My back is better



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3,881 posts

61 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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Well its half better actually and it went from being sore to perfect in an instant, what has happened to it and will the other half go the same way.

A bit long winded but to summarise I've suffered from a bad back on a couple of occasions in the past, probably 10 years ago or more I'd ruptured my back and it has been bad for a short period of time to the point that I couldn't even step of a kerb without being in agony but the pain vanished as quickly as it came after a week or so, I remember being sat in my office chair and I got up an walked downstairs and thought hang on I'm not in any pain whatsoever anymore, my back is better. The same scenario happened a few years later.

However two years ago I managed to twist my back sitting up from bed and immediately felt pain a lot worse than the last couple of times and at first I was in complete agony, if I didn't lie down in a certain position my back would spasm and it was like a really severe form of cramp. After a few weeks it did get a bit better where I could move with a bit more freedom and go to work but it really ached and if I sat down I was so stiff and in pain it was better to stand up all day, getting out of the van after driving home I was like Quasimodo. It got slightly better but it got to a point after a few months where it seemed not to get any better and I thought well thats as good as it is going to get.

Yet after 18 months of the pain I got out of a hot bath and all the back pain I had in my right hand side had completely vanished. In the past if I wanted to pick something up I had t crouch down, now I can bend over fully and pick something up with my right hand. My left side is still a bit sore but on the whole I feel a million times better, I can now get through a working day without any back pain at all.

How is it possible that after two years of back pain it can go away as quickly as it arrived and why is it still sore one one side and not the other?


11,348 posts

214 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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Trapped nerve in your spine maybe?

I have the same/simialr problem but has never lasted more than a few days/week, the longer the nerve is trapped the longer it takes to get back to normal