Sickness, tummy ache, no energy - could it be Quorn?

Sickness, tummy ache, no energy - could it be Quorn?



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4,897 posts

220 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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Without wanting to get all Mumsnet or NHS24 here, just throwing this out there to the masses as over the past 24hrs my kids have been unwell and my wife is still in a bad way.

Nothing untoward yesterday, wife and kids (1 and 4) had a day at an adventure park, are as normal and no issues. I made dinner, fajitas... one batch with real chicken for me, one with Quorn pieces for her as we've done many times before. Kids had some of hers but weren't the interested, had a couple of spoonfuls.

1yr old went to bed about 2hrs bit restless then for the first time ever had projectile vomit twice in the space of 30mins. No sooner was that done, 4yr starts complaining of a sore tummy and is sick several times through the night. Wife then is sick around 4am and has no colour, feels like she's got no energy etc.

Kids up today, not great but no further sickness bar a couple of brutal nappies for the 1yr old but wife isn't great, been sick again several times, exhausted, slurring her words and says she's feeling a bit weird. Hasten to add, she's rarely ill and never to the point she's been reduced to her bed all day.

Currently, kids asleep and seem fine bar being a bit disinterested in food today but drank plenty, have played, been out in the car... wife still floored but not being sick, just can barely get herself off the bed. Tried NHS24 earlier but juggling kids, but will try again shortly fir advice but I've become suspicious of said Quorn given I'm fine, I had real stuff, kids seemed ok having immediately emptied last night but wife had her full of it and isn't good at all. She thinks I'm being stupid and it's a bug, but I'm not sure the kids would bounce back so fast or be sick at almost the exact same time, about 3hrs after dinner...

So just throwing it out there, not looking for the miracle answer but I'm becoming more convinced it's what they ate, yet have done previously with no ill affects and it was cooked thoroughly and all other ingredients (mushrooms, peppers etc) were shared and I ate my body weight of mine and as said, I feel fine.

Any thoughts... aside for holding her hair from behind and going "There there, almost done" but this time whilst she speaks to God down the big porcelain telephone.


51,762 posts

160 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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Most likely to be a bug from school/nursery. Loads about.

If everyone is keeping up their hydration levels (esp the little one) then I wouldn't be too worried. Regular temperature checks, etc...

Toast+butter for the young ones if they can stomach it. Avoid cows milk as it is hard to digest.

I am not a doctor.


725 posts

244 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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I am allergic to Quorn, first time I had it I wasn't overly keen on the taste. Second time throwing up for 72 hours. I can't even think about it now without getting that watery sensation in my mouth that is the precursor to vomiting. I would blame the Quorn and have nothing more to do with the horrendous stuff vomit


51,762 posts

160 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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jpringle819 said:
I am allergic to Quorn, first time I had it I wasn't overly keen on the taste. Second time throwing up for 72 hours. I can't even think about it now without getting that watery sensation in my mouth that is the precursor to vomiting. I would blame the Quorn and have nothing more to do with the horrendous stuff vomit
Quorn allergy is possible, but unlikely if his wife has eaten it many times before?


1,156 posts

42 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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Same rough story here, without the quorn! Picked it up at nursery I think. Seems on the mend now.


Original Poster:

4,897 posts

220 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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Thanks chaps.

It's a strange one and yes, first reaction was that it's something one of them has picked up from nursery be it the 4 yr old or my wife (she works in a nursery) but she's not been in since last Tuesday and the boy child's nursery hasn't reported any issues not have the Karen's on Facebook

Nobody they've seen at close quarters the last few days is unwell, young and old alike and nor am I and Ive taken my fare share of snot, dribbles and explosive nappies at very close quarters plus my wife momentarily forgot she was a mother of two under 5's yesterday and we kissed, I know... first time since I said "I do" several years ago. She has since apologised and said it won't happen again.

So between that and the remarkably coincidental timeline of events following the three of them having Quorn last night, I'm a bit on the fence. The knock on of that is boy child wants to go back to nursery, my old dear was going to take the newest one out but she's like "Aaaargh, germs!" even though both kids have been great since they got up today.

Just odd that all three ate, both kids threw up rather catastrophicay 3hrs later and seemed fine thereafter. Wife rough from about 4am, proper rough... currently upstairs, floored and saying her arms and legs hurt and she's just bum shuffled down to the toilet (we're poor) then crawled back up. I suggested I might go eat the left over Quorn just to see what happens as a process of elimination but a) she went nuts and b) I'd rather eat the contents of next doors cat litter tray.

Wife just did a lateral flow test and yes, I made sure I made plenty inappropriate gag reflex based comments... and it's come back negative so NHS Scotland will now immediately be disinterested in her plight so I'll continue to make her drink water, though on that note... kids have been drinking all day, not as in "in the pub" but they're well hydrated given boy child has just pee'd and it sounded like the cold water tank had just burst so he's fine in that sense. Smallest one is doing her best to test Pampers no leaks claims on an hourly basis so she's ok.

I fear my sharing may be large in part due to 3hrs sleep in the last 26hrs and already gearing up for a night on the sofa with the 1yr in her travel cot beside me. I expect the Victoria Cross once this is all over.

Edited by Davie on Sunday 3rd October 21:22


51,762 posts

160 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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Davie said:
I fear my sharing may be large in part due to 3hrs sleep in the last 26hrs and already gearing up for a night on the sofa with the 1yr in her travel cot beside me. I expect the Victoria Cross once this is all over.
Understood. Fully deserved. I found various audio books and top gear helped. Plus a glass of wine. When all fails I have done many a midnight walk with a pram in cold drizzle, then letting them sleep in the pram in the hall for a few hours while I slept on the sofa.


919 posts

127 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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Potential cross contamination from handling raw chicken and preparing other parts of the meal would be my guess.


3,780 posts

140 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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I know it's not helpful but just the thought of Quorn turns my stomach.


Original Poster:

4,897 posts

220 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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JmatthewB said:
Potential cross contamination from handling raw chicken and preparing other parts of the meal would be my guess.
It's a possibility but I'd say no given my wife has a serious thing about raw chicken thus the kitchen is like a forensic lab when it's on the menu. Separate knives, chopping boards, utensils, everything really and enough anti-bax to restock Tesco for the forthcoming year.

Anyways, kids are as normal... ie a pain in the arse, unreasonable and not listening and wife is better, as in no longer feeling sick but just feels done in but evidently recovered enough to point out I'd washed the sheets along with some bright pink socks and that the 1yr old came with me on the nursery run today wearing what I thought were joggy bottoms but seemingly they were jammies.

My campaign to ban Quorn from the house has begun.


51,762 posts

160 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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Davie said:
My campaign to ban Quorn from the house has begun.
You could make a film about you tracking down and removing all of the quorn from the house, slowly finding more and more of it that you had forgotten.

You could call it "The Quorn Identity"


Original Poster:

4,897 posts

220 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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vaud said:
You could make a film about you tracking down and removing all of the quorn from the house, slowly finding more and more of it that you had forgotten.

You could call it "The Quorn Identity"
Well played sir, well played!


3,600 posts

203 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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Both my wife and son seem allergic to quorn and in the case of my wife, be ill within minutes and ly lad a few hours. We know this as the school kept giving it to him in error.

Herr Schnell

2,348 posts

204 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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The story of vat grown mold products, known as Quorn, in the US may be of interest:

Mr Whippy

29,474 posts

246 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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Eugh, this mould tastes... mouldy.

Edited by Mr Whippy on Monday 4th October 22:19


51,762 posts

160 months

Tuesday 5th October 2021
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Davie said:
Well played sir, well played!


Original Poster:

4,897 posts

220 months

Wednesday 6th October 2021
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And so it continues...

Monday, wife was still in bed feeling sick but not being sick but also no energy and sore neck / back (insert the end of that infamous song line if you like) but I was fine, kids seemed fine so still put it down to the dodgy Quorn or something else food related. However, had dinner Monday evening and an hour later I was sick then couldn't get any heat in me have spent the past 24hrs feeling sick, tired and broken.

4yr old was sick again this morning and seems properly off today, ditto myself though wife is somewhat improved (thank God or we'd have been properly screwed) and I'm writing this at 6am as the 1yr old has just been sick again randomly. I'm feeling slightly less sick but have a pain behind my right eye that won't sod off and generally feel a bit done in.

We've both done a couple of DIY Covid tests that came back negative and the general opinion from a few friends is this isn't uncommon, quite a few have suffered similar. Wife was on the phone to one of the other Karens and they've convinced themselves it's a by product of our super clean, disinfecting the crap out of everything, social distancing life lately and now that the kids are back to school and people are mixing more, any "normal" ailment will now hit us and our weakened immune systems all like a ton of bricks.

I'm still campaigning to rid the house of Quorn and in the spirit of that 1966 drama involving a lion, it shall be known as "Quorn Free"


1,248 posts

85 months

Wednesday 6th October 2021
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IANAD, personally reckon you’ve come down with a mild vomiting bug

You don’t sound like you’re being ‘explosively’ / copiously sick / runs to be things like rotavirus or noravirus


Original Poster:

4,897 posts

220 months

Wednesday 6th October 2021
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Yes, sadly that means her ladyship is now pointing out "it wasn't the Quorn after all" with increased regularity which is proving to be as tedious as my headache that won't sod off either and that's being aggrivated by a 4yr old who's now got cabin fever.

Wife has also recovered from her crawling upstairs, throwing up, unable to lift her head and has made up for lost time by calling the Karen's to give blow by blow accounts of the past several days. Upside to that is Karen No.3 reported similar symptoms within her household last week.

Hoping it clears off soon. House reeks of bleach and Detol. Nobody has eaten much since Saturday though wife is parading about claiming her T-shirt feels baggier so again, every cloud and all that. 1yr has suffered a rear end explosion earlier so she's not right yet and neither will her buggy be either. It may have to be burned.

Anyways, shall stop documenting the horror now given it turns out it's not the Quorn thus my hasitly composed initial post seems futile given its now unlikely to be banned from the house. Though I've yet to show her the mould link above, I'll save that for when her stomach is a bit more resilient.

Look after yourselves.