Anyone here new parents or trying in their mid 40s

Anyone here new parents or trying in their mid 40s



Original Poster:

13,542 posts

239 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Just after advice, experience, thoughts etc.
My wife and I for various reasons have never had kids. Life kind of got in the way, then career, illness etc and we have now had this sudden realisation it may be too late. I'm just turned 45, my wife was 44 in Sept last year.
The question is how realistic is it to have a baby in the mid 40s? More so for my wife who has several fears;
Her business (Shes a hairdresser and runs a small salon) - I try to say theres way more important things but it is her dream.
Fear of looking like Grandma when picking a child up or attending anti natal
Fear of being 60 with a mid teen
Fear of the fatigue on the body at her age - though she is a fit and healthy 44 year old and certainly doesn't look her age
Acceptance as most Mums are much younger nowadays.

Basically, I'm just after any life experiences or advice any of you may have that can help here as in all honesty if we don't decide soon it really will be too late


4,259 posts

52 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Although not the same age I had my 2 in my late 30's.
Had most of the same thoughts, thinking I'll be an old sod by the time they are in their 20/30's, can't play footie with them, etc etc.

Now I've had them and I'm a couple years older all those thoughts I had previously don't even cross my mind anymore as they are the best things ever.

I can't comment on a women's view and the effects it may have on their bodies but if you both want kids and can have them then dont miss out and go for it.

Nothing can beat the feeling of watching them being born, bringing them home, seeing them crawl/walk/talk for the first time, getting hugs and everything else thats yet to come.

Sophisticated Sarah

15,078 posts

174 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Plenty of mums and dads in their 50s in the year group for my 5 year old.


1,114 posts

186 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Go for it. I got married when I was 46 and am now the father of 3 gorgeous kids at 53 years old. Kids are 5,3 and 20 months. Wife has just turned 45 and I will not pretend we have not been totally knackered at times and it's bloody hard work but very rewarding. We didn't plan on 3 but had 2 girls first and I wanted a son so we had another go and the good lord provided!
It is getting easier as the oldest off to school, but lets just say I have not had a lot of nights out in the last 5 years!


9,034 posts

188 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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I'm 47 with a 9 a 6 and 2 year old, sometimes I wish I was 10 years younger but mostly I'm happy and I'm sure they are keeping me young in mind and fitter physically.

frank hovis

488 posts

269 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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I am 48 with a 5 year old and the other half is older than me , not much but still
We have made lots of friends at school , they vary from early 20’s through to late 30’s
I say just go for it and don’t care what other say

BoRED S2upid

20,170 posts

245 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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It may be harder to conceive (for her) you can keep smashing them out well into your 60’s. But you will manage if you are lucky enough to have one yes you will be nackered but we all are whatever your age.


5,301 posts

273 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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I was 40 when my son was born and my wife was 39. The health risks go up massively for pregnancies involving women in their 40s. For us, I'm grateful to be as energetic as I am, because our son takes every single drop! In fact, as I type, he's wriggling about on my lap watching Cars 3. For the hundredth time - although it's a merciful break from PJ Masks!

My wife is very keen to adopt so that our son has a sibling for when we're elderly and, eventually, dead. We did talk about having another baby but given how hard our first pregnancy was we ruled it out very quickly.

TL/DR: gets much harder as you get older, but if you really want children have them because the sacrifices are worth it.


2,522 posts

178 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Im 37 and my wife 36, children ages 11 and 8.

Parents in our year groups range from mid 50’s mid 20’s.

Go for it - the second one is easier...!


59 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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I'd question your reason for 'wanting' kids so late on.

It could be argued that if you really wanted them it would have been more of a priority and now you think time is running out its almost like a last gasp.

I have 3 children and as much as I love them dearly, they are a huge, huge life changer and you can only appreciate the gravity of change once you are in the thick of it.

I'd suggest you look at the reasons for considering them with such an established life no doubt bristling with freedom without ties.


1,294 posts

68 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Op, I am younger than you albeit only just on the right side of 40,in a similar boat and it's good to see the positive feedback on this thread from those who had kids relatively late in life. My dad was about your age when I was born..he never had another child after that but I guess that's how traumatic my arrival was smile on a serious note I'd say go for it.
I am curious though how much did finances/financial worries come into the equation for those of you who had kids late in life?
For me personally the financial support aspects is what I am mainly concerned about...and secondary the dwindling energy levels with age!?

Edited by VR99 on Wednesday 6th January 21:09

Edited by VR99 on Wednesday 6th January 21:10


17,145 posts

110 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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It's when you're 65+ and you realise that you'll still have to find more money for Uni etc........


1,114 posts

186 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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I would also like to add I think I have become much more patient after having kids and much less selfish!


8,154 posts

255 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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I was 45 and Mrs H was 37 when ours arrived.

Its the best thing ever, but us is hard work.

You might get lucky and have a quiet docile child, might get one like ours...he's a sort of Ariel Atom of children.


10,345 posts

248 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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God no, the best thing I ever did was avoiding that!


785 posts

216 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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I was 37 and my wife was 41 when our twins were born. Much harder to get pregnant but more chance of twins! So we were told. Don’t regret any of it but it was bloody hard going!


253 posts

237 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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I've just turned 40 and my Mrs is just about to turn 40. We met each other later in life. Both wanted kids. Got cracking but wasn't happening. After 3 failed cycles of IVF we decided to go with an egg donor and are expecting our firsr kid in March. We have another four on ice in the freezer ready to go if we aren't too destroyed by this one.

No doubt it will hard work and we're having all the same worries as those highlighted above with regards to energy and finances and age and I'm sure it will be a huge change but also a rewarding one.

We've also decided to throw a house move, which needs work, into the mix sometime in the next couple of months and I am in the thick of chemo after being diagnosed with testicular cancer in November. So we've a bit on this year!


3,815 posts

176 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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My colleague is 52 this year - following a bit of lockdown Hanky Panky with his Mrs, has led to an unexpected pregnancy.

They've already got two girls under 8 - next May they'll be joined by twin brothers laugh


9,568 posts

238 months

Thursday 7th January 2021
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Had my first at 42 and if I'm honest I have found it very hard.
The extra stress it brings to life is immense and its been even harder this last year.
We have little input from grandparents and child minders which also doesn't help much.
Life is never quite the same again!


59 months

Thursday 7th January 2021
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My wife and I had kids “early”. Do not regret now. We will both be 48 by the time the second leaves home. All our friends have only just started thinking about it and I can’t imagine doing it now. My wife’s cousin is 41 and her husband 48 and they just had their first baby. Goes without saying that our kids are great but I literally can’t think of anything I would rather do less at that age than disrupt my peaceful run up to retirement with a new baby.