Blood pressure 163/95



Original Poster:

1,359 posts

254 months

Monday 15th February 2021
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I did my blood pressure yesterday day as I’ve noticed if I don’t eat regularly I get fatigue and my arms are very heavy and I get clammy and sweaty.

Later in the evening I did my blood pressure and it was 163/95 my friend says this is high and I should seek medical attention. I carried out my blood pressure this afternoon and it was 157/107.

I called my doctors this afternoon and they have booked me a call for Saturday. Do I have anything to worry about ?

My friend has made me nervous.


1,026 posts

217 months

Monday 15th February 2021
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You should do some repeated measurements sitting down over several days. Don’t stress about it. You may need treatment to lower your BP but checking it having not eaten or feeling well is not a basis for starting anything.


Original Poster:

1,359 posts

254 months

Monday 15th February 2021
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Just sat here watching tv tonight ....


1,026 posts

217 months

Monday 15th February 2021
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Probably warrants treatment then.


1,626 posts

135 months

Monday 15th February 2021
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It’s high but not mentally so.

Are you overweight?

You’ve done the best thing in contacting your doc.


4,464 posts

238 months

Monday 15th February 2021
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ucb said:
Probably warrants treatment then.
I disagree - first option will always be good talk to the GP followed by a 24 hour test


Original Poster:

1,359 posts

254 months

Monday 15th February 2021
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I’m so over weight, just touching 20 stone at 47 years old
At 20 I was 9 stone and extremely fit.

Life, medication and poor diet sees me not looking for feeling my best. Lockdown has made things even worse.

I looked at buying an electric bike to sort myself out this summer. But I don’t think I have the energy to do that !

I’m a real mess.


8,227 posts

78 months

Monday 15th February 2021
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I had high blood pressure diagnosed about 2 and a 1/2 years ago... Am now on Blood pressure tablets and a statin which has helped.


4,464 posts

238 months

Monday 15th February 2021
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Wish said:
I’m so over weight, just touching 20 stone at 47 years old
At 20 I was 9 stone and extremely fit.

Life, medication and poor diet sees me not looking for feeling my best. Lockdown has made things even worse.

I looked at buying an electric bike to sort myself out this summer. But I don’t think I have the energy to do that !

I’m a real mess.
Not so great then - but worrying about it will self perpetuate it

Like I said, most likely it will be a chat/some tests and a 24 hour BP monitor.

You also need to be calm and relaxed when you do these tests, you don't seem like that right now...also (definitely in my case) any alcohol will skew it wildly upwards


19,835 posts

208 months

Monday 15th February 2021
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ReallyReallyGood said:
It’s high but not mentally so.

Are you overweight?

You’ve done the best thing in contacting your doc.
Agree with this, and I can add my own fairly recent experience if it helps.

My BP has been in the "amber" zone for as long as I can recall and my GP was never particularly concerned about it. Late last summer I was talking to two people (younger than me) who were both on BP medication and recounted their current readings, so I did mine (having not done so for a year or two) just so I could tell them how much lower than them I was.

I was more than a little shocked to see numbers similar to those you are posting, OP; in fact probably higher at times. Spoke to the GP, he asked me about diet, lifestyle, exercise, alcohol, and said that if he put me on medication it would be tough to come off in the future and he'd rather monitor and for me to put some work in. So, since Xmas I have:

- largely stopped drinking alcohol (I've had it 2, maybe 3 times in that time). I'm not giving up for good, but cutting right back. Maybe weekends only or something like that. Mine wasn't (IMO) mad before, maybe 20-22 units/week, but I was drinking one or two drinks most days.
- cut back on salt and ready meals
- watched what I'm eating overall
- joined an online personal trainer's classes which has 5 classes a week and I've done every single one since the start of the year
- lost a stone in weight. I wasn't at your levels but I knew I was heavier than I should be/wanted to be.

And the result: my BP is consistently back down to where it always used to be. 130/85-ish seems to be my "normal" - it's higher than optimum, but as I said, it's what I would call normal for me, and the GP is happy with that.

None of the above has been especially onerous and it's delivered what I needed in spades, so maybe something to think about trying, if you can avoid meds as a result?

Edited by CAPP0 on Monday 15th February 23:45


1,291 posts

77 months

Tuesday 16th February 2021
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Wish said:
My friend has made me nervous.
Wish said:
I’m a real mess.
Don't worry, it's never too late.
There are people out there who have turned things around from far worse condition than you describe, speaking to your GP is the first step, even making small steps to improve your health is better than none.

Sorry for sounding like a motivational poster, but its seems like there is a phycological challenge here as well as physical health challenge.


949 posts

193 months

Tuesday 16th February 2021
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Wish said:
I’m so over weight, just touching 20 stone at 47 years old
At 20 I was 9 stone and extremely fit.

Life, medication and poor diet sees me not looking for feeling my best. Lockdown has made things even worse.

I looked at buying an electric bike to sort myself out this summer. But I don’t think I have the energy to do that !

I’m a real mess.
You’re already putting it off!! smile

Two things. Diet and movement

You need to lose weight, It takes time, so start today (not summer, Jesus!)

Weight loss is mostly about diet. Whatever your eating, you’re eating too much and it’s likely sugar/carb loaded (I could be wrong, check let us know).

I’m not judging by the way. I managed to lose 20kilos a few years back by changing my diet (keto) and walking on its own. I’ve put it on, taken it off, on/off... it’s always diet/habits. It’s not easy. To start, but it gets easier as you do it.

I also have high blood pressure, survived a heart attack, going in again next month for another angiogram. If you can reduce your blood pressure (diet/weight/movement) and avoid medication you will feel a million times better. One of the meds I am on drops my heart rate so much that I can pass out if I’m not careful with it... medication is a pain in the arse. Avoid it if you still can.

So get dieting and moving (walking - or is it Texas ice storm weather currently?)
I found Keto worked for me, others are available, mileage will vary, see your Dr

Counting calories and and foods types/portions with an app (bar code scanner) also brought on recognition that most of the processed foods we consume are sh#t. But in the end it’s simple, less calories in, more weight burnt off. Eat less, eat smarter and move.

Alcohol/juice/softdrinks can account for a lot of unnecessary sugars.. ditch them, takes about a week for your taste buds to get used to fresh water again

Otherwise - well, your health gets worse (quickly at our age)

Edited by craig_m67 on Tuesday 16th February 02:30


44,376 posts

155 months

Tuesday 16th February 2021
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Wish said:
Do I have anything to worry about ?
You're 47, 20st with high blood pressure. What do you think?

You know the answer, but the good news is if you start today, there's no reason why, in a year, you can't be 13st with normal blood pressure. Question is, can you be arsed to tackle it.

Also, how tall are you? If you're 7'6, I apologise, as your weight isn't the issue I thought it was.


Original Poster:

1,359 posts

254 months

Tuesday 16th February 2021
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I’m 6ft.
Spoken to 111 this morning as my last reading was 169 / 105

Waiting for a call from the doctors.

Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

266 months

Tuesday 16th February 2021
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My blood pressure was checked for the first time in years when I signed up at a new GP. I felt fine but the check was part of the signing up routine. Two readings both around 190/110 caused some consternation but I was just given a prescription and told to come back in a few weeks. Until a few years ago anything less than 160/100 wasn't regarded as a problem so I doubt anyone will be calling an ambulance.


17,070 posts

210 months

Tuesday 16th February 2021
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Mate of mine was worried about his BP so he bought a home testing kit. Trouble with that was he only used it when he was worried. Doc told him to bin the kit and have a glass of wine every night.


4,264 posts

239 months

Tuesday 16th February 2021
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I'm 6ft 3" and a few years ago I was 20 stone 3 and type 2 diabetic. I started running (very slowly at first), got back into rugby and joined a slimming group - helped by the fact that it's my wife's business

80% of weight loss is down to diet. Exercise will help with cardio and strengthen the heart muscle, and the muscle you build up will speed up your metabolism

I lost 3 stone and put the type 2 into remission so taken off the tablets

Currently put a bit back on as have been struggling with a bad back and got myself into a mental funk and ate cr4p. Just coming out of the other side of it now

Since turning 40 I lost the weight and have completed 4 half marathons. You CAN do it

I've just started back on the diet properly and dropped 8lbs in the first 3 weeks

I'd thoroughly recommend treating yourself to the pinch of nom cookbooks

And remember (this is one of the wife's) Nothing tastes as good as slim feels!


Original Poster:

1,359 posts

254 months

Tuesday 16th February 2021
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Just off the phone from the quack.

As you’ve all stated. A wake up call to get life back on track.

So out with the old crap and today is a new day.

Thanks all


13,177 posts

176 months

Tuesday 16th February 2021
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Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Sort your diet out first, you will drop weight easily. once youve dropped some, get active. Walking is the easiest.


2,160 posts

94 months

Tuesday 16th February 2021
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Wish said:
Just off the phone from the quack.

As you’ve all stated. A wake up call to get life back on track.

So out with the old crap and today is a new day.

Thanks all
Best of luck but don't give up on the bike. Give it to yourself as a reward for hitting a target eg 10% lost so when you hit 18 stone, something achieveable.

Easiest way to adopt a slightly different lifestyle is to walk more, simple things like parking the far end of the car park when going shopping.

Don't use a trolley when food shopping but a basket. You'll buy only what you really need, then have to carry your shopping to the car and probably have to visit the shops more regularly. All this will lead to more walking and thus more exercise and you'll benefit from this.

Walk to the newsagent every morning and buy the cheapest paper, or pick up a free paper. Throw it in the bin when you get home if you don't want to read it but the it is about getting into a routine and having a reason to get outside, breath some fresh air and doing some exercise, especially in these times. Half a mile is a thousand steps, and it wakes the body up and you'll soon feel better for doing this and may even start making the walk longer on a spring morning with the sun warming your face smile