3rd Covid Vaccine. Thoughts?

3rd Covid Vaccine. Thoughts?



Original Poster:

692 posts

140 months

Monday 20th September 2021
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Hello All,

Yes another COVID Thread.

Just arrived home to a voicemail from my health board (South Wales ABUHB). I qualify for a 3rd Vaccine and if I would like one I can call and book immediately.

For background, I'm nearly 32, I have Crohn's Disease and my treatment for that is a biologic immune suppression called Vedolizumab (Entyvio). I've had 2 Pfizer vaccines. The 2nd was early July.

I'm feeling a bit uneasy about having another vaccine, but I can't really explain why? It feels like its more out of hope rather than any logic, if that makes any sense.

Wondering if anyone else on here has been offered yet, and what their thoughts are on the matter?


Edited by WelshPetrolhead on Monday 20th September 17:19


22,752 posts

163 months

Monday 20th September 2021
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I thought there was supposed to be six months between second and third doses?
If so you should not be able to have an appointment until next year.


972 posts

183 months

Monday 20th September 2021
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I’ve had 2 Pfizer jabs and just come out of isolation having had COVID. I do wonder what the point of having a 3rd jab now is. My plan is trying to come into contact once a month with someone that’s got it to keep my immunity up!
Has the 3rd jab been modified for the Delta mutation?


2,356 posts

183 months

Monday 20th September 2021
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I'm triple soon to be quadruple jabbed. It's a farce.
I had double sinopharm in UAE and everyone here has been asked to get a Pfizer booster. But, as a brit none of them are redlcognized in UK.
Sooo long story short and at huge expense I flew to Bulgaria for 11 days as we were still on red list, back to UK, had my 1st Pfizer, back to UAE and in 10 days I fly direct to UK for next Pfizer. The jabs in UK are recognized here in UAE.
The way the British government has hung british expats out to dry, literally, in UAE is diabolical.


Original Poster:

692 posts

140 months

Monday 20th September 2021
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Scrump said:
I thought there was supposed to be six months between second and third doses?
If so you should not be able to have an appointment until next year.
No idea. I've just been told I can call and book now. That doesn't necessarily state a time frame but I can't imagine why they would be getting in touch and telling me now if I cant have it until next year! Obviously this one is optional (not that the other 2 weren't technically), but with the other 2 I didn't have to do anything. I just recieved a letter about a week in advance telling me my appointment was x date at y time.

Edited by WelshPetrolhead on Monday 20th September 17:31


Original Poster:

692 posts

140 months

Monday 20th September 2021
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Mazinbrum said:
I’ve had 2 Pfizer jabs and just come out of isolation having had COVID. I do wonder what the point of having a 3rd jab now is. My plan is trying to come into contact once a month with someone that’s got it to keep my immunity up!
Has the 3rd jab been modified for the Delta mutation?
Likewise, a double jabbed colleague has just returned. Tested positive, had cold symptoms (sneezing etc)

Its just the same jab AFAIK.

Edited by WelshPetrolhead on Monday 20th September 19:56


1,099 posts

91 months

Monday 20th September 2021
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As a medical consultant myself I have to keep my ear close to the ground on COVID vaccinations. Two groups of patients have been identified for a third COVID vaccination due to their increased susceptibility to severe infection if they catch coronavirus:

1. Severely immunocompromised patients whose immune system is weakened by disease and/or medication. Whilst many were vaccinated early on in the program, evidence suggests that they require a stronger course of vaccinations (i.e. three jabs rather than two) to get immunity to be on a par with everyone else. The third jab is therefore considered part of the initial "primary course" so three jabs rather than two, and the third jab can be less than six months after the first. To be fair there are plenty of other vaccines that require more than two doses to reach peak effectiveness, for example hepatitis B, so there's nothing inherently wrong about a vaccine needing more than two shots to generate peak effectiveness.

[Link with more technical stuff]

Be aware that household members of people in this category from the age of 12 upwards are also eligible for vaccination to reduce their chances of catching the virus, thus increasing further the protection of the vulnerable household member.

[Link to Welsh process]

2. Older adults and those with chronic health conditions who were immunised earlier on the vaccination program. These people were immunised early on and as there are signs that immunity may be starting to wane, this part of the program is to ensure their immunity remains high over winter. It's therefore considered a booster jab and will be given no earlier than six months after the second jab.


Fortunately it is uncommon for people who have had two doses to become very ill and end up very poorly in hospital and requiring intensive care. However, analysis of those who do become very ill despite two jabs has found that people who are very immunocompromised are over-represented amongst them. Hence the advice to people especially in the first group is to accept the third dose which gives their immune system the best chance of responding to the vaccine and hence prep them for the eventuality that one day they will encounter the coronavirus itself. My professional advice would be to respond to the invitation if you have been contacted and if possible discuss with your clinical team about the best timing for a third jab as it may depend on what other treatment you might be taking and when.

I'm not aware of any immediate plans to slightly amend the genetic code of the vaccines to take account of the Delta variant; yes it's perfectly possible to do so but the existing vaccines appear to be quite good enough to hold their own against the Delta variant of the coronavirus which is good news.

Terminator X

15,897 posts

209 months

Monday 20th September 2021
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I'd like some cold hard facts rather then hysteria on the effectiveness of 2 jabs first before getting a third!



53 posts

134 months

Tuesday 21st September 2021
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Hi. I had my third jab nine days ago. First 2 were AZ and the last one was Moderna. It is part of a research project and so far have had no side effects ( or from the first 2). I will be tested in 2 weeks for antibodies. The blood test prior to the 3rd injection stated that I had very few antibodies so fingers crossed. (Kidney transplant patient).

Steve Campbell

2,185 posts

173 months

Tuesday 21st September 2021
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Double check. There was a post in my village social media...someone was called for 2nd jab and went along....but was < 6 months since dose 2. Turned out the system was using birth dates and not 2nd jab dates as the trigger so had erroneously sent invites to a few people early. Now fixed.


Original Poster:

692 posts

140 months

Tuesday 21st September 2021
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Chromegrill said:
Thanks for that. Certainly put away some of the unease that I have.


4,460 posts

49 months

Tuesday 21st September 2021
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Another thank you to Chromegrill for that very helpful factual post.

I follow Covid developments pretty closely but that's the clearest explanation of the 3rd jab protocol that I've seen - and the first time I've understood it.


Original Poster:

692 posts

140 months

Wednesday 22nd September 2021
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Just to update this I will be having my 3rd jab on Monday.


59 months

Wednesday 22nd September 2021
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I'm on Brodalumab, similar biological to yours it seems, not had a third jab request. Will have it if asked but not really fussed as the information impact of CV19 has left me in pretty bad place, i am struggling to get back to normal with all the fear spread last year.

I know a few with conformed cases who had both jabs and have done very well, they have compromised immune systems.


1,377 posts

160 months

Wednesday 22nd September 2021
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Had my third dose today. Pfizer this time and AZ for the previous 2. Seems to have gone fine with no side effects so far. Not even a sore arm. Happy days.


59 months

Wednesday 22nd September 2021
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jontysafe said:
I'm triple soon to be quadruple jabbed. It's a farce.
I had double sinopharm in UAE and everyone here has been asked to get a Pfizer booster. But, as a brit none of them are redlcognized in UK.
Sooo long story short and at huge expense I flew to Bulgaria for 11 days as we were still on red list, back to UK, had my 1st Pfizer, back to UAE and in 10 days I fly direct to UK for next Pfizer. The jabs in UK are recognized here in UAE.
The way the British government has hung british expats out to dry, literally, in UAE is diabolical.
Maybe these expats should either come home or accept when they fk off to another country then they can't have their cake and eat it? biggrin


59 months

Wednesday 22nd September 2021
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WelshPetrolhead said:
Hello All,

Yes another COVID Thread.

Just arrived home to a voicemail from my health board (South Wales ABUHB). I qualify for a 3rd Vaccine and if I would like one I can call and book immediately.

For background, I'm nearly 32, I have Crohn's Disease and my treatment for that is a biologic immune suppression called Vedolizumab (Entyvio). I've had 2 Pfizer vaccines. The 2nd was early July.

I'm feeling a bit uneasy about having another vaccine, but I can't really explain why? It feels like its more out of hope rather than any logic, if that makes any sense.

Wondering if anyone else on here has been offered yet, and what their thoughts are on the matter?


Edited by WelshPetrolhead on Monday 20th September 17:19
If you've already had 2 with no il effect, suffer from Crohns and are at risk then I can't honestly see why you are worrying about a 3rd OP

Id take it whilst its on offer personally


2,317 posts

79 months

Wednesday 22nd September 2021
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lord trumpton said:
jontysafe said:
I'm triple soon to be quadruple jabbed. It's a farce.
I had double sinopharm in UAE and everyone here has been asked to get a Pfizer booster. But, as a brit none of them are redlcognized in UK.
Sooo long story short and at huge expense I flew to Bulgaria for 11 days as we were still on red list, back to UK, had my 1st Pfizer, back to UAE and in 10 days I fly direct to UK for next Pfizer. The jabs in UK are recognized here in UAE.
The way the British government has hung british expats out to dry, literally, in UAE is diabolical.
Maybe these expats should either come home or accept when they fk off to another country then they can't have their cake and eat it? biggrin
But as an expat the op will be paying for NHS treatment at 150% of the cost the jabs or using their medical insurance…as they are not entitled to healthcare as it is a residence based system.


753 posts

178 months

Thursday 23rd September 2021
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WelshPetrolhead said:
Just to update this I will be having my 3rd jab on Monday.
What made you change your mind if you don't mind me asking?

I think I was on the same page as you. 'where does it end' and the vaccine not exactly being a free ride makes me slightly hesitant as I have no underlying health conditions.


Original Poster:

692 posts

140 months

Monday 27th September 2021
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The replies on here helped and I just read into it a bit more...


I'm at the centre and have just signed in. I've been told this is my 3rd dose, as expected...

I've also been told I will be offered a booster in 6 months time!!

Have we just ordered too many of these or something?!