Sons health issues



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108 months

Saturday 2nd January 2021
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Sorry for this long one, but I'm having major issues with my son, and not sure I'm getting the help I require for him.

My son is 4 and a half. He started having food issues from age 2 onwards. Prior to that he was having a varied and healthy diet which included chicken, fish, eggs, fruit and vegetables. Admittedly he did start late with textures as his first tooth only came out at 14 months.

Since then he has slowly reduced the amount and types of food he eats which is fairly typical for a toddler.
I have become increasingly concerned with the amount and limited range of food due to his lack of energy and extreme nervousness around eating situations.
For a number of months we have been offering him a safe choice alongside a food he was happy to eat previously. While unhappy with the other food choice being there he does eat the safe choice. Currently his food of choice is Porridge with honey which has to be sieved for him to eat it and belvita biscuits.
Prior to this he had brioche for lunch and had a small paratha with a plain curry sauce for dinner.

I can tell he is becoming noticeably fed up of his choices but whenever he has asked for other food as he is self aware and because how limited his diet is, he gags and tends to throw up at the smell or taste.

He's very particular about texture, he prefers it to be crispy or crunchy and hates soft textures. He likes spicy and sweet food. Now we are down to only sweet food.
Gradually since he has started school in September I have noticed that he has a number of issues to do with his sensory intake. For example, he never takes his socks off. He wears them to sleep. Always has to wear long-sleeved tips and full trousers even in the summer. Hates nails and haircuts. Cannot stand rain on his face or body and and doesn't like water to be on his hands for more the a few seconds. Doesn't like it and gets very angry if I come into his space suddenly and tells me I'm too close and hates me touching his face. He has a mild facial tic particularly when he is tired or frustrated. He covers his ears when he is eating as noises disturb him and shrieks if he hears pots clanging or sudden loud bangs and doesn't like the hoover.
He was a late speaker but absolutely fine now and has friends and is settling into his class well. I believe he is on par with the other children in his class in terms of reading and writing.

I have been referred to the community paediatrics team for an assessment as the doctor believe he may have sensory issues. I am worried about how to tackle this as i don't feel they will offer any assistance for a child who is integrating well and is performing well at school. He is not getting much nutritional value in hsi diet and I don't know how to approach this in a way that will help him