Has anyone had a cold this year?

Has anyone had a cold this year?



Original Poster:

59 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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1,718 posts

135 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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It's a good theory - no idiots invading your personal space or arriving in an open-plan office coughing and spluttering all over the kitchen. It's also nice not to have to face the hot desk and chair that sweaty bloke was using the day before.

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,483 posts

240 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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I've had the same thoughts...

..plus, if you do eventually get a lurgy you'll be thinking it's Covid (other germs are available)


Original Poster:

59 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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anonymous said:
No. Just no. That's taking away everything that makes us human.

I understand there are some freaks out there happy with that kind of 'new normal' dystopia, but it will be a sad day if that becomes normal.

We're heading for a mental health crisis because some people think like you.


767 posts

183 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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Landcrab_Six said:
No. Just no. That's taking away everything that makes us human.

I understand there are some freaks out there happy with that kind of 'new normal' dystopia, but it will be a sad day if that becomes normal.

We're heading for a mental health crisis because some people think like you.
Not washing your hands after a piss, and picking your nose makes you human? Right.


Original Poster:

59 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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IrateNinja said:
Not washing your hands after a piss, and picking your nose makes you human? Right.
I'm not aware I said that.

I do believe we are heading for some serious issues when we do remove the masks and leave the house, as many people are going to have massively suppressed and compromised immune systems.


8,859 posts

186 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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Nope, no cold this year, last one was about 5 years ago.


2,117 posts

163 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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I have had sinus issues and some underlying virus bug thing for a month or so at least now. Have had 4 tests this year all negative.

If someone told me I had had it dec/january and this is the residual effects I wouldn't be suprised.


10,345 posts

248 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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Last bad cold I had was as we went into first lockdown, so about March - ish. Probably picked it up at a funeral.

The combination of Summer and us all being more aware of cleanliness & social distancing being at the root of less of it.


2,929 posts

212 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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I’ve had two, once when kids went back to school before summer holiday, and the second when they returned in September.

These bloody low R number coronaviruses are a menace.


7,914 posts

164 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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Last year I spent six months in an office for a new job. If one got a cold we all did.

December last year I was out and about with work. No colds or anything like that until September this year when I went back to being office based for six weeks. Cold from hell (along with a migraine).

Nothing since.

Before last year I was always getting colds (at least once a month) and when I was with my ex who had a kid...i think I had a cold the whole relationship with what he picked up at school!


1,630 posts

185 months

Friday 13th November 2020
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anonymous said:
The Vitamin D is probably also helping - a few weeks before we went into lockdown back in March, I came into contact with a medical scientist who was heavily involved with the statistics relating to the Covid outbreak and was lobbying the government to take us into lockdown several weeks earlier.

Since we went into the first lockdown he has been extolling the virtues of Vitamin D to anyone who will listen and is finally getting some traction with the media - it boosts the immune system and is very effective in reducing chances of Covid infection and improves chances of recovery in the event of infection.

Apparently, in Germany they were giving their senior citizens high doses of Vit D which helped them to keep their death rate down.

So, I got myself a year's supply (Mrs FTR already had some) and we've been keeping our levels up throughout the summer - I've also just stocked up for winter.

I can't understand why nobody has really jumped on this - the paper that was produced has now been peer reviewed, but even if there were/are doubts about this, the stuff is so cheap and readily available (and very unlikely to cause any issues at the suggested dosage) it does seem like there isn't really a downside to just going for it.

As for the original question, I certainly haven't had a bad cold - I do have asthma and it is triggered by pollen, so sometimes it's difficult to figure out what's a cold, what's hay fever and what's Covid!

But yeah, hands, face, space is definitely helping. Not sure I'd want to keep all of it though.

Washing hands more, yeah, we should definitely keep that part!


4,739 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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Yes, I had man flu back in September.

Really pissed me off, as I had hardly been anywhere to have caught it.


10,638 posts

179 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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i usually seem to suffer a few colds every year , been ok so far

just started vit D as well , because why not


34,367 posts

287 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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IrateNinja said:
Not washing your hands after a piss, and picking your nose makes you human? Right.
Eating bogies is good for your immune system, I read...

I had a disgusting head cold about a week after going back into the office post WFH for April May and June.


654 posts

93 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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Somehow I've managed a stomach bug and a nasty cold, despite hardly going out and making sure I was hands/wear a mask. I did make me wonder how??1

Of course, the impact of this hand washing, mask wearing stuff will mean all of our immune systems will be hugely depleted and so we can all look forward to a lot more bugs when the current constraints are lifted. We need to be exposed to bugs in order to build immunity, removing exposure will mean we will all have lost immunity.

BoRED S2upid

20,170 posts

245 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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I have 2 small children so of course I’ve had colds.


8,003 posts

148 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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Last week got a temperature and thought the dreaded virus was here. Then it went back down and left with cold like symptoms except no runny nose or cough. Just feels like a dry head cold, with eye irritation and they feel puffy (but not).
Cannot understand how I got it as I rarely go out (vulnerable group) and wear a mask on the odd occasion when I'm exercising well away from people. rolleyes


24,498 posts

191 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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I have a semi-constant pseudo-cold from September to February every year. I'm not sure whether it's a cold or some kind of allergy, but it gets very dull.

No difference this year.

Riley Blue

21,459 posts

231 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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Have a read of this thread: https://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&...

Whether its relevant to this this topic I leave that for you to decide but the thing I haven't yet mentioned there is that some days, instead of a dry throat, I have a runny nose. It never develops into anything but feels just like the start of a cold.

We've both been taking Vitamin D since October last year when my O/H was found to be deficient after a blood test. I began taking it after reading about its benefits and since then neither of us has had a cold though by this time of the winter I would expect to have had one.