Do you have crap eyes... What are your numbers?

Do you have crap eyes... What are your numbers?



Original Poster:

13,217 posts

223 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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The initial message was deleted from this topic on 07 November 2023 at 13:23


9,838 posts

48 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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I am -8.25 and -9.25 with an add of 1.5 for reading - aged 61.

Been that bad since I was 18 and not really changed apart from the reading add at 44.

Have to pay quite a bit more for the thinnest and lightest lenses

Can’t see much without specs on really

Your prescription is very very mild indeed


6,834 posts

268 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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My eyesight is around -5.0 on sph and maybe -0.5 cyl. For context that means if I want to use my phone without glasses I need it about 6 inches from my face.

I'm slightly younger than you, but most of my eyesight degradation was in puberty/teens. It's probably only gone -1 on sph in the last 20 years, most of that spent staring at computer screens which can't help.

Sounds like your eyes are in pretty good shape to be honest!


14,603 posts

143 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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-6 contact lenses. Slight astigmatism but not corrected with contacts (didn't get of either the toric lenses)

Mr Pointy

11,674 posts

164 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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dibbers006 said:
I've had an eye test (first time in about ten years) and the numbers are -0.75 / -0.25 on the Cyl and 0.25 on the Sph.
You have a pretty mild prescription - I was -8.00D in both eyes. What is your intermediate add? You might find a pair of intermediate glasses will help with computer work although it may be the prescription is too small to be viable.

Edited by Mr Pointy on Thursday 23 December 18:03


2,336 posts

127 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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With contact lenses on a good day I'm pretty much 6/6 (i.e. 20/20 in old money) in the right eye, slightly worse in the left.

Without my lenses in I can't tell how many fingers I'm holding up at arms length.

Can't wear glasses because my corneas are irregular. I consider myself lucky because I have a mild case of my condition, Keratoconus.


3,465 posts

110 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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I think my first prescription when I started wearing contacts at about 15 was -1.25 in both eyes, I believe these days I wear -2.25 in both eyes. Whilst I can just about function without wearing them, I can't really see any detail beyond about 6 feet.


25,807 posts

197 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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-6.25 i think. Can read a book without glasses at a range of about 6 inches. Started wearing varifocals a couple of years ago, aged 46, but can't remember how strong that is

Edited by RizzoTheRat on Friday 24th December 07:35


1,223 posts

231 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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Boringvolvodriver said:
I am -8.25 and -9.25 with an add of 1.5 for reading - aged 61.

Been that bad since I was 18 and not really changed apart from the reading add at 44.

Have to pay quite a bit more for the thinnest and lightest lenses

Can’t see much without specs on really

Your prescription is very very mild indeed
Very very close to my history and prescription - just add some prisms and I'm only just 50. Been wearing specs since I was 6, had progressively larger prisms (they got to 10in) until in 2018 I was encouraged to try botox to cure the squint. That kind of worked for a while but I'm now back at 3in prisms.


1,484 posts

71 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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I read your thread title as do you have crap tyres....


1,100 posts

77 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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I was -6 and -6.5 with astigmatism in both eyes. Glasses since aged 4 (now 52).

I decided to have laser correction surgery this year in November and it's the best thing I've ever done.

Like many on here I needed to pay for the thinnest lenses, I needed different glasses for driving/reading and dark glasses so I was comfortably spending £1500 a year on specs.

I talked through Laser surgery with my Optician who I've known for years. He was pretty straight about the pro's and cons and realistically he sat on the fence about the whole thing- but did recommend one thing to me. If I decided to do it, go to Moorfields, no where else. At Moorfields you're seeing a very qualified Surgeon. At the commercial places you're just not sure how qualified or competant your consultant is.

So I went to Moorfields on 10th November and I now have no need for glasses except a cheap pair of supermarket readers for very close stuff - but my eyes are still changing daily (improving).

The procedure I had was PRK.


3,152 posts

184 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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I'm mid 40s, eyesight went seriously downhill as I hit puberty, then settled around where it is right now (it's closer to -9 / -9.5 for glasses) in my early 20s when I switched to wearing some daily disposable contact lenses.

This is your first post the way I see it without my glasses on:

Weirdly as I get older, my near reading is getting impossible with glasses on so I have to pop my glasses on top of my head to read nutritional labels on jars etc...

Edited by eltawater on Thursday 23 December 19:57


44,368 posts

155 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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emperorburger said:
I read your thread title as do you have crap tyres....
You need glasses.


44,368 posts

155 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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anonymous said:
My grandad used to say "I need my glasses to find my glasses"

lost in espace

6,276 posts

212 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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-8.0 here, thanks to everyone posting it's not often I see higher figures than mine posted.

Asda do free thinner lenses if you are over -8.0 the frames are a bit rubbish though. My varifocals cost £120 for 2 pairs.


9,838 posts

48 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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Interesting reading others experiences with similar prescriptions to me. Until i was in my early 30s I didn’t think I could wear contact lenses until I met someone who had a higher prescription than me that did.

Had to switch to varifocals and now don’t wear them as much as I used to as my eyes dry out more.

The lens implants sound interesting although a little reluctant.

Going back to the OP - I would love to be only -0.75! Have to put my specs on first thing and have to keep a spare pair (old pair) in both cars just in case.

Changing glasses when sun came out when driving was always fun but now have magnetic clip on sun glasses which I got from optician in Cyprus - great things


14,603 posts

143 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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lost in espace said:
-8.0 here, thanks to everyone posting it's not often I see higher figures than mine posted.

Asda do free thinner lenses if you are over -8.0 the frames are a bit rubbish though. My varifocals cost £120 for 2 pairs.
Mother in law was -15.... and went up to -19 due to complications. Used rigid contact lenses. She had new eye lenses installed and is now ~20/20.

Edited by thebraketester on Thursday 23 December 21:41


657 posts

36 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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I am +4, +4.5 and have CYL (for astigmatism) of 4/4.5.

I can play football, race go karts etc without glasses but I can’t see anyones face till close up without. Even with, I cannot read road signs until about half the distance away that my partner can. I can read ok, though not comfortably, without glasses, though I always wear them.

On a chart I cannot read past the second line without glasses.

Here is what text looks like for someone needing a CYL correction; of +2…

The biggest ball ache is driving at night, even with glasses, every single point of light has lines/star burst shapes originating from it.

For a long time I was mystified at the speed with which other people could drive through town centres at night. I didn’t realise it didn’t look like this for everyone!


7,429 posts

248 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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I was about -8 in both eyes from about age of 21. I started wearing glasses at age 8. Always spent a fortune on glasses getting thinned lenses and varifocals.

In my mid 40's diagnosed with cataracts and had both eyes done. Now, my long vision is fine for driving without any correction/ glasses. Just wear reading glasses for up close work... Amazing really....

lost in espace

6,276 posts

212 months

Friday 24th December 2021
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LostM135idriver said:
For a long time I was mystified at the speed with which other people could drive through town centres at night. I didn’t realise it didn’t look like this for everyone!
I just assumed that everyone in school read off the person next to them, and only those at the front could read the board. I was about 11 when the eye test ladies came in AGAIN and said I was fine, but I couldn't read the test properly. Went for an opticians test and found out I absolutely needed glasses.