Anyone else getting tired of it all?

Anyone else getting tired of it all?



Original Poster:

876 posts

99 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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With regards to the pandemic; I’ve coped fairly well so far mentally but right now it’s just a sense of bad news after bad news. Case numbers increasing to record levels daily, new strains being identified, hospitals overwhelmed, repeated lockdowns, when will it end? Doesn’t help that we’re in the thick of winter also. Appreciate any tips on how to boost mental health smile


8,853 posts

186 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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AI1601 said:
With regards to the pandemic; I’ve coped fairly well so far mentally but right now it’s just a sense of bad news after bad news. Case numbers increasing to record levels daily, new strains being identified, hospitals overwhelmed, repeated lockdowns, when will it end? Doesn’t help that we’re in the thick of winter also. Appreciate any tips on how to boost mental health smile
Filter out all the bullst, so stay off social media, newspapers etc, then lots of fresh air and exercise, even if its only a morning walk, and keep your diet and sleep on point.

Boosted LS1

21,198 posts

265 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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A walk in the countryside away from 'others' does wonders for my mental health. I take my binocs to.


566 posts

93 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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Agree I was doing fine until the last couple weeks, then the other half tested positive and we had 10 days locked in, started to get stir crazy, I can see how peoples mental health suffers.


90,809 posts

260 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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Everything's going downhill these days. In the early days of pistonheads, the solution quickly offered up would be furious wking.


3,772 posts

199 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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Pistonheads friction burns matter

Riley Blue

21,437 posts

231 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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The BBC has some suggestions that might help:

Tyre Smoke

23,018 posts

266 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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mybrainhurts said:
Everything's going downhill these days. In the early days of pistonheads, the solution quickly offered up would be furious wking.

This is so true!

I must confess I'm fed up with all the doom on the news. I try to read from news apps now avoiding anything covid related.

More people testing positive because we are testing more people, a fair few false positives too. Hospital admissions up, but fewer ICU admissions and fewer on ventilation. Agree or not with this paragraph, but a sense of perspective is needed. Otherwise you'd read articles on social media and the news and quite frankly, reach for the whiskey and paracetamol. For instance, I read the other say that mobile phone roaming charges may return after Thursday night, and travellers abroad might face bills of hundreds of pounds on their return. Except there is written into law that you cannot exceed £45 unless you agree, and all four major networks say they have no plans to introduce roaming charges in future. So the whole article was a non event designed to ramp up fear and stress. And that's the problem with 24/7 news, they have to provide a shock and awe angle to get you to read.


Choose what you watch and read very carefully. Read some fiction or biographies, and take some long walks.


3,636 posts

184 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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I agree with all the above, getting out for daily long walks and running a few times a week has really kept me going. It is harder this time of year though as I live in a town centre and my summer walks in the country side are now flooded or very boggy as the town has had massive developments in the past 10 years.

Also you have to look at the light at the end of the tunnel with regards to the vaccine, in a few months time all going well front line staff and those that are very high risk 'should' be vaccinated. Granted the majority of the population will still need it but I know a few people who have received the first jab and my local doctors will be vaccinating the over 80's registered there from the 11th January. Hopefully by the end of March we can have some sort of restricted relaxation

CS Garth

2,870 posts

110 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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I think you need to set ultra short term goals - looking forward to a holiday in 6 months time isn’t good enough any more because a lot of the nice stuff you would have done in the interim and taken for granted isn’t going to happen.

Clearing a cupboard out. Making a meal to a recipe. Spotting 10 different types of bird on your daily walk. Ringing an elderly relative. It’s easy to let the days take over - take back control and give yourself achievable purpose.


1,302 posts

65 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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I think it all comes down to perspective.
As others have said the media is full of doom and gloom and I'm sure it gets us all down at times. But the approach I take is to actually concentrate on what is worse for me and my family personally. When I look at it like that I actually realise that I'm not really any worse off than I was this time last year. Yes, I can't go to a restaurant at the moment or go and watch a game of football but the fridge is still full, footy is on the telly, I can still watch Netflix, and in reality I'd probably only be doing that for 95% of the time anyway if Covid didn't exist.

So whilst Covid is an inconvenience, its not significantly changed my life.
(I also appreciate that if I or a family member had a medical condition my view may be different)


14,023 posts

185 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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I, the Mrs, or families and a close group of friends (c.10) have taken to just getting on with life as best as possible.

- Meals out are now takeaways at each other’s houses
- Pub nights are now wine and cheese nights
- We get together for golf a few days a week
- My office has closed so we’re heading to each other’s houses to work together for some company

When the Mrs and I are together we take the exige/M135i out for a hoon, generally <3 hours and keeping within 100 miles or so from home. Adding Sky sports at home keeps us occupied when we are here.

Just crack on, if you’ve got no underlying health issues, are relatively young (<50ish) and don’t generally come into contact with vulnerable people nothing bad is realistically going to happen. Far better for the mental health and lifestyle this way.


4,695 posts

113 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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Not losing my st but I'm about 80% there.

In my neck of the woods we've just gone into a six week lockdown with no concrete evidence to justify it. The doom monger of a Health Minister, the CMO aka Dr Death and CSO have yet to provide any evidence or what they used to come to the decision.

Apparently we all just have to accept it without questioning the reasoning behind it.

They've even put a 8pm-6am curfew in between Boxing Day and New Years Day. Police said they can't enforce it but several key workers and taxi drivers transporting medical staff have been stopped and told to go home and wrap up business for the night.

Police even stated the next day they don't have a clue what is exempt from the curfew, can you walk the dog, go out for a walk.

Terminator X

15,885 posts

209 months

Wednesday 30th December 2020
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New variants tend to be weaker so interesting to hear the media say "no more dangerous"; suggests to me that yes you may more likely catch it but a weaker version. More cases and less or even deaths is the thing to watch for.



569 posts

154 months

Wednesday 30th December 2020
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Yeah pretty threaders with it all too.

It’s the lack of freedom which is getting me; I also HATE wearing a mask. I am dreading the thought of school start being delayed.

I stopped watching the news as between CV and all the other silliness, it makes for pretty bleak watching.


19,481 posts

278 months

Wednesday 30th December 2020
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Its also galling to hear how "busy" the nhs is at the moment, whilst they themselves post ticktock videls from fhe wards dancing.

But the nhs is a religion, and they actions and motives can nof be questionned.

Tyre Smoke

23,018 posts

266 months

Wednesday 30th December 2020
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It also upsets me how 'angry' people get on here. There are areas of this forum now that I consciously avoid even though the thread title might interest me.

I suppose they are venting their own frustration at constant restrictions and lockdowns. This used to be a much more lighthearted place.


1,761 posts

46 months

Wednesday 30th December 2020
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Tyre Smoke said:
It also upsets me how 'angry' people get on here. There are areas of this forum now that I consciously avoid even though the thread title might interest me.

I suppose they are venting their own frustration at constant restrictions and lockdowns. This used to be a much more lighthearted place.
Yeah - have you seen the 'cure worse than the disease crowd'? eek


569 posts

154 months

Wednesday 30th December 2020
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Tyre Smoke said:
It also upsets me how 'angry' people get on here. There are areas of this forum now that I consciously avoid even though the thread title might interest me.

I suppose they are venting their own frustration at constant restrictions and lockdowns. This used to be a much more lighthearted place.
I get this. I am often surprised how much Willy waving and chest puffing go’s on whether differing opinions, correcting people or general one’up’manship and ego bolstering goes on.

Lots of people getting angry sat on their sofa because John, who has no effect on their life, said they were wrong.

Tyre Smoke

23,018 posts

266 months

Wednesday 30th December 2020
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I'm open to debate with any sensible people who can argue their point without getting angry and abusive. The trouble is, so many people see arguments on here as a way of venting frustration. Keyboard warriors if you will, but they'd deny that of course. Personal abuse seems to be accepted as the norm.

Anyway, I don't want to derail this thread, it's providing some excellent ideas and self help advice.