Have you had Covid?

Poll: Have you had Covid?

Total Members Polled: 333

Yes - Tested positive: 14%
I think so, but haven't been tested: 28%
I don't think so, but haven't been tested: 43%
No - I've had a negative test: 15%

Kermit power

Original Poster:

29,414 posts

218 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Apologies if there has already been one of these, but I've gone back as far as last month and couldn't see one. Yes, there's the one about how much it impacted you which has just been moved to Health Matters to die, but that's not the same as a straight view of how many people have actually had it.

I still only know three people who've had a definite positive test, despite over 350 people in our borough having supposedly tested positive in the past week alone, so just wondering where all the positive people are?


24,577 posts

225 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Self, Mrs and daughter have had it, half my department have had it, friends father died from it, friends grandfather died from it.


6,390 posts

161 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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I have it now. Tested on the 15th but I think I've had it since at least the 7th when I had chest pains which are apparently one of the lesser promoted symptoms. Had them again a week later. Had fever, which lasted about a day where I was sweating buckets all night, sore throat and minor cough. The cough is now absolutely horrendous. Feel like total ste, quite honesty. Other half tested positive at the same time but she's younger and not as affected by it as me. Still not recovered though. I'm sceptical about the time frames they give you for not being infectious. Technically I could have been free of isolation on the 17th but I was utterly wiped out by it. I'm certain that with this cough I'd still be contagious. I'm going to book another test when the symptoms are about gone to see if I'm still positive.

I'm convinced I've had it twice. This is exactly the cough I had for weeks starting around November last year and had for months before I was bedridden (as was the other half) with a massive fever in early March.


33,648 posts

217 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Similar topic: click.

Not had it, though not been tested either - unlikely.

Kermit power

Original Poster:

29,414 posts

218 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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LordGrover said:
Similar topic: click.

Not had it, though not been tested either - unlikely.
It was that one which inspired me to set up this poll, as that's asking how much you suffered if you've had it, whereas I wanted to just find out how many had or hadn't had it.

Riley Blue

21,459 posts

231 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Kermit power said:
LordGrover said:
Similar topic: click.

Not had it, though not been tested either - unlikely.
It was that one which inspired me to set up this poll, as that's asking how much you suffered if you've had it, whereas I wanted to just find out how many had or hadn't had it.
Couldn't you look at total members polled in the other thread?


1,841 posts

132 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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I’ve had 6 tests now. All negative.

I have however had an antibody test which was positive, so (if the test is reliable?) I have had the virus at some point, in between or before any tests. Couldn’t tell you when, I can’t pinpoint a day or week where I felt anything short of good this year.

Edit; my wife is a nurse and has worked with COVID positive patients and has never had symptoms/tested positive.

Edited by ColdoRS on Wednesday 23 December 21:29


59 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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I would have placed money on having had it right at the beginning of the year.......just had a negative antibody test which is a shame as I am in the "high risk" category.

Bit confusing as my wife has had 2 positive antibody tests without having had any symptoms (ITU nurse) and all close family have had it at various times......will just have to keep being very careful until I get the vaccine furious

Hugo Stiglitz

38,038 posts

216 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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I know one person that I know of who has definitely had it. No one else at work that I know of. I've moved bodies, wrestled people, been inside countless homes and numerous hospitals.

Kermit power

Original Poster:

29,414 posts

218 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Riley Blue said:
Kermit power said:
LordGrover said:
Similar topic: click.

Not had it, though not been tested either - unlikely.
It was that one which inspired me to set up this poll, as that's asking how much you suffered if you've had it, whereas I wanted to just find out how many had or hadn't had it.
Couldn't you look at total members polled in the other thread?
No, because all the options are for people who've had Covid, so nobody who hasn't will answer...


59 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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A colleague had it in early March before lockdown, 11 days in the hospital but has made a good recovery.


59 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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I think so. Last christmas day, started going down hill. I lost my sense of taste and got flu like symptoms, had the sts for three days and it felt like proper man flu. The wife went down on the 28th (fnar-fnar) and spent three days in bed. I was recovering but still a bit delicate, she was almost normal by the 4th. We both said WTF was that afterwards. We have been together 30 years and tend to share all our viruses for obvious reasons but that was a new one on us. Once the news broke about cv19 it all made sense. We are 50, so low risk, but I wouldn't want it again. However if she goes down again on the 28th I won't complain :-)


12,489 posts

214 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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I tested positive for it yesterday. Lost taste and smell on Monday evening. Had cough but it genuinely felt like I had a cold. Have fever yesterday and today, felt not so bad fever wise this evening. Cough is doing my head in though.

I reckon I have given it to my wife as she has a cough and had a fever, but no loss of smell or taste.


748 posts

102 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Thought I'd gone off Tyskie Thursday before last.

Monday woke up thought I'd pulled my back, just ached and felt odd.

Coffee tasted rank.

Got home and felt freezing but was hot.

Tuesday same thing, coffee tasted rank again. Got home and sweat all night.

Felt fine Weds.

Genuinely didn't batter an eye lid, didn't have a clue it was Covid. Couldn't taste something on the Weds so did a test and tested positive.

Wife had worse symptoms of a bad cold and a bad cough but she's pretty much over it now.

I still can't taste but can smell and its really bloody annoying and weird.


472 posts

221 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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I tested positive on Nov 24th. Flu-like symptoms, uncontrollable shivers yet raging temperature, chest pains, cough... bed ridden for 5-6 days.

Got a lot better over the next fortnight to the point I was ready to go back to work, or so I thought. In hindsight this was probably foolish and I wasn't as well as I thought as I had some kind of symptom relapse and was in bed again with all of the above but only for a couple of days. NHS suggested another test which was positive. This was Dec 17th.

I'm still not right. I lack energy, get washed out doing anything physical and still have chest pains.


8,042 posts

85 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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I don't know. Recently my daughter had to self isolate because a class member tested positive. Couple of days later my wife and I both felt odd. We were very tired, felt feverish but didn't have a temperature. Tested negative.

Go back to end of last year. Start of Dec we all had what felt like flu . End of December my wife and I get something that was mostly a fever and a cough.

So no idea if I've had it not really.


2,410 posts

169 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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[quote=AJL308]I have it now. Tested on the 15th but I think I've had it since at least the 7th when I had chest pains which are apparently one of the lesser promoted symptoms. Had them again a week later. Had fever, which lasted about a day where I was sweating buckets all night, sore throat and minor cough. The cough is now absolutely horrendous. Feel like total ste, quite honesty. Other half tested positive at the same time but she's younger and not as affected by it as me. Still not recovered though. I'm sceptical about the time frames they give you for not being infectious. Technically I could have been free of isolation on the 17th but I was utterly wiped out by it. I'm certain that with this cough I'd still be contagious. I'm going to book another test when the symptoms are about gone to see if I'm still positive.

Sounds exactly like us tested positive in November we had been told it was a new strain ( wife caught it at work in a special school in Thanet) now this is everywhere in the media, No temperature but couldn't get warm for days cough wasn't too bad for me either, but felt like someone squeezing my heart and my liver and Kidneys ached like hell for days. Lost 3 days completely can't remember but was hallucinating badly but was taking super strength co-codamol as a pain killer ( take them regularly for my back) Age seems to be a driver for how severe it is Im 53 and powerfully built felt worse than anything Ive ever known wife 10 years younger and says she thinks she had it 20% less that me, 8 year old totally asymptomatic despite testing positive at the same time.
10 days after the test was told ok to go out still didn't feel up to it so took another 2 weeks resting the fatigue was incredible 5 minute drive to drop son at school needed a 2 hour rest! Still up until Christmas break only doing half days at work hoping to rest over Christmas and get back full time in January. Isolating at work as not convinced its not contagious still.
Im very lucky that I have never been properly Ill in my 53 years apart from stupid self inflicted accidents and then just inconveniences. This was grim, interesting one of my colleagues rang me to see how I was ( I don't remember ) and apparently put the phone down thinking he would not speak to me again- that shocked me.
Ive had flu this is not just flu.


1,788 posts

223 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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I’m pretty sure I had it in March as I went off my food, no taste or smell and no energy.
, in two weeks I lost a stone and only ate a sandwich and 3 bananas.


10,345 posts

248 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Never had it, i'm not stupid.


16,153 posts

214 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Might have had it back in March. Lost my taste and smell and was also very cold. Not cold like when you're somewhere cold, but like when your body is cold on the inside, like when you're coming down with flu, but I never did come down with flu, I was just very cold for a week or so. Didn't have the prerequisite fever or cough though, so who knows? A few people I know have had it to varying degrees ranging from loss of taste and smell but nothing else right through to being in hospital on a respirator.