You will die if you smoke

You will die if you smoke



Original Poster:

152 posts

62 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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I love cold days like today was, crispy, sun out making it feel so pleasant.

Stopped of at McDonalds, bought a coffee and went outside, lit a cigarette. Bliss one of the greatest pleasures of life a cigarette, a coffee and a crisp, sunny day.

A woman leaving Macs told me I should be ashamed of myself, that McDonalds is a children's restaurant and i was setting a bad example. Pointed out to her it was 2 in the afternoon and there was no children around.

She then told me I shouldn't smoke for my sake, her brother smoked from the age of 12 and died aged 32 of oesophagus cancer because of smoking .

I get this all the time, my dad died of a heart attack caused by smoking, my aunt died of a lung condition because of smoking, my brother died of cancer because of smoking...

Firstly I don't get how people know that it was smoking that caused a heart attack, cancer or any other condition, people who don't smoke die too.

Secondly why don't people latch on to these who drink alcohol and point out that they had a relative who drank alcohol and died (I am teetotal) or eat meat, or who drive cars, or buy chocolate.

I know smoking is not good for me, but it is pleasurable, keeps my weight down and keeps me awake if I am driving down to Wales at 3 in the morning.

Also does the person who smokes occasionally a couple of cigarettes on an evening out run the same risk as a 40 a day smoker, seems we all get grouped into one.



559 posts

168 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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If anyone wants to smoke, let them I say. As Sir Humphrey Appleby said in the TV series "Yes Minister", smokers pay more tax and die sooner, they are a help to the economy. Plus, we all know someone who knows someone who "lived to a ripe old age and smoked every day of their lives."

My own mother chain-smoked her way to death at the age of 38, leaving my father to bring up myself and my sister. We were 7 and 4 years old. Decided it wasn't for me at an early age!


6,511 posts

203 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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You stink! wink

Well actually it is a bit anti social - keep away from other people when you do it and you won't get the comments!


2,803 posts

87 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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Not sure what the point of this is…if you’re hoping for lots of support in your smoking ways, I suspect you’re a couple of decades too late, the world’s moved on and the vast majority know it’s pretty bad for you.

My advice would be, find a proper coffee shop and truly experience one of life’s pleasures rather than have a McDonald’s coffee and a fag.


23,639 posts

235 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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You'd think that the young would learn but my ex wife smokes like a chimney and now has lung cancer. She still smokes.

Two of our kids, 15 and 22 both smoke.....a lot.


27,266 posts

198 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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Fill yer boots; govts and busybodies are too keen to tell us all what to do in our private lives. They should poke it. You probably do stink though. hehe

The Mad Monk

10,594 posts

122 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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You will die if you smoke.

You will die if you don't smoke.


13,348 posts

260 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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I'd liken smokers to the anti-vaxxers: all evidence and science is made abundantly clear and is left to them to make decisions for themselves knowing the risks that prevail. As it should be. The only difference is that smokers pay on average £4.5k a year to add unnecessary risk to their lives. Anti-vaxxers enjoy all that risk for free.


10,755 posts

207 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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fesuvious said:
All you've done there is (like many many posts in here) confirm that the Covid situation has caused mental illness.

I mean this not as an insult.

Seriously, keep Covid vaccination opinions in the appropriate threads. Please.
The previous poster has made an entirely valid point, it's about personal freedom , you either think that this is important or you don't .

As a society we have to decide whether we think people should be able to continue a habit that's dangerous to them, dangerous to others and anti social generally


1,366 posts

109 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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Firstly, I wouldn't be taking health advice from anyone eating McDonald's.

Secondly, a fag and a coffee on a crisp sunny day sounds bloody lovely and I don't smoke.

Tin Hat

1,390 posts

214 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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I loved smoking and miss it dearly, especially one with a (nice) coffee. Unfortunately, I have sub standard lungs ( not directly as a result of smoking ), so I had to knock it on the head which is a pity as (smell aside), it can be one of life’s great pleasures.

I hope that you have the opportunity to smoke plenty more, and the woman outside McDs should stop getting busy and mind her own business


3,414 posts

145 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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ConwyC said:
Also does the person who smokes occasionally a couple of cigarettes on an evening out run the same risk as a 40 a day smoker, seems we all get grouped into one.

Of course not. If you only smoke a few, you're at less risk than a heavy chain smoker by far.

This woman should mind her own business, does she go around offering her opinions to all the fat parents with their fat kids in McD's too? Silly woman!
Its known fact that smoking isn't good for you, that said, I work in plenty of homes where the owner has been smoking all their life, everything in the home is caramel coloured, it stinks, they look like ste, however they are 80+ years old.


2,369 posts

90 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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Smoking and drinking didn't seem to affect Winston Churchill's longevity.

It's a personal choice in my view. My wife smokes, I'd prefer her not to but rather than admit the strength in the evidence base more people die early as a result of smoking than those that don't she'll regularly inform me 'so and so' has died and he never drank or smoked rolleyes

Going down the financial cost argument, I didn't win that one either.

My mother smoked, died at 83.


10,076 posts

213 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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Smoking must be one of the most fking stupid but legal things you can do to yourself on a long term basis, but if it makes you happy then crack on.

cobra kid

5,142 posts

245 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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I know it probably wasn't as a direct consequence, but my mum died of lung cancer at 52. That was 22 years ago. I was spoon feeding her, her meals at the end. She didn't really know who I was. It sent my younger brother down a dodgy path, losing his mum when he was 17.

I've never smoked because of this. I drink only moderately.

Do as you want.....but please also think of what you are contributing to, in other people's lives.


8,796 posts

181 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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The Mad Monk said:
You will die if you smoke.

You will die if you don't smoke.

None of us are getting out of life alive.

OP, it's your lungs, your money, your choice and your funeral.

My funeral will probably be a result of a motorcycle or good living, my choice and my funeral.

So crack on and enjoy your coffee and cigarette 'cos there's bugger all else to enjoy at the moment!


39,847 posts

192 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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What about people who drink water? They die too y'know, where are the bleeding hearts for them?
It's an outrage i say, an absolute outrage!

In the grand scheme of things, if the OP doesn't want people to comment on his habits, then he is best off just avoiding people full stop because it doesn't matter what you are doing, someone somewhere will take offense.
I had to wait for someone to drop some keys off from work last weekend and it was forecast to snow. Local skunkhead came out of the shop and all but stood nose to nose and shouted "It's going to snow you know"
Good, responded i
Whaddya mean good? It's going to effin snow you small boat used in cambridge.....sounded like that anyway
I suggested i like the snow at which point she asked how i get to work, so i said i walk.

The mouth full of abuse i got after that was hilarious and all i did was stand there minding my own business.


7,651 posts

225 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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Smoking used to be a social thing, now it’s an antisocial thing.

If you’re going to be unhealthy, might I suggest a double sausage and egg McMuffin with a sneaky hash brown inside instead of the ciggie.


13,385 posts

240 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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I don’t smoke. Doesn’t interest me in the slightest.

I do ride motorcycles for fun* though, so I am fully supportive of your right to do what you want to.

  • to clarify that means riding fast.


8,208 posts

97 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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I went to the airport recently and as usual, the door was almost blocked by stinkers and a cloud of smoke.

I'm an ex smoker. Looking back, I didn't realise how selfish a lot of where and when I smoked was. Also, only when you quit do you realise how much it genuinely does stink. I mean really stink. You stink. Bad. All the time.

But more than anything, if you insist on doing it, do it where the rest of us don't have to walk through your stinky cloud. Doorways and busy streets are fairly selfish places to smoke.