The Indian variant.


Louis Balfour

Original Poster:

27,337 posts

227 months

Friday 14th May 2021
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Three days away from life returning to something like normal, and I turn on the BBC news to see a medical talking head speaking in terms of more lockdowns.

Boris, apparently, is "ruling nothing out".

Are we about to enter yet another round of restrictions?


59 months

Friday 14th May 2021
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Doesn’t seem likely when deaths, infections and hospitalisations are all very low and restrictions are being reduced everywhere.

Next week my kids don’t have to wear masks at school and quarantine free foreign travel (to green destinations) is starting.

Edited by anonymous-user on Friday 14th May 07:38


31,321 posts

246 months

Friday 14th May 2021
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Depends how well the vaccine program keeps hospitals clear. It's always been based on hospital capacity.

Unless these areas have had a low take up of vaccines in the older population, they might scrape through....


59 months

Friday 14th May 2021
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Well this variant is here, as much as a local lockdown isn't wanted I hope they do what is necessary to contain it.

Andy Burnham was on the telly saying they don't want a lockdown but please vaccinate anything breathing instead. Certainly wasn't saying they could do a better job than the Gov like last time.


2,101 posts

191 months

Friday 14th May 2021
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To be honest, I have a bad feeling about it. I hope it fizzles out into whack-a-mole like the SA variant(s) but with Johnsons presser tonight it was far from sunny days ahead in my opinion.

Obviously we can gloss over Boris being a complete feckless prick and not stopping flights from India immediately....penis.

I suspect this may prevent 'freedom day' in June, and potentially have an impact on other countries willingness to take UK travellers.

Terminator X

15,902 posts

209 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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Who gives a fk about variants, we will be talking variants in 10 years time as that is what viruses do. They vary.


Louis Balfour

Original Poster:

27,337 posts

227 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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Pete102 said:
To be honest, I have a bad feeling about it. I hope it fizzles out into whack-a-mole like the SA variant(s) but with Johnsons presser tonight it was far from sunny days ahead in my opinion.

Obviously we can gloss over Boris being a complete feckless prick and not stopping flights from India immediately....penis.

I suspect this may prevent 'freedom day' in June, and potentially have an impact on other countries willingness to take UK travellers.
This is how I feel about things and the motivation for my OP.


59 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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Yes the BBC and news have been laying it on massively thick with India variant. interesting how no major stories of India's massive disparity in wealth, the gang rapes , the extreme poverty, yet now this strain is the major news story.

Louis Balfour

Original Poster:

27,337 posts

227 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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The Spruce Goose said:
Yes the BBC and news have been laying it on massively thick with India variant. interesting how no major stories of India's massive disparity in wealth, the gang rapes , the extreme poverty, yet now this strain is the major news story.
Maybe if India's massive disparity in wealth, the gang rapes , the extreme poverty were spreading in the UK, BBC's news agenda may focus more upon them.


59 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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Louis Balfour said:
Maybe if India's massive disparity in wealth, the gang rapes , the extreme poverty were spreading in the UK, BBC's news agenda may focus more upon them.
I feel that the BBC is trying to push an agenda on us, remember there legal charter is balanced news, how is constantly focusing on my country, one disease, really balanced, it isn't it is just blatent fear mongering.


31,321 posts

246 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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The Spruce Goose said:
Louis Balfour said:
Maybe if India's massive disparity in wealth, the gang rapes , the extreme poverty were spreading in the UK, BBC's news agenda may focus more upon them.
I feel that the BBC is trying to push an agenda on us, remember there legal charter is a balanced news, how is constantly focusing n my country, one disease, really balanced, it isn't it is just blatent fear mongering.
You're just hearing the bits you're determined will wind you up, and ignoring the bits I see and hear. Mostly it's "new variant is here, might spread fast, but no more deadly, vaccine still effective, will keep monitoring incase becomes an issue."

Not really fear mongering that is it.


59 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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Munter said:
You're just hearing the bits you're determined will wind you up, and ignoring the bits I see and hear. Mostly it's "new variant is here, might spread fast, but no more deadly, vaccine still effective, will keep monitoring incase becomes an issue."

Not really fear mongering that is it.
o.k but you point is they are just reporting the facts, so lets look at the facts, the next strain data.

Go on then identify the indian strain, and lest not forget the fear against the uk variant, which the BBC had blanket coverage with similar stories, yet the vaccine clearly works against it.

it is very naive to think the BBC is offering a balanced viewpoint on all this.


31,321 posts

246 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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The Spruce Goose said:
o.k but you point is they are just reporting the facts, so lets look at the facts,
Ok. Facts I recall being reported. Indian strain is here. True. Might be more transmissible. Vague but true. Vaccine still thought to be effective. True. Government to keep an eye on numbers, only take action if needed. I expect that's True, but predicting the future is tricky.

Checks out for me.


59 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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Munter said:
Ok. Facts I recall being reported. Indian strain is here. True. Might be more transmissible. Vague but true. Vaccine still thought to be effective. True. Government to keep an eye on numbers, only take action if needed. I expect that's True, but predicting the future is tricky.

Checks out for me.
What the trend with his then, strains by country, India?


31,321 posts

246 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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The Spruce Goose said:
Munter said:
Ok. Facts I recall being reported. Indian strain is here. True. Might be more transmissible. Vague but true. Vaccine still thought to be effective. True. Government to keep an eye on numbers, only take action if needed. I expect that's True, but predicting the future is tricky.

Checks out for me.
What the trend with his then, strains by country, India?

Are you doubting that it's here? I'm not getting your point.

The BBC reporting isn't fear mongering by reporting that it's here. You might extrapolate that they are from your extreme perspective. (As demonstrated by your posts). But that doesn't change what they are saying. E.g. it's here but not in big numbers and no more deadly, vaccination should keep the hospitals clear enough, but be aware incase something changes. Ohhh terrifying that. Let me panic now.


749 posts

44 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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anonymous said:
That's one way of putting it. (I'm local, I can say that)

Bolton has been "ahead" of the curve in the numbers since this time last year, I'm not entirely sure why but I've got a few ideas, but this variant isn't really any different to the other variants. And even though Boltons numbers as a whole show a marked acceleration and are on the wrong side of the 100 per 100,000 barrier the cases seem to be concentrated around younger age groups so the likely hood of illness is low and of course the majority of those vulnerable are now fully vaccinated.


59 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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Munter said:
Are you doubting that it's here? I'm not getting your point.

The BBC reporting isn't fear mongering by reporting that it's here. You might extrapolate that they are from your extreme perspective. (As demonstrated by your posts). But that doesn't change what they are saying. E.g. it's here but not in big numbers and no more deadly, vaccination should keep the hospitals clear enough, but be aware incase something changes. Ohhh terrifying that. Let me panic now.
why have they focused on the indian strain, as i have pointed out showing sequencing data in the posts, again why the Indian strain, why the constant barrage, what about the other strains and trends, the uk one is actually becoming the dominant strain in the uk at the least, the one the vaccine clearly works against. So surely even you must see that there balanced new stories don't seem to add up, based on scientific evidence, yet they are continuing to push this indian strain as main news??


31,321 posts

246 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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The Spruce Goose said:
. So surely even you must see that there balanced new stories don't seem to add up, based on scientific evidence, yet they are continuing to push this indian strain as main news??
You do get that the Indian strain is responsible for a lot of deaths recently in India right? And that this has been on the news. Because it's happened. You presumably also get the connection between the UK and India.

So having shown that, it makes sense to follow that strain, rather than strains not having had this effect. They make it quiet clear it's not having the same impact here, and therefore while it could affect things, seems like it won't.

Again, not exactly fear mongering is it. There's a thing it's probably not an issue here, bad over there for other reasons. Argh panic says Spruce.


806 posts

123 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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How is this even getting into the country?

Surely that can only happen with movement of people between India and here.
I thought all international travel is locked down?


23,648 posts

235 months

Saturday 15th May 2021
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Munter said:
Ok. Facts I recall being reported. Indian strain is here. True. Might be more transmissible. Vague but true. Vaccine still thought to be effective. True. Government to keep an eye on numbers, only take action if needed. I expect that's True, but predicting the future is tricky.

Checks out for me.
Yes, but you sound like a clever chap. Unfortunately over half the UK population have a low IQ and thus panics without reading further.

The press, for some reason, are loving it. Stoking the flames of fear.

The government's policy of being led by Facebook and autistic scientists (my son is autistic) who don't really have much empathy, is a bloody disaster.