Missing out words when typing

Missing out words when typing



Original Poster:

5,669 posts

167 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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Hope this isn't funny - it's not meant to be laugh

I'm finding as i'm getting older that my written typing is getting worse and i seem to miss out words or not finish sentences properly, even if i read it back whilst typing. If i read it again moments later after i've already sent it then I can see where i've missed words out. Never used to be this way.

Is this a sign of any health related issue or am I just trying to make excuses for my terrible english ?

p.s. i did re-read this a few times before I sent it, maybe thats what i need to do more of.


34,359 posts

124 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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I hope it doesn't mean anything - I miss words out of forum posts all the time but not aware of doing it elsewhere.

In my case I think it's because I feel guilty about posting so much and I'm trying to do it quickly without being caught!


37,881 posts

229 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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I do it all the time and have done for years, I also have typing dyslexia, ie all the words or letters but in random order.

I don't worry about it, but will be interested to see what people's thoughts are on this thread.

If its any consolation op, with teh advent of hoemwrorking and screen and screen sharing I see that many other people do the same be they youngsters at 30 or old farts like me at 55.

nb. I deliberately left the sentence above as it came out


6,355 posts

197 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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A few years ago I was on naproxen and amitriptyline for an extended period of time. During that time I started to transpose the last letter of a word onto the next word. For example I migh ttype a sentenc elike this.
Not the same as the OP, but related.
I should say this was in my late 40s. The problem has never gone away.
Fortunately spell check helps a lot.


14,611 posts

143 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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s1962a said:
Hope this isn't funny - it's not meant to be laugh

I'm finding as i'm getting older that my written typing is getting worse and i seem to miss out words or not finish sentences properly, even if i read it back whilst typing. If i read it again moments later after i've already sent it then I can see where i've missed words out. Never used to be this way.

Is this a sign of any health related issue or am I just trying to make excuses for my terrible english ?

p.s. i did re-read this a few times before I sent it, maybe thats what i need to do more of.
I have noticed this also recently. Mostly on my iPhone.


37,881 posts

229 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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Sheepshanks said:
I hope it doesn't mean anything - I miss words out of forum posts all the time but not aware of doing it elsewhere.

In my case I think it's because I feel guilty about posting so much and I'm trying to do it quickly without being caught!
Nearly as many posts as me but in less than half the time! - You are prolific


2,688 posts

126 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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I think it's the way the brain works, it's goes faster than our fingers. We also read & miss things that aren't there like the following;


How many 'F's are in the above?

Now count again, there should be six.


1,181 posts

102 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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I've noticed I have been doing the same thing for the last couple of years. I can write something and read it through at the end but not notice anything wrong. Then read it again and notice the mistakes or words missing.
Maybe more common than you think.


1,718 posts

135 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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6,355 posts

197 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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bigpriest said:


8,997 posts

143 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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s1962a said:
Hope this isn't funny - it's not meant to be laugh

I'm finding as i'm getting older that my written typing is getting worse and i seem to miss out words or not finish sentences properly, even if i read it back whilst typing. If i read it again moments later after i've already sent it then I can see where i've missed words out. Never used to be this way.

Is this a sign of any health related issue or am I just trying to make excuses for my terrible english ?

p.s. i did re-read this a few times before I sent it, maybe thats what i need to do more of.
Nothing wrong with you. Engage the services of a secretary who will edit, correct, and make the necessary changes to your outpourings. It so happens that the unsung heroine's of the secretarial pool, or your private secretary if you get far enough up the greasy pole, are a much missed asset since the advent of the internet!

Many a great orator struggled with the written word, including W Churchill, and I can only imagine how he would have been viewed if twitter was a thing in his day!


37,881 posts

229 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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anonymous said:
That is because there are 3.


2,419 posts

200 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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anonymous said:
Um no there really is 6...NURSE!!!!


37,881 posts

229 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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anonymous said:
Ha you are right, I was skippingthe F's in "of" every single time. I had to type it backwards to spot them

Riley Blue

21,459 posts

231 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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anonymous said:
Really? I'm getting forgetful and have to use the preview button a lot but I spotted each 'F' as I read it - I can't be as much of a senile an old fart as I thought woohoo


59 months

Friday 23rd October 2020
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anonymous said:


297 posts

99 months

Saturday 24th October 2020
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When writing slightly irate emails, I often find that I've hit the 'T' instead of the 'G' when typing 'Regards'....

Does this count?


5,604 posts

241 months

Saturday 24th October 2020
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I am always amazed at how I can write a document for work, proof read it umpteen times, make amendments and finally submit it. Wake up the next morning and read it again and there are mistakes galore.

Any important document that lives for more than a few days and I will get someone to proof read it for me.

One tip for proofreading that I find can help is to read the document backwards sentence by sentence. It won't catch any flow issues but does tend to weed out other minor errors.


4,287 posts

211 months

Monday 26th October 2020
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Small trick I use , is text to speech / read out loud function.
It is amazing how the ear can catch mistakes, the eye doesn't.

Riley Blue

21,459 posts

231 months

Monday 26th October 2020
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My problem is arthritis, my fingers and elbows are so stiff and painful that if I make typing errors, which I often do, it takes me forever to correct them; I've made seven so far just typing this (eight!). It's why I never write long replies. Ironic considering I used to be a journalist.