Drinking- post lockdown

Drinking- post lockdown



Original Poster:

185 posts

173 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Has anyone else massively changed drinking habits in the wake of lockdown?

I was having a conversation with a colleague recently, both of us realising we basically no longer drink. Not an active lifestyle choice, and I still enjoy it when it happens, but I’ve gone from drinking every weekend ( and a couple of beers in front of the tv after work on a weekday when I felt like it) to next to nothing, kind of by accident. I’ve had the same 5 bottles of ale in the Booze cupboard all year.

Anyone else experiencing this, or is it just me?


2,178 posts

78 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Possibly just you. That's not been my experience anyway, quite the opposite.


13,585 posts

236 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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You are not alone. I had a holiday last month, and bought a really good bottle of vodka to enjoy. Managed about two doubles smile


1,435 posts

152 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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xx99xx said:
Possibly just you. That's not been my experience anyway, quite the opposite.
I would agree with this unfortunately.

I don't know why, but certainly drinking more than I used to.


857 posts

83 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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I’ve gone from a couple cans of hipster ipa a night to having the same 3 cans in the fridge for over a month with no desire to drink them.

I even went to a gig recently and only had a pint. That would be 4-5 normally.


919 posts

127 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Due to working from home during lockdown I was finding I was having a few beers every single night, so for the first time in my life I've had to watch how much I drink. That said, while I have almost entirely stopped mid-week drinking I have still been having more than a few at the weekend. And going to a stag do this weekend so I guess I'll get my average back up.


4,459 posts

239 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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I've gone from around 12-15 units a week down to 0-3. Don't miss it at all.


64 posts

106 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Having a 10 month old and being down in this here London where most locals are Young's or Geronimo pubs, I'm certainly drinking less! Even the Young's Original is over a fiver a pint now. Fortunately my love of Mahou doesn't translate outside of Madrid - as that's over £6 a pint like the Beavertown stuff.

Some nights I'll have one whilst cooking though.


Original Poster:

185 posts

173 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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I originally attributed it to the pubs being shut/ a pain to visit.

I’ve never been a heavy drinker at home really, a couple beers would be my natural stop point, but on a night out, I could quite easily get totally hammered. Seem to have had a shift now, to the point I will quite often volunteer to drive rather than drink.

I recently went on a stag do. A few years ago that would have been a 40 unit weekend without trying to hard, I think I drank maybe 10.

It’s interesting there are a few others in the same boat coming out of the woodwork.


4,436 posts

196 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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I’ve stopped completely. Almost 4 months now.

I got into bad habits which time at home amplified & coupled with an obsessive character it wasn’t good.


13,918 posts

243 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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cml24 said:
xx99xx said:
Possibly just you. That's not been my experience anyway, quite the opposite.
I would agree with this unfortunately.

I don't know why, but certainly drinking more than I used to.
Me too, to the point I think I need to do something about it.


1,287 posts

243 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Yes and no for me.

Yes, my drinking has increased, mainly as I bought a couple of those Pinter things and have a freshly brewed load every weekend.

But I also started regular exercise. Prior to lockdown I'd gone up to about 100Kg, and had a very sedentary lifestyle (was a desk job anyway). So decided to lose at least 20Kg. That involved a bit of calorie counting and daily 30 minutes on the rower/exercise bike. Got to the right weight over 7 months, and have stayed at the right weight, and still do the daily exercise.


13,299 posts

222 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Took the running up to 6 days a week and binned the booze off pretty much completely during lockdown, although I'll have an occasional glass of red if the Mrs buys a bottle.

Don't miss it at all


13,151 posts

182 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Yep, near as dammit zero.

I got into bad habits (for me) of at least one beverage a night while working from home. I then "accidentally" had a few nights off and realised that mornings had been so much easier! Pretty much dropped it straight away after that.

I now occasionally (once a fortnight, maybe less?) have a single medium glass of wine or beer bottle at home, then might have two pints on the rare occasions I go to a pub (if I'm not driving, which I usually am). Mostly I find I just don't fancy it, unless I'm in classic trigger cases of dinner time on a Friday night or in a pub.

Bonusses of more money and more time as an effective(-ish!) human being!


4,760 posts

70 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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I used to have a bottle of beer a night while watching TV but really since I had Covid in early July (when I started drinking more due to quarantine and boredom) I have given up drinking at home completely and I rarely go out anywhere which involves drinking either, I'm not anti drinking, I was away a couple of weeks ago with some mates and drank daily then on holiday but as day to day I don't drink anymore.


Original Poster:

185 posts

173 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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I do miss the pub a bit,But i’m happy to drink coke to be honest. The last time I got a bit merry, I just felt a bit... stupid?

Having a fairly young son probably helps, hangovers and toddlers are not a good mix.


59 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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I went to the pub last Friday after work and had 5 pints over about 3 hours, and felt absolutely dreadful the next day… Did the whole ‘never drinking again’ thing smile

I’m a lightweight these days.

My drinking habits fluctuate quite a bit. I go through phases where I pretty much ‘forget’ about drinking for 2 or 3 weeks, or more. It isn’t a conscious decision, I just don’t seem to have time, or I’m busy, or whatever. But then I will go through a period where I will enjoy a glass of wine or a spirit most evenings.

I enjoy drinking more when I have time to enjoy it such as in a restaurant on a weekend.

I drank a lot more during the first lockdown quite simply because I was bored and had nowhere I had to go to. Then I got bored of drinking and stopped for a while.

Walshenham said:
I do miss the pub a bit, But i’m happy to drink coke to be honest. The last time I got a bit merry, I just felt a bit... stupid?
Edited to add:

I totally get the above. I haven’t been ‘drunk’ for years. I embarrassed myself slightly at a friends barbecue party about 10 years ago simply by being drunk and thinking I was funny, and I know it sounds daft but I’ve never forgotten it.

If I now feel I’m getting merry or more lively than usual after a few drinks, I tend to stop with the alcohol and move onto soft drinks.

Edited by anonymous-user on Friday 22 October 14:05


13,176 posts

176 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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I'm currently on sober october to cut weight for a martian arts comp I've got in November, doing from 1st Oct - 27th Nov. but previous to that hadn't been going out as much as it was a pain in the rear, but was drinking a lot more at home.


12,732 posts

184 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Drinking far more.

Retail manager at a big superstore.

The early lockdown months drank almost every night. Dialled well back now.


5,177 posts

128 months

Tuesday 26th October 2021
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I was drinking more in lockdown.

Now on the alcohol free beer in the week. Still allow myself wine/beer at the weekend but try to keep it sensible.

Working - have cut down a lot and am feeling better and losing weight.

Worth trying alcohol free drinks if anyone is struggling a bit.