Astra Jab and clot six weeks after.

Astra Jab and clot six weeks after.


Turbo cab

Original Poster:

1,601 posts

237 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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Thought I'd ask the PH experts on this one as the hospital doesn't seem to be able to give a conclusive answer. Sorry for the long one - story is as follows;

Had my AZ jab back on the 13th March, experienced zero side effects off the back of it. My history is I'm 39, a fit and healthy gym goer non smoker with alcohol consumption limited to once a week, I'm considered high risk as I had Hodgkin's lymphoma when I was 18 and 21, but have been in remission ever since.

Anyway as I'm currently building a house I was helping the guys lift some large format tiles in on Friday, with the frame they weigh around 100kg with the majority of the weight is on one arm whilst the other arm supports, there are two people carrying them.

Saturday woke up fine but on Sunday my arm that was taking the weight feels like it's going to fall off, visit the cottage hospital Monday morning as can't even sleep when the pain killers wear off as pain is that bad to see what they're saying, anyway x-ray carried out, slight swelling and they put me in a sling and send me on my way as not broken and probably just strained something.

Woke up yesterday and the swelling is considerably worse, it's visably red, hot and I have feverish symptoms along with a banging headache so make my way to A&E as I feel like I have the flue as well, carried out a home covid test which was negative to be sure.

6 hours later it's confirmed as infected and the markers for a clot are very high indicating a clot as well, my only assumption is I pulled something Friday which lead to a clot as my body attempted to repair which lead to infection (although I could be talking utter bks on this)

I've always had thick blood as picked up by the numerous blood tests I've had over the years but never a clot which is what leads me to my question;

Would we expect to see blood clots from the jab as far as six weeks ahead as most cases are picked up relatively quickly and are my days numbered as a result >joke<?

Thanks in advance.


5,024 posts

288 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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Hard to say but you or your GP should report it using the alert system.

Most clots are small and pre-existing, but don't progress as they get broken down by the clotting system fairly quickly.

So you may have had some degree of clot formation in that arm already, which developed further possibly as a result of changes to your clotting system from the vaccine, or repeated slowing of blood flow from physical activity.

Worth letting your oncologist know as well.

Take it easy and make sure you get this one fully treated.


746 posts

169 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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I'm not a doctor but would think it much more likely to be the physical over exertion that resulted in the clot especially in the area where it happened.

FWIW my medical history is not dissimilar as I had Hodgkin's lymphoma in 1983 (age 27, spleen removed, radiotherapy) and again in 1985 (chemotherapy)
I've had both doses of the AZ vaccine now with nothing bar a sore arm and feeling tired for 2-3 days afterwards.


58 posts

215 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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The simple answer is you don't have a DVT or clot in your arm.
The blood test you mentioned is a D-dimer which goes up if you sneeze and is pretty useless generally.
Can be used in rule out pathways for DVT in low risk patients if low otherwise of no benefit.
It sounds like you have a cellulitis or soft tissue infection.
For a clot or DVT to be diagnosed you need a doppler USS.
I've only seen one in an upper limb in my career and they are easy to diagnose clinically as they are blue and grossly swollen.
Also to fulfil the criteria for an Astra Zeneca related clot you would need to be within 28 days of injection and have low platelets.
Sounds like you don't have either of those and hence have an infection in your arm.
Hope all above makes sense to you.


4,695 posts

113 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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I've enough health complications with a spinal injury which include chronic back pain, constant leg cramps, sciatica, bladder problems etc so made a decision not to take the vaccine.

A mates dad had a stroke the day after his first vaccine and an aunt of mine has been knocked for six and spent the last few weeks indoors with no energy since she had hers. These are active people with no previous health problems. The GP's opinion is that there might be a like, obviously they aren't not comfortable making such a strong statement.

The amount of people who think you're some sort of selfish Covid denying Anti-Vax bd for making an informed choice not to have the vaccine is unbelievable. Just make your choice and respect someone else's.

I honestly believe the amount of side effects from the vaccines are being suppressed and significantly under reported.

Edited by sutoka on Thursday 29th April 02:24


44,376 posts

155 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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sutoka said:
A mates dad had a stroke the day after his first vaccine and an aunt of mine has been knocked for six and spent the last few weeks indoors with no energy since she had hers. These are active people with no previous health problems. The GP's opinion is that there might be a like, obviously they aren't not comfortable making such a strong statement.
But people have strokes every day. So with nearly 40m people vaccinated, some people will have strokes that they would have had anyway, soon after the vaccine. There's no evidence of a link, because if their was, there would be enough cases to make suppression of the truth very difficult. Especially in these days of social media.

The plural of anecdote isn't data.


23,863 posts

275 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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sutoka said:
The amount of people who think you're some sort of selfish Covid denying Anti-Vax bd for making an informed choice not to have the vaccine is unbelievable. Just make your choice and respect someone else's.

I honestly believe the amount of side effects from the vaccines are being suppressed and significantly under reported.
Totally agree. My 86 year old mother had a fall back in February and broke her arm, hospital told us she also had a bleed on the brain which we assumed was caused by the fall, but a month or so on we started to see the talk of stokes and clots after the jab. Which made us think the bleed could have caused the fall.

Don't have any proof, mind.

Prof Prolapse

16,160 posts

195 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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Turbo cab said:
Would we expect to see blood clots from the jab as far as six weeks ahead as most cases are picked up relatively quickly and are my days numbered as a result >joke<?
No you wouldn't (as above, 28 days is the window), and in addition to you citing a higher risk of clots as part of your medical history, it is not clear that you have definitively had a blood clot in this instance.

Sounds like if the medics had concerns they wouldn't have sent you home mate. Also, good news, covid-19 infection carries increased risk of blood clots, so by having you vaccination you've almost certainly decreased your overall risk of a clot.

But I can see there's already people trying to cease this as an opportunity to try and undermine the vaccination process. So I'll hand them the floor, as my cheque from the Illuminati overlords that pay for my time on the internet has yet to clear.


5,024 posts

288 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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Where does 28 days come from as a sufficient cutoff point?

Anyone want to bet money on that being 'revised' when all this is over.

Monkey adenovirus vectors are pretty hard core.

I'm in no way an anti-vaxer, but I am a bit dubious about the interplay between desperate politicians and ambitious scientists.

Prof Prolapse

16,160 posts

195 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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rfisher said:
Where does 28 days come from as a sufficient cutoff point?

rfisher said:
Anyone want to bet money on that being 'revised' when all this is over.

rfisher said:
Monkey adenovirus vectors are pretty hard core.

rfisher said:
I'm in no way an anti-vaxer, but I am a bit dubious about the interplay between desperate politicians and ambitious scientists.
"I'm not racist but...."


153 posts

42 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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Prof Prolapse said:
rfisher said:
Where does 28 days come from as a sufficient cutoff point?

rfisher said:
Anyone want to bet money on that being 'revised' when all this is over.

rfisher said:
Monkey adenovirus vectors are pretty hard core.

rfisher said:
I'm in no way an anti-vaxer, but I am a bit dubious about the interplay between desperate politicians and ambitious scientists.
"I'm not racist but...."
Just take the damn injection and if you happen to drop dead immediately after it’s pure coincidence and conjecture that the ‘vaccine’ could have been responsible ..

Is that how it works?

Prof Prolapse

16,160 posts

195 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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Wolfmanjack said:
Just take the damn injection and if you happen to drop dead immediately after it’s pure coincidence and conjecture that the ‘vaccine’ could have been responsible ..

Is that how it works?
Not at all.

In the UK, there's a massively complex and robust reporting process which underpins the ongoing safety of medicines, if you have an Adverse Event, this begins with a PHE submission and/or yellow card submission to the independent regulatory authority (MHRA). They then decide next steps and follow up with the drug manufacturer as required. There's even a specialist portal set up just for the reporting of COVID-19 related medicine and vaccine adverse events during the crisis. In addition, there's also huge amounts of independent data analysis which will continue for as long as the medicines have a licence. There's even follow up studies in the pipeline for most big vaccines.

A similar process is then duplicated all over the world as many countries licencing regulators collect safety data and seek to assure their populations the vaccines have an adequate safety profile, and inform their clinicians.

Today we're at 1.08 billion doses, the whole time the data has been tracked by hundreds of entities, and under massive scrutiny, and any sort of sufficiently adverse safety signal has yet to emerge despite dedicated and experienced individuals looking for it. Some of them very trigger happy.

So, for most people, it's not really a balanced argument. You either believe the aggregated safety contributions of ~1.08 billion people, or, you ignore this outright to base your decision on a couple unproven anecdotes you read on the internet.


5,988 posts

148 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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I read somewhere that the window for clots is 4 - 20 days after the jab.


1,222 posts

42 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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SlimJim16v said:
I read somewhere that the window for clots is 4 - 20 days after the jab.
Try telling the people on the “vaccine side effects” thread that, I agree, they’ve wet the bed a bit.


1,222 posts

42 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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Wolfmanjack said:
Just take the damn injection and if you happen to drop dead immediately after it’s pure coincidence and conjecture that the ‘vaccine’ could have been responsible ..

Is that how it works?
Pretty much. It’s becoming obvious that the ‘game’ is to get big pharma tax cash in, as much as possible. There’s a massive hole to fill, and it was generated on purpose, as an excuse. Big pharma we’re waiting for the excuse, COVID-19 produced it. They’ve been waiting in the wings, rubbing their corporate thighs, since SARS-CoV-1 gave them the heads up in 2003-2004. I’m no conspiracy theorist, but I’m not blind. I couldn’t make the link initially, but now I see it. Take a ‘so-so’ ( on the grand scheme of things) event, get governments on side, spin it as far worse than it really is, big pharma arrive, like white knights on their steeds, and the ‘big’ problem, is solved. The issue being, that the ‘big problem’ is not that big ( in reality ), it’s being spun, by politicians, to look really bad, because they’re in Pharma’s pockets.


11,197 posts

186 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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Under what name were you posting previously?


698 posts

270 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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SlimJim16v said:
I read somewhere that the window for clots is 4 - 20 days after the jab.
That is what I have read as well, have read plenty about this subject.


153 posts

42 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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Maximus_Meridius101 said:
Pretty much. It’s becoming obvious that the ‘game’ is to get big pharma tax cash in, as much as possible. There’s a massive hole to fill, and it was generated on purpose, as an excuse. Big pharma we’re waiting for the excuse, COVID-19 produced it. They’ve been waiting in the wings, rubbing their corporate thighs, since SARS-CoV-1 gave them the heads up in 2003-2004. I’m no conspiracy theorist, but I’m not blind. I couldn’t make the link initially, but now I see it. Take a ‘so-so’ ( on the grand scheme of things) event, get governments on side, spin it as far worse than it really is, big pharma arrive, like white knights on their steeds, and the ‘big’ problem, is solved. The issue being, that the ‘big problem’ is not that big ( in reality ), it’s being spun, by politicians, to look really bad, because they’re in Pharma’s pockets.
Yep it fulfils the multiple aims of massive money from repeatedly vaccinating every human on earth, trialling out a new experimental drug on the world’s population (if it goes wrong that’s a bonus to depopulate) and paving the way to our social credit, sorry vaccine passport digital ID card..

Plenty on here will deny but that’s exactly what’s happening minus the depopulation (early days though)

Prof Prolapse

16,160 posts

195 months

Friday 30th April 2021
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Worth a read;

Best of luck to you both.

Stephanie Plum

2,785 posts

216 months

Sunday 2nd May 2021
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Wolfmanjack said:
Maximus_Meridius101 said:
Pretty much. It’s becoming obvious that the ‘game’ is to get big pharma tax cash in, as much as possible. There’s a massive hole to fill, and it was generated on purpose, as an excuse. Big pharma we’re waiting for the excuse, COVID-19 produced it. They’ve been waiting in the wings, rubbing their corporate thighs, since SARS-CoV-1 gave them the heads up in 2003-2004. I’m no conspiracy theorist, but I’m not blind. I couldn’t make the link initially, but now I see it. Take a ‘so-so’ ( on the grand scheme of things) event, get governments on side, spin it as far worse than it really is, big pharma arrive, like white knights on their steeds, and the ‘big’ problem, is solved. The issue being, that the ‘big problem’ is not that big ( in reality ), it’s being spun, by politicians, to look really bad, because they’re in Pharma’s pockets.
Yep it fulfils the multiple aims of massive money from repeatedly vaccinating every human on earth, trialling out a new experimental drug on the world’s population (if it goes wrong that’s a bonus to depopulate) and paving the way to our social credit, sorry vaccine passport digital ID card..

Plenty on here will deny but that’s exactly what’s happening minus the depopulation (early days though)
Good grief.