I've had a TIA/ mini stroke, any changes I should be making?

I've had a TIA/ mini stroke, any changes I should be making?


Fermit and Sexy Sarah

Original Poster:

13,240 posts

105 months

Tuesday 26th May 2020
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I had some weird episodes on Friday. on 3-4 occasions I had up to an hour where I wasn't taking in things S was saying to me, and I couldn't get words out/ talk. In addition to this I was faint, and often had to prop myself up. Today was the first chance I had to have a telephone doctors appointment, talking through these and other symptoms he believes I've had a mini stroke.

I'm 42, don't smoke (do vape, quit 3 years ago) in a physically active job, walk dogs half an hour a day, active lifestyle, allotments, chickens, ducks etc. I do drink more than official recommendations, on average maybe 60 units a week.

The doc is referring me to a stroke consultant. What may visiting them involve?

We consider this a warning, and I'm not keen on the idea of a full blown stroke! What should I be changing/ doing differently to give me the best chance of no further health problems down this route?

On the doctors advice I am taking 300mg of aspirin a day until I see/ speak with the consultant.


3,050 posts

192 months

Tuesday 26th May 2020
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Sorry to hear this, I can't offer any advice but hope you are OK.

(Obviously if you slip away and Sarah needs a shoulder to cry on...... wink )

Wishing you well smile


973 posts

155 months

Tuesday 26th May 2020
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I’ve just been reading research that shows that Covid-19 is a disease of the blood as much as a respiratory illness and causes the blood to thicken and clot, which can cause strokes.

I would have thought that your doctor would have considered this, but if not surely it’s worth having a coronavirus test to start with...


19,836 posts

208 months

Tuesday 26th May 2020
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I had all manner of weird symptoms a year or so back, which have turned out to be nerve related but I was seen by a stroke team at the start. Unless they go further than they did with me, it's absolutely nothing to worry about. They'll ask you questions which may seem weird, and get you to do a number of physical movements (again nothing painful or difficult, I can't remember them but just unusual movements, resisting and/or pushing against the medic).

Whilst I'm not over the moon with my own alcohol consumption (probably 30-ish units a week since we've been on lockdown, it was less before, but I do drink a small amount each day), I'd say 60 units is a bit toppy. You ought to wind that in a bit, and get more exercise I would say.

Hope it turns out well.

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

Original Poster:

13,240 posts

105 months

Tuesday 26th May 2020
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Thanks all for the responses. S said whilst we were locking the birds up half an hour ago that she'd been Googling, and 47% of people who have a TIA have a full on stroke within a week. I'd read that the first 24 hours after are when you're most at risk. A little worried, but trying not to get too consumed by it. What's done is done.


3,433 posts

71 months

Tuesday 26th May 2020
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Hope you get over this, but 60 units should at the very least be the top of your list of things to change. Even if you ignore the alcohol which would be a challenge, think if all the excess empty calories, and the effect in your blood pressure.

Speaking of which my GP has always pointed out that it's blood pressure + cholesterol together that increases risk, so do you know what they are?

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

Original Poster:

13,240 posts

105 months

Tuesday 26th May 2020
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sociopath said:
Speaking of which my GP has always pointed out that it's blood pressure + cholesterol together that increases risk, so do you know what they are?
Dad has high blood pressure. When I had a test a few years ago mine was fine. I'm seeing him later this week, I'll get him to bring his test device with him.


980 posts

190 months

Tuesday 26th May 2020
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They are cheap. Amazon will have it with you tomorrow. Your GP with all respect, won't care about your health as much as you should.


19,836 posts

208 months

Tuesday 26th May 2020
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Fermit and Sexy Sarah said:
47% of people who have a TIA have a full on stroke within a week.
My FiL has had three TIAs, and none were followed by a stroke. He's in his early 80s now, these were all 10+ years ago.

Echo the blood pressure machine, make sure you get one which is certified as accurate (some of the medical websites have a list) but you'll still only pay c.£20-25. No point using your old man's one once, you need to track daily (and you don't want to nick his off him either by the sounds of things).

Remember not even the TIA has been confirmed yet, it may not have been, so try not to stress too much just yet. Easier said than done when you're waiting to find out, I know.


2,965 posts

84 months

Tuesday 26th May 2020
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I hope you and Sarah are OK Fermit.


59 months

Tuesday 26th May 2020
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Hope all goes well and hopefully just an early warning...........it will only be low dose Aspirin but Clopidogrel is better IMO....just avoid grapefruit juice.

The Moose

23,038 posts

214 months

Wednesday 27th May 2020
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Get rid of the Vape


2,809 posts

87 months

Wednesday 27th May 2020
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Next time call 999 straight away. Get on edoxaban or similar ASAP, be checked for atrial fibrillation, reduce alcohol, check bp and medicate if needed.


5,044 posts

225 months

Wednesday 27th May 2020
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Whilst well meaning, it strikes me that advice on this thread on which medications to take (Aspirin/Clopidigrel/edoxaban) is best left to the doctors.

All the healthy living advice is obviously fine.


59 months

Wednesday 27th May 2020
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The_Doc said:
Whilst well meaning, it strikes me that advice on this thread on which medications to take (Aspirin/Clopidigrel/edoxaban) is best left to the doctors.

All the healthy living advice is obviously fine.
Sorry it was me that said Clopidogrel......all I meant was, probably not very well, if he is put on long term low dose Aspirin then I found it to be better....I would be surprised he could obtain it without a Dr prescribing it anyway.

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

Original Poster:

13,240 posts

105 months

Wednesday 27th May 2020
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catweasle said:
Sorry it was me that said Clopidogrel......all I meant was, probably not very well, if he is put on long term low dose Aspirin then I found it to be better....I would be surprised he could obtain it without a Dr prescribing it anyway.
There is something else the doctor has prescribed me, which should be on route to the village chemist soon.

RE the vaping, is there really any risk with it?

RE the blood pressure, we'll look in to this, will also bring the matter up with the stroke consultant, if they don't.


77,359 posts

287 months


7,714 posts

198 months

Wednesday 27th May 2020
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I had a TIA nearly 4 weeks ago.
Different symptoms to yours,my eyesight went funny, couldn't focus, tingling in my left arm.
Went to A+E,had blood tests,ecg and a CT scan.All they could find was slightly high cholesterol.They want me to have an MRI scan at some point.I was put on blood thinning tablets and cholesterol tablets for 4 weeks.
I'm 57, don't smoke, rarely drink,take exercise and eat a pretty balanced diet although it is/was quite high in meat.
The tablets stop me from sleeping so I'm always tired.

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

Original Poster:

13,240 posts

105 months

Wednesday 27th May 2020
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V8covin said:
The tablets stop me from sleeping so I'm always tired.
That would be a huge concern to me, as I already have serious problems sleeping. That is part of the reason for drinking daily, I don't have any dependency, but without something to take the edge off (some alcohol/ sleeping pills) I will genuinely NOT be able to get to sleep.

On a separate note, for years family and S have been telling me they think I have some form of ADHD. I've always dismissed it in my own mind, as I can't abide people who fall back on 'labels', which ADHD seems to be one when wrong sorts are trying to justify bad behaviour.
Researching about my sleep behaviour, landing on a page about ADD/ADHD, the majority of statements made about problem sleep suggest to me I mayy well have ADD.

Back on subject. To the last posters mentioning alcohol, I know this needs restraint applying. I'll get some Becks Blue in, and try to lower my intake by half, as a starting goal.


4,072 posts

193 months

Wednesday 27th May 2020
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Was it a TIA or a stroke? I suspect the former, as you can write normally... Mine was a stroke and it took me 3 months to be able to talk or write normally and if I get tired I still have problems talking and writing. I know I got off easily as well.

I would do as others gave stated - drop the drink a bit or preferably a lot. I would also consider dropping the vape as well. I need to lose weight, always need to do that!

I am on 5 tablets a day which I think will be forever - if you get prescribed 2 or more drugs then it is worth getting a prepaid card.

Check you insurance - both life and car. I had to tell my car insurance but as I wasn't stopped for more than a month they didn't change the cost. Life insurance did care - they paid out in full but means I can't get life insurance again.