 posts

260 months

Monday 10th January 2022
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Crumpet said:
Yeah, I’ve lost count of the number of positive contacts I’ve had; memorably drinking from the same pint glass as one positive person on one occasion and sitting next to a girl on an emirates flight for seven hours who had textbook symptoms (five days later got the track and trace call). Went to the pub with two mates and both of them caught Covid and then just before Christmas spent a week in close contact with someone who had Covid.

Throughout the first lockdown and the last two years it’ll be over fifty commercial airline flights, hundreds of taxis, hundreds of hotels, hundreds of restaurants and bars and hardly any precautions. I genuinely have no idea how I haven’t caught it when most of my colleagues have. Pretty much the whole class at my childrens’ school was off with Covid in November and we were just sat there waiting for the inevitable. It can’t just be luck? I do get the feeling this Omicron is easier to catch so I’m starting to think it’s my turn soon!
Unless you did catch it at some point but were asymptomatic and are now immune. Have you had an antibody test?

As far as I know I haven't had it despite Mrs Bill having it and the kids having loads of contact but not apparently caught it.


39,853 posts

192 months

Monday 10th January 2022
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Had it with pneumonia, was in hospital for ten days.


1,557 posts

105 months

Monday 10th January 2022
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A question for anyone who's had it since Dec 22nd, when the rules changed and you can retest yourself on Day 6 onwards, needing 2 days clear to be able to stop self isolating early (instead of waiting 10 days).... On what day did you test clear??


23,111 posts

145 months

Monday 10th January 2022
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Think I may have had it in September 2019, I was ill for about 3 weeks, been to the Drs. more during that period than the whole of my life up to that point, shortness of breath, coughing, peak flow down to 200 and was told I was close to being admitted into hospital.

Had many tests, chest X-Rays etc, in the end I was diagnosed with asthma, I am just wondering whether the asthma issue was always there and it was just found during this period, obviously it could have been asthma as it did clear up when I started taking the necessary medication.

As for during the Covid period, nope not had it at all, neither has the wife or my adult daughters. I work in a retail environment so dealing with the general public, the wife is a nanny to kids where Covid has gone through their school but the kids haven't caught it, her employer is a head teacher and hasn't caught it. My youngest daughter worked at Sainsbury's during the 1st lockdown.

Neither of us have been particularly stringent with protective measures, had our jabs months later than when we were eligible, still not had our boosters, when out of lockdowns we have carried on as normal, going out to eat, cinema, up to London, Reading festival etc; irresponsible according to my mum!!

I've said it before on other threads, it is odd how some seem to get it with some a couple of times and others don't seem to get it at all, my sisters lot have had it and yet my mum who spends alot of time with them, hasn't.

Up until Christmas just gone, the branch that I work in hasn't been affected either, then my manager got it at Christmas and we now have 2 mechanics off with it.

Edited by HTP99 on Monday 10th January 09:27


Original Poster:

59 months

Monday 10th January 2022
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Toyoda said:
A question for anyone who's had it since Dec 22nd, when the rules changed and you can retest yourself on Day 6 onwards, needing 2 days clear to be able to stop self isolating early (instead of waiting 10 days).... On what day did you test clear??
I was still testing positive on day 9 but with no more symptoms, didn't bother doing any more lat flows after day 9. Ended up isolating 10 days from boxing day, not much fun. Although I tested negative with lat flows when I first got symptoms and tested positive a few days after systems began.


4,011 posts

185 months

Monday 10th January 2022
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Bill said:
Unless you did catch it at some point but were asymptomatic and are now immune. Have you had an antibody test?

As far as I know I haven't had it despite Mrs Bill having it and the kids having loads of contact but not apparently caught it.
Had an anti-body test mid 2020 (blood taken) and I didn’t have anti-bodies. Since then I’ve probably had 100+ PCRs for work and double that in lateral flows, certainly regularly enough to spot it if I had it.

Not sure I agree with the standing in a field being shot at by machine guns analogy above; some people clearly just don’t catch it - I genuinely hope I’m one of them and that it’s not just down to luck.

Gary C

12,989 posts

184 months

Monday 10th January 2022
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RammyMP said:
Had it in the summer, wasn’t pleasant for a few days but I didn’t die.
Are you sure ?


8,031 posts

85 months

Tuesday 11th January 2022
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El stovey said:
You’d think the boffins would want to investigate why you guys who are exposed to it loads don’t develop the illness as you’ve perhaps got some kind of natural immunity?
I was wondering about this. I'm not particularly unhealthy but I do seem to catch most things going around. Last few years before covid I've had flu every winter.

I'm not overly exposed, worked from home since March 2020, not a hermit but not one to be out all the time. Did have plenty of trips to the supermarket.

Never caught it. However, both my kids have had it at separate times. One had no symptoms, but it was picked up in routine testing at school. The other had sniffles for a few days. So for two separate occasions I've lived with someone confirmed to have it. Never got it. Eldest had it recently so assuming that was Omicron, still didn't get it. Someone using the machine gun in a field analogy above. That's the equivalent almost of standing next to the gun point blank.

Of course possibly I did have it and had no symptoms. But my wife also didn't get it and she has to test regularly because of her job.

Yet I know a few people who've had it twice.


53,871 posts

260 months

Wednesday 12th January 2022
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Scabutz said:
El stovey said:
You’d think the boffins would want to investigate why you guys who are exposed to it loads don’t develop the illness as you’ve perhaps got some kind of natural immunity?
I was wondering about this. I'm not particularly unhealthy but I do seem to catch most things going around. Last few years before covid I've had flu every winter.
They are. I'm part of a study (The joys of having a wife who does research!) looking at general health and habits related to respiratory illness. Covid has meant that loads more people are signing up to research and our understanding of respiratory illness has come in massively.