Spinal surgery



Original Poster:

38 posts

112 months

Friday 29th October 2021
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Looking at having a 4 level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion operation at the end of November (whole neck screwed together)

Just wondered if anyone has anything similar done and could share there experience?

Thanks in advance

Four Litre

2,104 posts

197 months

Saturday 30th October 2021
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Im scheduled for an L5/S1 at the end of Nov, rather concerned to say the least!!

There is a good group on facebook for spinal fusions, sometimes wish I hadnt joined!!!


1,159 posts

184 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2021
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There is a thread on here with a few of us who have had fusions done


I had L4L5 fused in April this year following on from a couple of microdiscectomies trying to relieve the pressure on the cord but eventually failing.

7 months on and I am relatively pain free and have very few restrictions on my abilities.


363 posts

75 months

Friday 5th November 2021
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Another L5/S1 member.

Had mine in April and tbh I expected worse pain wise, I didn't even use much morphine or Tramadol.

First 2-3 weeks are the hardest and then its gets better, for me the months after have been the worst as I still have lingering issues which is due to severe nerve irritation.

That and the mental toll, just remember it won't be like this forever and you will get back to normal.


685 posts

220 months

Friday 5th November 2021
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I had 2 level cervical c5-7, back in January it helped with my shooting pains but I still have the 3 finger numbness I had before and also the tricep weakness / signal bascially I can't use the right tricep it's as if my brain isn't telling it to work very weird feeling.
My consultant is great he's thorough and is still looking at other issues he thinks maybe it's still being pinched somewhere so waiting for other scans etc

Recovery wasn't too bad I found the first week the worst very tender feeling I neck just take your time for first few months and then a few after you feel better while it's fusing listen to your body.


15,242 posts

274 months

Friday 5th November 2021
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Not me but.
My wife had a corpectomy of C5 earlier this year, basically replace the vertebrae with what looks like a bottle jack. She’s as tough as old boots and managed on paracetamol, all good now.

Gary C

12,989 posts

184 months

Friday 5th November 2021
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Good luck all of you.



1,466 posts

221 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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Yep, I had my C5 - C6 disc removed, fused and plated back in June this year, and have made a full and complete recovery. In fact, I was swinging a golf club today!

I was in agony prior to this, had lost full use of my left arm and my bicep and shoulder were pretty much gone. I was also told I had permanent nerve damage following spinal compression too.

Anything is possible, just don’t over think it, keep positive and focused on recovery. Shout if you need any further advice. James


1,666 posts

207 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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Another L5/S1 discectomy here. Had it back in 2012 after suffering in agony for 6 years, went from not being able to stand for more than 3 mins/couldn't move my left leg more than 10deg from vertical/constant sciatica pains all the way down to my ankle to being able to run and stand watching a concert for the first time in years smile

As has been said, post-op it's more uncomfortable than actual pain, and nearly ten years later I'm still what I'd consider normal. Best thing I ever did, it literally gave me my life back and I'm only 41 now.


4,695 posts

113 months

Monday 8th November 2021
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I'm on the waiting list for L5/S1 coming up on 3 years, nobody has explained anything to me, GP hasn't a clue and any information from my consultant is drip fed every few months. I've had a epidural steroid injection which didn't work.

Telephone consultations every few months but despite me having X-Rays, about 6 MRI scans and a CT and getting the reports and images after jumping through numerous hoops it seems impossible to get any sort of information on my condition and what the plan is.

Trying to get through to the Consultant is like phoning MI5 and unless you pay £250 to see him privately for 5 minutes you don't get anywhere.


379 posts

135 months

Monday 8th November 2021
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L5/S1 for me 13 years ago. Huge improvement but if I do a drop too much during the day I have sciatica for a while albeit at about 10% of what it previously was. You have to adapt lifestyle a little, particularly moving heavy weighted items. Have it done, mine worked just be careful a little.

If you buy a new vehicle do a decent enough test drive to settle in. I find some vehicles very uncomfortable yet strangely low two seaters don’t affect me.


379 posts

135 months

Monday 8th November 2021
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fesuvious said:
Wondering if it might be useful / helpful / interesting if some if you posted up your MRI scans?

As somebody suffering issues with L5 right now I know it would interest me.
Mine was a good while ago now but immediately post MRI you could see the huge mess that the disc had turned into. The disc ‘contents’ were spilt to the left which corresponded with the lack of feel in my whole left leg. Sciatica is so unpleasant I wish you the best with getting it sorted. I tried physio and rest then had the MRI and was kept in for an op the next day. I seem to recall quite industrial physio some weeks after the op which was frightening as I was placing a lot of trust in their work and kept expecting it to pop.


1,466 posts

221 months

Monday 8th November 2021
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fesuvious said:
Wondering if it might be useful / helpful / interesting if some if you posted up your MRI scans?
Sure, happy to help for current and future readers. Mine was C5 / C6 with full recovery. The scare on my neck (they go in from the front!!!) is after only 6-weeks. It’s hardy visible now.


4,695 posts

113 months

Monday 8th November 2021
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Here's a zoomed in section showing L5S1 from my first MRI, GP got sent them first before the spinal consultant. At my first appointment to discuss medication she said "I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for." I mean it's fairly obvious somethings not right. Dealing with. private consultant now who works 1 day in the NHS and 4 in the private hospital.

Basically been told their is a surgery which would fix it and if that didn't work it would be onto fusion. Total cost about £30k


1,466 posts

221 months

Monday 8th November 2021
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The NHS didn’t even send me for an MRI, so after 4-months of the most unbearable pain I paid to see a constant privately, who then referred me for the above MRI. I then had to pay 16k for the above surgery.

Best money I ever spent. And I didn’t have the money myself!

We now have medical insurance!


4,729 posts

39 months

Monday 8th November 2021
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AudiSport said:
The NHS didn’t even send me for an MRI, so after 4-months of the most unbearable pain I paid to see a constant privately, who then referred me for the above MRI. I then had to pay 16k for the above surgery.
Are you by any chance a white, middle-aged, heterosexual male? We seem to be at the bottom of every priority list.

Last year I suffered an undignified injury and GP said, "you just live with it". I did some googling and saw a surgeon privately (no insurance). Two weeks later I was on the operating table with my wallet lightened by £4,000. Full recovery in about a month and everything perfect ever since. So much for the UK's world-beating NHS...


1,176 posts

151 months

Monday 8th November 2021
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IME trouble with spine issues / NHS is "most" back issues sort themselves out over time. For me with my Sciatica I believe I was told 90% sort themselves out just with physio, of the remaining ones 90% of them are sorted out by the injection. So the NHS go through everything before sending you for the expensive scans etc. and this was pre covid and the mess the hospitals are in now.
After going through months of referrals, physio, spinal injection more physio, then I was finally sent for an MRI where straight away was told "that was never going to heal".
So my advice is judicial use of private, this doesn't take you out of the NHS system, but a paid appointment here and there to save a few months wait, or if you can afford it maybe a private scan, then have the op on the NHS.
I see both sides, the NHS can't send everyone with a bad back for scans straight away, but the constant 6 week wait until the next "thing" is so draining.
As for me, discectomy in 2010 worked, but I started going downhill a few years later again, started cycling as couldn't walk the 2 miles to work anymore and it was my saviour, not had a back issue since 2017 when I started cycling. Disclaimer - cycling won't work for all / anyone else...


Original Poster:

38 posts

112 months

Monday 8th November 2021
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I got fed up with the NHS cancelling and rearranging appointments so ended up going private. I would be kicking myself if I waited for the NHS and ended up with any permanent damage.

I’m still booked in for the end of this month but it may change what they are going to do, they may now do 2 split lamonectomys from the rear, and possibly 1 fusion from the front.

Pic of my scan


1,159 posts

184 months

Monday 8th November 2021
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fesuvious said:
Wondering if it might be useful / helpful / interesting if some if you posted up your MRI scans?

As somebody suffering issues with L5 right now I know it would interest me.
Happy to share mine.

As a brief outline, the initial injury occurred in late 2003. I was diagnosed as having a prolapsed L4L5 and had a microdiscectomy in 2005. This absolutely solved the problem and after a period of recovery, I was able to lead an extremely active lifestyle including activities such as skydiving, skiing, etc. I had a reoccurrence in 2017 on a ski trip which necessitated a revision microdiscectomy at the same level and this was performed in 2018. I never got the same relief from the second surgery and there was always some residual pain and discomfort up until January this year when I had a huge flare-up leaving me pretty much immobile and reliant on opioids to get through the day.

I had my fusion done in April and the impact it had on my pain levels was pretty much immediate. Since the op I haven't had a single episode of sciatic pain and whilst I do struggle with range of movement at times, it has absolutely transformed my life to live without that debilitating pain and reliance on meds.

1st pic was taken in Feb and the second was June.


4,695 posts

113 months

Tuesday 9th November 2021
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AudiSport said:
The NHS didn’t even send me for an MRI, so after 4-months of the most unbearable pain I paid to see a constant privately, who then referred me for the above MRI. I then had to pay 16k for the above surgery.

Best money I ever spent. And I didn’t have the money myself!

We now have medical insurance!
I was told it would be 8 months to get an MRI on the NHS, went down to the private hospital two days later and paid £400 for a lower lumbar MRI then £700 for a spine injection. Then Covid hit and that MRI was out of date so my consultant sent me for another one on the NHS. Even before Covid you could never get through to my spinal consultant. I had to pay £248 for a private appointment for a 5-10 minutes to discuss options. Pain is 7/10 on a good dat and off the scale on a bad day.

I have medical insurance but it didn't cover anything spinal related

I'm out of pocket a few thousand, not to mention all the adjustments ive had to make to make life easier in my early 30's. Had to sell my Cloverleaf Alfa and get a Lusso with softer suspension and a more comfortable ride. Had to quit my job as I couldn't move or lift anything, stairs are difficult bordering on impossible so everywhere I go has to be planned. Going out at night isn't an option, can have a drink but enjoying a night out is out of the question. Nightclubs and gigs are a no-no. Wouldn't wish my life on anyone it's a nightmare.

Edited by sutoka on Tuesday 9th November 01:46

Edited by sutoka on Tuesday 9th November 01:48