


Original Poster:

16,810 posts

175 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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Hi guys,

Time has come for me to quit the fags, although I’m not sure it’s soon enough!

Anyway, I see Champix is the assistant of choice and was just wondering if anyone here uses it, and how successful it was!

Got an appointment booked with my local stop smoking service this eve.




6,154 posts

250 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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I used it.

I wasn't really looking to stop, but took it to see what would happen.

I had strange mood flattening side effects. I wouldn't call it anything near to depression, but it sort of sapped the joy out of doing anything.

I think I only took them for a couple of weeks, but it 100% worked. Not had a single smoke in I think 4 years. Feel much healthier now and did so pretty quickly after stopping. Also lost 1.5 stone which is still off.

Sheets Tabuer

19,511 posts

220 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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I didn't have champix as my mate told me his mouth and lips itched like a bugger on it so I was given zyban.

Smoked around 30 a day to give you some idea and I started taking Zyban as directed and kept on smoking, 10 days in and I drove the 30 odd miles to work and at around 11am I realised I'd forgotten my cigarettes so that was it, didn't smoke after that.

No cravings, zip, nada, zilch, nothing..


Original Poster:

16,810 posts

175 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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Interesting, thanks!



4,984 posts

143 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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Years ago I took chamoix, and like ST above, I got tingly gums so I stopped taking them.

Still smoking...!


Original Poster:

16,810 posts

175 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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Must admit I was all for using patches for a while and just giving up that way but my doc insisted I spoke to the service as there was a better chance of giving up and staying off them.


935 posts

141 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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The only way to quit for me was going cold turkey. Tried everything going but surprisingly going CT was simple after a few days.


4,951 posts

190 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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gus607 said:
The only way to quit for me was going cold turkey. Tried everything going but surprisingly going CT was simple after a few days.
Same for me. Once I realised that all the nicotine has left your body after 3 days, the last thing I wanted to do was have a fag and reset the clock again. 5 years ago that was, haven't looked back. Good luck with it OP.


4,605 posts

90 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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It works like a treat. After about a week I felt no pleasure from smoking at all. Very strange sensation. After another few days I’d completely stopped.

However, and this is a big however, my mood was affected in a dramatic way. I started feeling extremely low, to the point of suicidal ideation at times. It was extremely frightening how bad it became.

I did manage to stay off the ciggies for about six months but started again. I decided against Champix as I didn’t want to go through the psychological effects again.

Eventually switched to vaping.


7,152 posts

224 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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10 years ago I took champix, yes I got tingly lips, yes I had weird dreams but yes I stopped smoking.

I was on 30/40 a day, had smoked for most of my adult life and a lot of my teenage years so 30+ years.

I’d tried various ways to stop over the years, some with short term success but since I went down the Champix route I’ve not looked at a cigarette.


7,459 posts

243 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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Took it 8 years ago, stopped smoking. No desire for another tab. 30 a day to 0. No dreams, no depression, nothing. It just worked. Thoroughly recommended.


Original Poster:

16,810 posts

175 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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Thanks again guys,

Well, as it turns out, it is now only available to special cases as apparently the ingredients are tricky to get hold of and are in short supply. Or something like that.

So, it’s patches and gum!


19,234 posts

200 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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I just used the nicorrete gum. Every time I wanted a fag, chew some and go and do something to take your mind off it.


5,610 posts

154 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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Remember a craving will last about 5 minutes
Get busy when one comes
Gum or sweets can help

My biggest regret about giving up? That I didnt do it 30 years earlier

Good luck OP you can do it, come and join the millions of us who have.

mini me

1,436 posts

198 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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Alucidnation said:
Thanks again guys,

Well, as it turns out, it is now only available to special cases as apparently the ingredients are tricky to get hold of and are in short supply. Or something like that.

So, it’s patches and gum!
I’m currently on...err. Day 10 perhaps of trying to knock it off. May be controversial on here. But the whole vaping thing is helping. Done it before but went back sadly. For some people though. It’s the habit of actually inhaling something. Think that’s probably me tbh. Good thing about the vape things is that you can kinda wean yourself off the nicotine by reducing the strength gradually. Horses for courses etc but maybe it could help? The gum is awfull! Well done you for even trying though. And I wish you the best of luck. Even as smokers we know it’s bloody horrible eh....

Edited by mini me on Wednesday 13th January 23:53


7,188 posts

164 months

Thursday 14th January 2021
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I knew a lass who was put on this and underwent a profound personality change. It was so out there we fell out and I've no idea what happened to her. She was however bipolar so whoever suggested it was either unaware or a fool.


2,719 posts

193 months

Thursday 14th January 2021
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I tried it, certainly stoped me from smoking while I was taking it but also stopped me from doing a lot of other things. Was very noticeable that I couldn’t even be bothered to drink a cup of tea if someone brought me one, absolutely no chance I’d have got of my arse to take my turn making them - colleagues are pretty observant of that stuff! Definitely worth keeping an eye on it making you lazy.


Original Poster:

16,810 posts

175 months

Thursday 14th January 2021
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Cheers guys,

Well, I now have a box of patches so I have set this Saturday as the start of being smoke free!

God help me.



574 posts

133 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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I'm currently on week 4 of Champix - still smoking but way less than before. The cigarette I miss the most is the one after a meal. I don't think I'm smoking due to cravings just out of habit and the chance to grab 5 minutes to myself!

I've not suffered with the "vivid dreams" that I was warned about but have had slight bouts of nausea. I've also noticed a lack of motivation to do anything but I had put that down to poor sleep and increased work hours and workload although it does tie in with starting Champix.

I've got 3 cigarettes left and will be buying no more.

Stella Tortoise

2,789 posts

148 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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Sheets Tabuer said:
I didn't have champix as my mate told me his mouth and lips itched like a bugger on it so I was given zyban.

Smoked around 30 a day to give you some idea and I started taking Zyban as directed and kept on smoking, 10 days in and I drove the 30 odd miles to work and at around 11am I realised I'd forgotten my cigarettes so that was it, didn't smoke after that.

No cravings, zip, nada, zilch, nothing..
I had to check that this wasn’t written by me years ago and forgotten.

Zyban worked for me over 20 years ago.

Only downside was that it made me incredibly aggressive, might have been the withdrawal I suppose but it was ACE.