Anyone had chronic sinusitis?

Anyone had chronic sinusitis?



Original Poster:

804 posts

191 months

Thursday 17th December 2020
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I've had strange neurological symptoms over the last two months.
Started with burning, then numbness and a tingling/crawling sensation in bed on a night.

Doctor originally put it down to a nerve problem however I thought it could be due to stress.

All of my symptoms point to sinusitis.

Anyone had it bad before?...


20,980 posts

125 months

Thursday 17th December 2020
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i have chronic sinusitis (3 years), sparked by an allergy to something in the house. My symptoms are entirely different to those you have. HTH


6,728 posts

166 months

Thursday 17th December 2020
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Does not sound like chronic sinusitis.
Main symptom is pressure and pain around cheek/eye.

Never had it myself but spent 15 years selling surgical equipment to ENT surgeons


Original Poster:

804 posts

191 months

Thursday 17th December 2020
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Tbh where i feel the numbness and feeling of pressure is where it looks like the frontal sinuses are.
Thats what made me think...


216 posts

60 months

Thursday 17th December 2020
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I’ve had it for atleast 7 years i can remember. Pain/pressure behind left eye/cheek area, but gotten used to it to an extent. Occasionally it’s bad where I have to keep an eye closed to relieve some pain or press. Was going to have an op on the NHS, but left it in end.

My Mum had the OP, but only gave relief for couple years and back again. Most people manage the pain using nasal sprays. Sometimes the pain can be caused by dental issues with upper teeth, which is worth exploring.


1,315 posts

145 months

Friday 18th December 2020
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I had something similar for the last 7-8 years, getting progressively worse. I've had no sense of smell for the last 24 months.

Ended up going private, and a scan confirmed my nasal passages were full of infection plus my nasal passage/bone was distorted, and I need an operation. It's been postponed due to Covid, but now pencilled in January.

Hope it works!

I get some relief from decongestants but it's minimal.


19,072 posts

132 months

Friday 18th December 2020
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Had several operations to remove polyps which cause severe sinusitus.

One of the best tips I received from my Consultant was to regularly use a nasal wash made up of half sea salt and half bicarbonate of soda in a sterilised bottle. A small whiskey bottle is ideal and keep it in fridge.

Use this every morning it certainly helps and is far better than the vastly overpriced Sterimar type nasal sprays.


2,941 posts

159 months

Friday 18th December 2020
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I had terrible sinusitis for age between about 2010 and 2017 when I had an operation. The symptom is my case was horrible pus buildup, and at one point a constant smell like off chicken. The operation was completely painless, apparently one of the gaps into my sinuses had closed up to the size of a pinhead, the surgeon opened it out to the width of a twenty pence piece!

One issue I have is that two upper molars (one on each side) are very close to the sinuses so the sinusitis leads to tooth problems and vice versa. I had one of these teeth out (the other is coming out in January) and the gap left by the roots left an temporary hole right through to my sinuses which was a bit weird.

A simple cat scan will identify if you have sinus issues, it is definitely worth getting it sorted out.


4,289 posts

229 months

Tuesday 9th February 2021
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av185 said:
Had several operations to remove polyps which cause severe sinusitus.

One of the best tips I received from my Consultant was to regularly use a nasal wash made up of half sea salt and half bicarbonate of soda in a sterilised bottle. A small whiskey bottle is ideal and keep it in fridge.

Use this every morning it certainly helps and is far better than the vastly overpriced Sterimar type nasal sprays.
Bit of a bump but having had sinus problems for 20 years, five polypectomies, and being told by ENT to use Sterimar despite it never seeming to help and Flixonase despite it causing ongoing bleeding in my nose, I'd be really interested to hear more about your nasal wash - how much of what to make it up, basically?


8,993 posts

256 months

Tuesday 9th February 2021
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FNG said:
av185 said:
Had several operations to remove polyps which cause severe sinusitus.

One of the best tips I received from my Consultant was to regularly use a nasal wash made up of half sea salt and half bicarbonate of soda in a sterilised bottle. A small whiskey bottle is ideal and keep it in fridge.

Use this every morning it certainly helps and is far better than the vastly overpriced Sterimar type nasal sprays.
Bit of a bump but having had sinus problems for 20 years, five polypectomies, and being told by ENT to use Sterimar despite it never seeming to help and Flixonase despite it causing ongoing bleeding in my nose, I'd be really interested to hear more about your nasal wash - how much of what to make it up, basically?
I've used this before now with salt - don't know about bicarb, I'd be interested to hear. Relief is temporary.

I'm prescribed Avamys as well which helps more than Flixonase did. Steam with Eucalyptus if I get a cold and even Voltarol cream as a last resort (externally, keeping clear of eyes).

ETA I'm wondering whether night time reflux or 'silent reflux' is a cause for me.

Edited by Sticks. on Tuesday 9th February 14:58


4,289 posts

229 months

Tuesday 9th February 2021
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Thanks for that. Looks like it has bicarb in it.
So probably same as av185 suggests but probably ten times the price laugh

Doesn't look like a nice thing to do - inverting my head like that for only a few seconds can easily bring on headache - but think I'll give it a try.

Never had any luck with steaming, never seemed to help at all.

Have you used Avamys to reduce nasal polyps or to keep sinuses clear? I have much more of a problem with the former than the latter, it's just that my sinuses dry up which, combined with permanent scabbing in my nose, means it's constantly... unpleasant.

Interesting about reflux. I have Sampter's Triad (polyps, asthma, aspirin allergy) so the cause of my polyps is well known. I also have reflux which I take esomeprazole for (and have a bit of Barratt's around the esophagus) and it's well controlled these days - coincidentally (?) my polyps aren't as malignant these days. Wonder if there's a link.

Edited by FNG on Tuesday 9th February 16:26


19,072 posts

132 months

Tuesday 9th February 2021
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FNG said:
av185 said:
Had several operations to remove polyps which cause severe sinusitus.

One of the best tips I received from my Consultant was to regularly use a nasal wash made up of half sea salt and half bicarbonate of soda in a sterilised bottle. A small whiskey bottle is ideal and keep it in fridge.

Use this every morning it certainly helps and is far better than the vastly overpriced Sterimar type nasal sprays.
Bit of a bump but having had sinus problems for 20 years, five polypectomies, and being told by ENT to use Sterimar despite it never seeming to help and Flixonase despite it causing ongoing bleeding in my nose, I'd be really interested to hear more about your nasal wash - how much of what to make it up, basically?


19,072 posts

132 months

Tuesday 9th February 2021
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FNG said:
av185 said:
Had several operations to remove polyps which cause severe sinusitus.

One of the best tips I received from my Consultant was to regularly use a nasal wash made up of half sea salt and half bicarbonate of soda in a sterilised bottle. A small whiskey bottle is ideal and keep it in fridge.

Use this every morning it certainly helps and is far better than the vastly overpriced Sterimar type nasal sprays.
Bit of a bump but having had sinus problems for 20 years, five polypectomies, and being told by ENT to use Sterimar despite it never seeming to help and Flixonase despite it causing ongoing bleeding in my nose, I'd be really interested to hear more about your nasal wash - how much of what to make it up, basically?
I use Beconase or Flixonese nasal spray each day and my polyps haven't returned in 12 years.

Regarding the nasal wash just add equal amounts of bicarb and sea salt (approx a couple of millimetres length poured onto a folded piece of card). Sterilise a small bottle with boiling water having a small neck to facilitate pouring a small amount in each nostril eg said whiskey bottle then also sterilise the bottle top pour off the water then refill with fresh boiling water and add the powder mix and shake. Leave to cool then put in the fridge and use each morning.

Repeat the procedure every week with fresh mix again sterilising said bottle with boiling water.

Good luck hope it helps.


8,993 posts

256 months

Tuesday 9th February 2021
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If it's scabbing then it'd be wise to get it checked out again. When I had that it was suggested improving the air flow would help clear the infection. You could try a humidifier for your bedroom overnight for dryness.

Yes, the pot thing is expensive but you can buy it without their salt and source that elsewhere. It's good for congestion more then anything but seemed to calm it a bit when it was at its worst.

Silent reflux is worth reading about. I don't get heartburn much as I take Omeprazole but mornings after I've eaten too late or too much, usually too late, I can feel it in my nasal passages as well as throat. IANAD, of course. I ought to lose 1st as well.


4,289 posts

229 months

Wednesday 10th February 2021
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av185 said:
I use Beconase or Flixonese nasal spray each day and my polyps haven't returned in 12 years.

Regarding the nasal wash just add equal amounts of bicarb and sea salt (approx a couple of millimetres length poured onto a folded piece of card). Sterilise a small bottle with boiling water having a small neck to facilitate pouring a small amount in each nostril eg said whiskey bottle then also sterilise the bottle top pour off the water then refill with fresh boiling water and add the powder mix and shake. Leave to cool then put in the fridge and use each morning.

Repeat the procedure every week with fresh mix again sterilising said bottle with boiling water.

Good luck hope it helps.
I'll try it - many thanks.

Andy 308GTB

2,955 posts

226 months

Wednesday 10th February 2021
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On the subject of Polyps.
6 years ago, a scan revealed that my sinuses were completely blocked by Polyps, a hair like passage was about all there was.
A consultant/surgeon removed the Polyps and gave me various drops etc. to keep them at bay.

Roll forward 3 or 4 years and my nasal passages were blocked again in the same way.
The consultant/surgeon I went to this time said the Polyps had gown back because of poor air circulation on account of my slightly crooked nose.
He removed the Polyps but he also put a titanium plate into the bridge of my nose to keep my nasal passages open (i.e. like an internal nasal strips worn by sportsmen and snorers...) - I haven't looked back since.

This is the guy and an explanation of the procedure:


4,289 posts

229 months

Wednesday 10th February 2021
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Thats really useful, especially as it recommends use of Breathe Right strips to see if you would benefit from implants. Going to try those.

I have a deviated septum on the left side; on the right, a stent was inserted to help drain the upper sinus and it helped massively. Turns out there is a hole at the back of the upper sinus cavity so when I had congestion it was putting pressure directly on the front of my brain...!! No wonder I had severe migraines. Then they cut through a major nerve while inserting the stent, which didn't rejoin and so causes numbness and irritation and... migraines. Yay.

I've been a regular at Birmingham ENT for years and they are massively against further polyp surgery due to this hole. They're also very much against straightening the deviated septum, stating there's a significant risk to my left eye in doing so and the benefit would be marginal. I'd rather not lose sight in one eye so am not going to push the matter, frankly.

Mind you they also said the scabbing was likely due to "picking". Yes that's right I've had a bleeding nose for the last 8 years and it can only be because I pick my nose so hard it bleeds...

Still to read up on reflux. Damn this w*rk thing I apparently have to do.


2,132 posts

230 months

Wednesday 10th February 2021
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I've suffered for years. I ended up in A & E and had to have polyps removed. I usually manage it with Neilmed quite well, but I had a recent flare-up and my consultant prescribed a course of Dymista:

Amazing results! It's got it well and truly under control again to the point that we are no longer looking at surgery to widen the Sinus passages. I do the Neilmed once a week now, or a bit more frequently if I'm feeling ill.

It is expensive though; only available on a private prescription and about £40 per bottle. I'm hoping the stock I have now will last a reasonable amount of time.


8,993 posts

256 months

Wednesday 10th February 2021
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FNG said:
I have a deviated septum on the left side; on the right, a stent was inserted to help drain the upper sinus and it helped massively. Turns out there is a hole at the back of the upper sinus cavity so when I had congestion it was putting pressure directly on the front of my brain...!! No wonder I had severe migraines. Then they cut through a major nerve while inserting the stent, which didn't rejoin and so causes numbness and irritation and... migraines. Yay.
After a rta years ago I had a hole at the back of my frontal sinus as well. 1.5cm so a noticeable csf leak. Surgery was delayed and by then the leak had stopped so I asked if it had healed up and was an op was still necessary. The Dr said the brain was plugging the whole but made it clear that not to fix it was very dangerous, meningitis I think. So it's concerning to hear that you've an untreated hole, but as I say IANAD and perhaps you've asked the question already.

My septum provided donor tissue for this repair and unfortunately I got MRSA and many years of chronic infection. Similar, swollen, scabbing, see GP, get drops, spray, or ointment, repeat. and repeat. Saw a ENT chap last year who said there was a hole in the septum as a result, he'd put a button in, course of drops and airflow improved would clear it up. 15min GA. He was right, much better, so airflow is key.

Only thing is my frontal sinus still doesn't drain well if I get a cold, a known side effect of csf repair, and I thought a big op would be needed to fix it, so I just avoid colds. The stents you had sound like an option though, was it much of a job to do?


4,289 posts

229 months

Wednesday 10th February 2021
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Sticks. said:
After a rta years ago I had a hole at the back of my frontal sinus as well. 1.5cm so a noticeable csf leak. Surgery was delayed and by then the leak had stopped so I asked if it had healed up and was an op was still necessary. The Dr said the brain was plugging the whole but made it clear that not to fix it was very dangerous, meningitis I think. So it's concerning to hear that you've an untreated hole, but as I say IANAD and perhaps you've asked the question already.

My septum provided donor tissue for this repair and unfortunately I got MRSA and many years of chronic infection. Similar, swollen, scabbing, see GP, get drops, spray, or ointment, repeat. and repeat. Saw a ENT chap last year who said there was a hole in the septum as a result, he'd put a button in, course of drops and airflow improved would clear it up. 15min GA. He was right, much better, so airflow is key.

Only thing is my frontal sinus still doesn't drain well if I get a cold, a known side effect of csf repair, and I thought a big op would be needed to fix it, so I just avoid colds. The stents you had sound like an option though, was it much of a job to do?
Your sinus hole sounds worse than mine. They didn't state size but it looked similar to the size of yours in the pics I saw, albeit there wasn't much to give me a sense of scale. No csf leak at the time, though - I was told to be aware of any fluid leak from my nose and get straight to A&E if it does, due to meningitis risk.

Come to think of it, that was in 2011 and I haven't had a scan since. Hole might have gone, might still be there - no one knows laugh

I only got the stent in the right side, as that was the side causing the most pain. They missed the hole on a pre-op MRI... so that was an unpleasant surprise for the surgeon, who incised, sawe a hole, saw mucus around the opening and thought he was looking at a brain tumour. He then told me, so I had a day wondering if I should get going on my bucket list pronto eek before the results came back negative - phew.

It was done under general anaesthetic, they had to move the eye significantly aside to get the stent in, and some of the students who observed the op were staggered that I was back on my feet seemingly healthy next day, so it was at least a visual spectacle for them even if I didn't get to see it for myself! I was only in hospital one night, so not really intrusive.

Without wishing to scare the horses, this pic shows the incision scar (it also goes halfway across the base of my eyebrow but hair has grown back to largely cover it). I believe it's the horizontal part of the incision that severed the nerve that serves the forehead above it, that now gives me bother. I don't, sadly, know whether that area needs to be incised - the consultant had intimated pre-op that he wouldn't need to go through that nerve, then after the op told me he immediately did so banghead

Regarding the severed nerve, while they apparenly often/usually rejoin, they are a little like an elastic band so when severed they "ping" apart a little so it takes time for them to meet up again. In my case, one end wormed its way to the surface so the other end couldn't find it (very, very laymans terms biggrin ) and that continues to cause a fair bit of irritation and pain, especially when I'm tired (sadly due to having had a fair number of concussions I tire very easily frown ) so I'd definitely recommend a thorough questioning of a consultant who was doing the work, around potential for nerve damage and likelihood of full repair / healing.

It helped massively to keep the right hand sinus drained, which now rarely blocks even if I have a cold etc. The left side does still block partly due to the deviated septum, but given the ongoing and unresolvable nature of the nerve damage on one side, I would only repeat on the other side if the blockage and resultant pain got significantly worse than current. The severed nerve on the side with the stent causes ongoing headaches that don't fully go away, and having a permanent headache can be wearing / miserable.

Hope that helps.