What exactly are the real rules?

What exactly are the real rules?



Original Poster:

2,347 posts

91 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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I came down with what I thought was a chest infection last Friday at work.
Wet cough and headache, high temperature.
Stayed in bed over the weekend!
On Monday the wife had the same symptoms.
The wife took a Lateral flow test which was positive.
I took a test-positive, I was astonished as I'd been coughing up loads of green rubbish. Not what I expected Corvid to be like.
I have a question whilst we await the PCR Tests.
How long do we self isolate if we get positive PCR Results?
From the PCR Test results date, or the date we first showed symptoms?
I'm feeling almost back to normal already (I've had both jabs, I'm 62 and quite fit).
Difficult to find the actual truth amongst all of the dross on the Internet!
Thank you.

BoRED S2upid

20,165 posts

245 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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10 full days after positive PCR test


Fingers crossed it was a false lateral flow as this is happening a lot as normal coughs and colds trigger the test.


Original Poster:

2,347 posts

91 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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BoRED S2upid said:
10 full days after positive PCR test


Fingers crossed it was a false lateral flow as this is happening a lot as normal coughs and colds trigger the test.
Thanks for that, but the People on the Test Website are saying its from when you first get symptoms?
Which would be Science talking and not just Government Speak.
Sounds a bit like burning Witches to cure them to me.


14,025 posts

185 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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If you're over it don't take the test - no legal obligation to do anything then and it prevents giving the government more of a reason to oppress us.


Original Poster:

2,347 posts

91 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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kiethton said:
If you're over it don't take the test - no legal obligation to do anything then and it prevents giving the government more of a reason to oppress us.
Ah of course, then I'll have more time to stick myself to some roads !


27,583 posts

178 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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My company have interpreted it as 10 days from first symptoms.


Original Poster:

2,347 posts

91 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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ChocolateFrog said:
My company have interpreted it as 10 days from first symptoms.
Thanks, that's what the Science suggests.
Common sense as well.
Just need the results now!

BoRED S2upid

20,165 posts

245 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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mickyh7 said:
BoRED S2upid said:
10 full days after positive PCR test


Fingers crossed it was a false lateral flow as this is happening a lot as normal coughs and colds trigger the test.
Thanks for that, but the People on the Test Website are saying its from when you first get symptoms?
Which would be Science talking and not just Government Speak.
Sounds a bit like burning Witches to cure them to me.
Well you asked what are the rules and I gave them. Some people don’t get symptoms so how can it be 10 days from symptoms starting?

The bigger question is what is the law rather than rules?


Original Poster:

2,347 posts

91 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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BoRED S2upid said:
Well you asked what are the rules and I gave them. Some people don’t get symptoms so how can it be 10 days from symptoms starting?

The bigger question is what is the law rather than rules?
Not looking to argue, but you've hit the nail on the head. The law in this case is the important factor.
I did actually say I got the symptoms on the Friday. It wasn't a general question.
It seems there are lots of rules, some are different depending where you find them.
We rang the people who run the tests.
I want to go to a wedding if I'm cured of the virus and don't pose a risk to anyone.
I also don't want to break the law!
So timing is important to me.
I obviously didn't want to hear the wrong answer as I'm trying to form a plan.
Thanks for taking the time to offer your help.
I appreciate it.


4,440 posts

192 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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It's ten days from symptoms according to the PCR test email.

If you weren't showing symptoms then it's ten days from the test. Again, according to the PCR test email.


5,321 posts

89 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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mickyh7 said:
I came down with what I thought was a chest infection last Friday at work.
Wet cough and headache, high temperature.
Stayed in bed over the weekend!
On Monday the wife had the same symptoms.
The wife took a Lateral flow test which was positive.
I took a test-positive, I was astonished as I'd been coughing up loads of green rubbish. Not what I expected Corvid to be like.
I have a question whilst we await the PCR Tests.
How long do we self isolate if we get positive PCR Results?
From the PCR Test results date, or the date we first showed symptoms?
I'm feeling almost back to normal already (I've had both jabs, I'm 62 and quite fit).
Difficult to find the actual truth amongst all of the dross on the Internet!
Thank you.
There are two scenarios for isolation (number 1 is for you).

1) If you are symptomatic it is 10 full days from the onset of symptoms (isolation ends 00:01 26/10/21)
2) If you are asymptomatic it is 10 full 10 days from the day of PCR test if that was today (isolation ends 00:01 31/10/21)


Original Poster:

2,347 posts

91 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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Thanks everyone.
I now know exactly what I need to know.
Ten days from my first symptoms.
Hopefully I can make my Daughters Wedding.
You'll understand how important this is to me!


3,273 posts

175 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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As mentioned above its from first symptom or test date if no symptoms.


13,349 posts

260 months

Thursday 21st October 2021
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mickyh7 said:
Not looking to argue, but you've hit the nail on the head. The law in this case is the important factor.
I did actually say I got the symptoms on the Friday. It wasn't a general question.
It seems there are lots of rules, some are different depending where you find them.
We rang the people who run the tests.
I want to go to a wedding if I'm cured of the virus and don't pose a risk to anyone.
I also don't want to break the law!
So timing is important to me.
I obviously didn't want to hear the wrong answer as I'm trying to form a plan.
Thanks for taking the time to offer your help.
I appreciate it.
I was recently in a similar situation to you.

Returned from Albania where I had a PCR test on the day before I flew back which was negative. Did a day 2 test when I got home which came back positive - despite me having zero symptoms and actually feeling rather chipper. I did several at-home lateral flows which all came back negative. the 10 day isolation would have been a major PIA so two days after I got the negative result, I went and took a drive-trough PCR test. That came back negative so I took the logical view that this would end my isolation.

Had a call a day later from NHS T&T who were following up on the original positive result, unaware that I had, the day before, tested negative. This appeared to flummox them a bit as according to the rules, I should've been isolating and oddly there appeared no directive if one takes it upon themselves to get a test done within the 10 day period which comes back negative.

I was told the matter would be referred up the chain and that I would receive a call. This was all over a month ago and am still waiting for that call.

Based on this, I'd say the logical approach is to get a PCR test - if that's negative, then you're good to go regardless of what went before.