Training Plan Help



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8,898 posts

182 months

Saturday 9th January 2021
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Looking for some guidance so figured I’d asked those who know better.

Have been trying to get fit and lose weight for a while. I started off in the summer of 2019 at 85KG with a gut that made me look like I was in my third trimester.

A combination of watching what I ate (tracking with via MFP), HIIT videos on YouTube plus a regular 5 a side game a week I managed to get myself down to 73 KG within a year despite quite a few weeks off here and there along the way. However the gut still remained albeit more like first trimester.

I then went and did a ‘12 week transformation’ thing in July 2020 and lost a mere 1.1KG, the plan consisted of a pdf file of resistance band exercises, some basic nutrition advice and calorie limits which decreased quite a lot. Towards the end I was on around 1200 calories a day which was difficult! Felt like a waste of cash based on the results and all the PT did was suggest I hand over another £250 for ‘phase 2’ of his plan so I decided against it.

Since then I’ve stuck to HIIT every now and then with a bit of basic weights and I watch what I eat for the most part. Started off this year at 72.5KG thanks to a few too many snacks over Christmas.

Issue now is working out what to do next to shift the remainder of the gut. I cancelled my gym membership at the start of last year and have avoided them since covid hit as a family member is shielding. I’m limited by the equipment I have which is a basic 1” barbell, a few 1” dumbbell handles and a mixture of weights that total 60KG.

Prices for equipment have gone up yet again as a result of the double whammy of new year and another lockdown. I spoke to a different PT who advised I would be better off getting the right gear but a bench, squat rack and olympic barbell with plates is way out of my budget.

I’m not looking to get ripped, just want to shift as much of the remaining belly as possible and add a bit of muscle. I’m aware that it’s the hardest bit of fat to shift but not sure what the best approach is. The digital scales I used recently claimed my body fat was 21.7% but lord knows how accurate that is.

I have a rough idea on calories and macros, just trying to find the best solution to get the results!


18,120 posts

132 months

Monday 11th January 2021
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Gain as much muscle mass as possible without getting fatter. Genuinely. It is so much easier to be reasonably lean when you have more muscle mass.


33,648 posts

217 months

Monday 11th January 2021
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How old are you, and how tall? No need for precise age, just approximately.

I'm late fifties and find it hard to shift the little belly fat I have.
I'm 6' 1" (185cm) 72 kgs so about right total weight, but I still have a 33" waist. While that's down on the 36" I was at 90kgs it's still an inch or two more than I'd like. Not been to the gym nor done any real exercise for more than a year (thanks to covid), but eating a nutrient rich diet helps me not gain. I never weigh or count foods, just ensure it's all fresh real food (nothing processed/manufactured). Works for me.


Original Poster:

8,898 posts

182 months

Monday 11th January 2021
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I’m 33 years old and 5’10”

Did some reading over the weekend and have started a new dumbbell based routine. Will see how I get on over the next few months.

My gut is a good 4” or so more than my waist, aim is to try and reduce that as much as possible whilst building some muscle mass. Not focused as much on my overall weight, more on composition.


1,175 posts

100 months

Monday 11th January 2021
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giblet said:
I’m 33 years old and 5’10”

Did some reading over the weekend and have started a new dumbbell based routine. Will see how I get on over the next few months.

My gut is a good 4” or so more than my waist, aim is to try and reduce that as much as possible whilst building some muscle mass. Not focused as much on my overall weight, more on composition.
Not too similar from me in age (okay, I'm older at 37 :-() but the same height. My weight is about 70kg so I guess similar build to you, although I've never really had to lose weight (I'm fortunate in that respect), so I guess the extra kilo or two you have is your waist as you say.

With lockdown and the pretty cold weather outside at the moment I'm relying on YouTube HIIT, it's been a life saver really. How often were you/are you doing sessions? I try and get at least 30 minutes each morning, 45 minutes if I feel up up it, combined with a 5km walk every day during the week (longer at weekends). But even with that I'd say I'm only maintaining weight and muscle, I suspect I'm not as strong as I used to be as everything is bodyweight (I have no weights at all), but hopefully I'm a bit fitter for doing it.

Be interesting to see how you get on with the dumbbells.


Original Poster:

8,898 posts

182 months

Monday 11th January 2021
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My South Asian genes mean I naturally tend to be front heavy which is annoying. We all seem to store our excess fat on our gut.

Recently I was doing a upper body, lower body and HIIT combo twice a week. It was essentially 3 different Fitness Blender videos back to back which took around 70-80 mins and burnt around 1000 calories according to my ancient Apple Watch. It took me a few days to recover from each time.

The plan going forwards is 5 days or so of training a week which includes some cardio/HIIT. Works out at around 45-50 mins a day. My daily steps are around 5k since it’s the weather is awful but once I’m out of isolation I’ll be trying to get out for a walk around the block daily just to get the steps up and get some fresh air.


11,197 posts

186 months

Monday 11th January 2021
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I still think you need to add muscle and drop the cardio. As I said in the summer your weight isn't a problem, forget about it. Focus on building lean muscle and improving your posture.


Original Poster:

8,898 posts

182 months

Monday 11th January 2021
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I forgot I posted about this last year. Hopefully the weights will help to achieve that. Having to work with whatever equipment I have since prices are still bonkers for the decent stuff


1,294 posts

68 months

Monday 11th January 2021
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giblet said:
My South Asian genes mean I naturally tend to be front heavy which is annoying. We all seem to store our excess fat on our gut.

I have the same challenge with the genes, my problem is I like starchy carbs yet I also find they are the absolute worst food type for my body type and metabolism. If I reduce the carbs (bread and pasta being two of the main offenders) my weight just drops off.
Aside from being careful with the carbs, heavy lifting in the past is what worked for me..I don't think any other type of exercise has worked as well for me to reduce body fat while maintaining muscle mass. The problem now is I can't mimic the heavy lifts at home so sticking to bodyweight mainly but diet has been atrocious.
So I think what works in general for me is:
Heavy lifting / full body resistance training
Running a small calorie deficit
Low carbs (not 0 just low)
Medium to high protein
Medium fat but not the nasty hydrogenated crap in cakes and what not..lean meat, avacados, eggs etc I have a for bacon but try to be sensible due to the sat fat and high salt
Keep refined sugars as low as poss


Original Poster:

8,898 posts

182 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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One of my biggest issues is working for a software company that deals with takeaways and restaurants. As a result I would naturally crave a takeaway for lunch when in the office plus we would always have calorific snacks sat about. Easy to binge when a chicken burger meal with chips and a can of pop is the same price as a sandwich meal deal.

Working from home has allowed me to curb that down. I’ve started eating a lot more chicken than before, I’m boring enough to be able to eat the same meal for lunch and dinner for a few days without complaining.

Tend to buy 10kg of chicken from the wholesalers, portion it up and freeze it. That way I can defrost a kilo every few days to marinade and cook. Unsurprisingly Christmas ruined things but slowly getting back into a routine now. Binned a bunch of unfinished snacks and will hide the uneaten chocolate. Trying to keep the protein intake high with mid carbs and fat.

On baby weights since I clearly my puny arms aren’t used to it. Currently anywhere between a pair of 7.5kg dumbbells or a 10kg pair. Got to start somewhere I guess!


11,197 posts

186 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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giblet said:
I forgot I posted about this last year. Hopefully the weights will help to achieve that. Having to work with whatever equipment I have since prices are still bonkers for the decent stuff
The weights definitely will help.


1,547 posts

184 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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Check out ‘Chandler Marchman’ on YouTube and start doing some of the workouts. He uses kettlebells, but you can substitute a dumbbell. Great for in the garage, garden, living room, etc. as an example.

Press-ups, pull-ups, burpees, dips, thrusters, etc. will help. Download a tabata app and make your own mini circuit.

Once the gyms open up, find a gym with a lifting rack and barbell and look into stronglifts 5x5.

I’m a year older than you and find that it is much easier to get out of shape than it was when I was 24. Resistance training is where it’s at.


1,294 posts

68 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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ben_h100 said:
I’m a year older than you and find that it is much easier to get out of shape than it was when I was 24. Resistance training is where it’s at.
I've found exactly the same thing, with age unfortunately it gets even harder to keep the body fat under control and maintain muscle mass. I think some of it is due to a gradual drop in testosterone (for men). Best way to offset the drop = Resistance training (ideally lifting weights though bodyweight exercises work well too) and as a bloke you don't want too much oestrogen in your diet though there is a lot of it in some dairy products I believe. Just something to be mindful of with the diet.


Original Poster:

8,898 posts

182 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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ben_h100 said:
Check out ‘Chandler Marchman’ on YouTube and start doing some of the workouts. He uses kettlebells, but you can substitute a dumbbell. Great for in the garage, garden, living room, etc. as an example.

Press-ups, pull-ups, burpees, dips, thrusters, etc. will help. Download a tabata app and make your own mini circuit.

Once the gyms open up, find a gym with a lifting rack and barbell and look into stronglifts 5x5.

I’m a year older than you and find that it is much easier to get out of shape than it was when I was 24. Resistance training is where it’s at.
Cheers, have started a dumbbell based programme I found via YouTube so will see how I get on.

Long term aim is to buy a rack and barbell, bench etc once prices drop to normal and either do 5x5 or Starting Strength. For the meantime I’ll use the dumbbells and try to progress from my current small weights

VR99 said:
I've found exactly the same thing, with age unfortunately it gets even harder to keep the body fat under control and maintain muscle mass. I think some of it is due to a gradual drop in testosterone (for men). Best way to offset the drop = Resistance training (ideally lifting weights though bodyweight exercises work well too) and as a bloke you don't want too much oestrogen in your diet though there is a lot of it in some dairy products I believe. Just something to be mindful of with the diet.
I shifted some weight around 6 years ago where I went from 85kg down to around 73-74kg and it felt way easier then compared to my recent attempt to shift it.

I’ve realised it’s more about making changes to my lifestyle so I can keep it off. Last time I ended up piling it back on within a few years