Bad nerve damage rendering arm useless

Bad nerve damage rendering arm useless



Original Poster:

4,300 posts

209 months

Friday 19th November 2021
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Hi folks

After a hectic few months, including a trip to USA via Canada to get married, I was pretty run down.

The day I got back to UK I was in the local supermarket and felt hot and sick. I made a beeline to the bathroom and that’s about all I remember. I passed out when I got there.

I came round pretty much upside down in the toilets in
Massive pain, it was pretty traumatic and I’m sure I was having a panic attack. I had pretty much all my weight on my right shoulder with my head facing right with my right arm completely dead. I Smashed my face on something in the fall resulting in a nose bleed, smashes glasses and many cuts and bruises.

After I was found and received (excellent) help, I had come round and felt much better although my right arm remained completely dead.

At the advice of many I went to A&E. I had an Xray, CT scan and ECG. Fortunately I got the all clear, and they put the passing out down to exhaustion and dehydration and didn’t seem too concerned.

Unfortunately my arm remained completely dead, and they believed I had damaged a nerve in my neck or shoulder. Fortunately I still had good bloodflow, and within a few hours started to get pins and needles in my hand and arm. A few days later I saw a specialist who confirmed nerve damage and believed it would recover itself in time.

Fast forward 12 days I can now twitch my fingers, have a greater sense of feeling in my arm but it remains completely useless. The doctors tell me I need to be patient as it could take many months to recover, and they were pretty sure it won’t need surgery, but they won’t know until at least four weeks after the incident.

All this has been on the NHS so far, and I have been impressed, but was wondering if I can and should do more. I have very good private healthcare and wondering whether it’s worth getting them involved or whether I do just need to be patient. Living life with just one arm is proving challenging. Has anyone experienced this before? For what it’s worth I’m a 36-year-old male & pretty healthy.




379 posts

172 months

Friday 19th November 2021
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12 days is nothing for a nerve. the fact you have some finger movement already is good.
Have you had an EMG test? Or maybe they will wait the 4 weeks and then try this.

I think there are 3 types of nerve damage and depending on your will give you an idea for recovery. Some fantastic literature to have a read of.

I am 7 months after having my radial nerve damaged after breaking humerus, so understand a bit.

First 3 or 4 months was nothing, and i mean nothing, no movement feeling, super weird but interesting feeling.
My proprioception was non existant, i would think my arm was in one place but it was actually in another. Fascinating how these nerves control and work.

Still not recovered, No thumb movement and finger dexterity, ha.
Arm is weak but is definitely much better.. Surgeon wants another electromyograph thing, my 3rd at some point next month. joys.

To answer question.
In my case i was given Electrical stimulation 3 times a week for first few months, along with some strange vitamins or something. Nerve growth factor i found out about later, no idea if it works though.

Keep your arm and joints moving, my shoulder and elbow ended up very stiff and have lost rom.

Your nerve damage is higher up than mine.

The 2 people i know of with brachial plexus injuries never recovered and the arm is still floppy.
However the nerves had essentially been ripped out of the vertebrae and had been in accidents with far more force than what you have described.

Anyway it probably will get better with time, or not, its just an arm.

Use your private healthcare and go see the best neurologist you can.


17,790 posts

202 months

Saturday 20th November 2021
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I'll take a somewhat random but slightly educated guess at three months recovery.

Can you twitch all of your fingers and thumb?


2,367 posts

222 months

Saturday 20th November 2021
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I damaged a nerve in the top of my foot skiing once with an ill fitting boot. Couldn't feel the top of my foot for about two months, but the nerve did grow back and now its absolutely fine.

So I guess, for what it's worth, nerve repair can take some time but can 100% fix, so be patient with yourself.

Best wishes for your recovery smile


Original Poster:

4,300 posts

209 months

Saturday 20th November 2021
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Thank you everyone. I’ve not been offered an EMG yet, they say I need to wait 4 weeks.

Yes, I’ve gone from zero movement and feel to being able to move all fingers and thumb slightly. Wrist and elbow zero improvement yet.

3mths or even more is fine, is the fear of non recovery getting me down


2,495 posts

59 months

Saturday 20th November 2021
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I had similar in 1992, six weeks in and the pain had gone but my right arm was just a floppy thing stuck onto my shoulder. The doctors at that point were talking about a permanent disability but I kept trying stuff .
After about two years, I had almost full use of my arm, but the main shoulder muscle had gone and the ones alongside had taken over instead. I had very weak thumb and forefinger grip for another year or two, but eventually it all came back. I couldn't really say how long it took but it was several years. Thirty years on if I do weight training in front of a mirror you can still see the uneven muscles.


490 posts

61 months

Saturday 20th November 2021
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On the face of it, I’d have done an MRI of your brachial plexus and I’d be talking to our local plexus surgeons.
Having said that, treatment is usually wait and see.

If i were you i would make sure the treating docs have spoken to a brachial plexus expert. If not ask for it or even arrange yourself if you have to (you might have to ask around) to make sure nothing’s missed. Nobody will do plexus surgery privately but you should be able to get an opinion from someone who knows what they’re doing.

This is not individual medical advice. I am not a brachial plexus expert.

But recovery so far sounds promising.


Original Poster:

4,300 posts

209 months

Saturday 20th November 2021
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Thanks again folks, useful context. Sounds like I just need to be patient.

I have been referred to the peripheral nerve injury unit at Birmingham hospital, and have an appointment with them every two weeks moving forward. I was very impressed with my first visit have another one next week.

Trying to keep my fitness up, just done a 5 mile walk this morning, would like to get back running for my mental health. Having to use a sling when walking as starting to get a bad pain at the top of my arm (outside) probably caused by the weight of the arm when walking

Edited by matt21 on Saturday 20th November 13:36


34 posts

124 months

Sunday 21st November 2021
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I partly paralysed the arm 20 yrs back in an accident. All radial nerve function was lost. Thats half the nerve control in the arm. Sounds like yours is radial nerve damage? Radial nerve palsy?

Muscle control was lost and muscles wasted , electrical stimulation in those days was unusual. At 9 months I started to regain control. The nerve regrew repaired or whatever it does.

It gradually all returned apart from some feeling .

Keep yourself in good health, get the best medical support you can and do everything that's asked.