Apple Fitness+



Original Poster:

3,785 posts

162 months

Wednesday 16th December 2020
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Anyone on here given it a go?

Did my first row workout with it this morning, I thought it was excellent. All your stats from your Apple Watch are on the screen, and the best bit for me is that workouts have a custom mix - do you so the high intensity part on the 'drop', which is pretty cool.

Wife though it was a bit of a gimmick but showed her one of the dance workouts with her watch and she's hooked.

Can't get the 'burn bar' to move in either direction, but I guess that you need to let AF+ workout your abilities before it does anything.


Original Poster:

3,785 posts

162 months

Friday 18th December 2020
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Just me then rofl


1,607 posts

211 months

Friday 18th December 2020
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I haven’t had a good look yet and only taken up the free three month trial, but I just can’t get past the fact YouTube is brimmed with some very good workout/training videos.
I’ll give it a go though.


20,854 posts

280 months

Monday 4th January 2021
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Clearly it will be appealing to some more than others.

As a more mature and *Powerfully-built PH Director (i.e. overweight from doing not a lot) who has been in the Apple ecosystem for a decade, I finally saw the possibility and realised what the Apple Watch might be for. I'd not had one before but treated myself to an early Christmas present, because I thought the best present would be to get a bit fitter because - well Lockdown.

So I have done a few weeks of Fitness+, having been walking 10,000 steps/day for a few months but with no other exercise for donkey's years.

I haven't had the novelty wear off yet and, for me, I find it is motivating. It has introduced me to new exercise, yoga (which I would never be going to classes to do!) is good mentally as well and the fact I can pick it up and do 10 or 20 minutes when I'm ready to, and right where I am without any equipment is the bonus/winner feature.

The "americanisms" and "have-a-nice-day-ness" is surprisingly acceptable. Generally I see this as a long-term lifestyle choice with benefit of gradually loosing some weight - the watch is also motivating me to pay attention to sleep conditions, staying hydrated and other health indicators and I cannot see a downside yet.

Price-wise (as part of the One package) it's not a big deal either. Sure there's going to be a raft of other things just on YouTube for free, but this is really targeted at a range of people and situations, including (mugs like) me and if it will help me lose just a kilo a month through this year in a fun, painless way I think it will be brilliant.


59 months

Monday 4th January 2021
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There’s a good review here for anyone looking into it, comparing it to peleton and other similar services.


Original Poster:

3,785 posts

162 months

Monday 4th January 2021
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El stovey said:
There’s a good review here for anyone looking into it, comparing it to peleton and other similar services.
Thanks, thats quite a good warts and all review. Interesting about the lack of consistency with the instructors. Because I've only used this for rowing thus far, I've only workout with Josh, and I found him superb in terms of clarity and direction and perhaps thats what made me click with the service.


1,287 posts

243 months

Monday 4th April 2022
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Sorry for resurrecting this... but thought I'd add my bit.

For the past couple of years I've been doing 30 mins daily on rower, or stationary bike. Pop some tunes on, and row/ride away. It's worked nicely, weight loss and increased fitness.

But it was a bit boring. Yes, I could put TV on, or an audible book, but found they never really worked with exercise. TV just seemed to slow/boring, and audiobooks distracting.

I recently replaced my old v2 Apple watch with a newer v7 (the old one's battery was flakey after years of good service), which came bundled with Fitness+ trial.

I've so far just done the rowing with Josh, and found it really good. It made the 30mins fly by, and I got a good workout too (on par with what I'd been doing previously). The way the onscreen info fits with what's going on, even just the timer that pops up for the intervals is really good. Couple that with someone talking away and it really helps.

Yes, I realise there are free YouTube alternatives, and they'll come into my grand plan. At the moment I'm doing this with a ipad mini on the floor which is a bit awkward, so the grand plan is to pop an Apple TV and reasonable sized TV on some shelves behind/to the side of the rower.

My concern with it so far is that I'll run out of "sessions". Yes, they're adding new ones each week, but I'm rowing/riding 7 days a week. And that's where YouTube comes in, since I can use that when I'm waiting for a new video, or bored of the alternatives.

So far really like it.


Original Poster:

3,785 posts

162 months

Monday 4th April 2022
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I do the rowing with Josh too, and its fantastic. He just about managed to skim under the 'American cringe' for me, and the soundtracks are pretty good.


1,287 posts

243 months

Monday 4th April 2022
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Have you tried cycling? I'm on that tomorrow, and the review suggests Kim or Tyrell... but open to suggestions since this is now a long time since launch, so things may have changed.


Original Poster:

3,785 posts

162 months

Monday 4th April 2022
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No, I don't have the bike. However, I am currently skimming the classifieds for a peloton - the pandemic guilt seems to be kicking in with lots on sale and around 50-60% of RRP. My thought process is that I could try Peloton, but still use it with AF+ if the monthly sub becomes too rich.


1,287 posts

243 months

Monday 4th April 2022
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Good luck (that's genuine, not sarcasm). I think provided you can stomach the subs, it'll be a good buy.

FWIW I use a concept2 rower and concept2 bikeerg... nowhere near as slick as the Peleton stuff.


Original Poster:

3,785 posts

162 months

Monday 4th April 2022
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If you can, get the official iPad mount for the rowerg - I did and it is pretty good value for the price. Holds iPads perfect in the rower.


1,287 posts

243 months

Monday 4th April 2022
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Thanks for the recommendation, will do just that. Cheers!