Sleep aids



Original Poster:

5,955 posts

182 months

Monday 18th May 2020
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For a while now I've been struggling to get a goods night kip. I used to sleep like a log, had kids and became a much lighter sleeper. Now there's nothing really stopping me from getting a good 6-8 hours. I wake numerous times through the night, often wake up early and struggle to get back to sleep and feel knackered when I eventually get up. Going over in the first place isn't a problem.

Anyone tried any remedies? I'm investing in a better pillow, some blackout curtains to go with the black out blinds, cutting out caffeine after 2. Diet and exercsie are good, nothing seems to be making a difference.


11,121 posts

255 months

Monday 18th May 2020
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Zopiclone's a winner.


13,337 posts

260 months

Monday 18th May 2020
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You mention exercise. What does this entail? I ask because, in the absence of anything medical, you sleep because you need it to recover and in age of gentle living, we need to train our bodies to need sleep. So unless your exercise means at least 60 minutes of activity that leaves you in a sweating, blubbering heap at least five times a week, it 'aint cutting the mustard and you should ramp it up.

If you are doing that, then don't fight it and count yourself lucky. If you wake at 4.00am and can't go back to sleep....get up! Do something meaningful and crack on. You've got, what, 10%? 20%? more on the rest of us so use it!

Wacky Racer

38,762 posts

252 months

Monday 18th May 2020
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If I wake up about 4am, I just know I'm not going back to sleep, the harder you try, the worst it gets, so I usually get up, make a cup of tea, read a book for half an hour then usually drop off after five minutes or so.

Try taking some Boots Sleepeze or Nytol about two hours before you go to bed.....certainly worth a try. (Short term use)


10,345 posts

248 months

Monday 18th May 2020
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4am. It's always 4am no matter what you do or how much you drink.


12,070 posts

174 months

Monday 18th May 2020
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I’ve found audio books a great help to get me back to sleep if I wake in the night, not much help if you sleep with a partner though I guess hehe

Can also help get me off to sleep to begin with on the rare occasions I struggle.


1,708 posts

209 months

Monday 18th May 2020
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Do you know Steve Allen of LBC fame?

This guy comes on every weekday at 4am, with a huge spike in listeners at that time.

I’m a terrible sleeper, but love being awake when Steve comes on.

I listen and drift off.

Just brilliant!

My point is that making a positive out of a negative overcomes the negative.

I’m off to bed now, I have an early start!!


3,636 posts

184 months

Tuesday 19th May 2020
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Since lockdown jogging or long walks has been essential for me to get a good 7+ hours sleep a night, alcohol also affects my sleep so a few dry days in a row helps.

I used to take ZMA after the gym and that also helped to get me into a deep sleep very quickly


3,423 posts

122 months

Wednesday 20th May 2020
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Do you drink?

Riley Blue

21,437 posts

231 months

Wednesday 20th May 2020
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LordHaveMurci said:
I’ve found audio books a great help to get me back to sleep if I wake in the night, not much help if you sleep with a partner though I guess hehe

Can also help get me off to sleep to begin with on the rare occasions I struggle.
In bed I listen to comedy programmes on Radio 4Extra using the BBC Sounds app on my phone with in-ear headphones. Invariably I fall asleep before hearing the end of the programme so when I wake up I start again and again and again until I've heard the programme in full.


7,912 posts

164 months

Thursday 21st May 2020
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I am st at sleeping when im on earlies! I've tried all sorts. This is what works for me at the moment. I tend to wake up around 4.45...alarm goes off at 5.15.

In bed at 2130/2200. Alarms set.

Eye mask on and headphones on with some Netflix (normally Brooklyn Nine Nine). I'll be asleep within the first episode ending. I know people say no TV etc, but I can't sleep in a silent room. Girlfriend can't sleep with TV on so this is the best thing. (Phone is upside down so it's just the sound I can hear).

I've also got a weighted blanket. Works a treat. Only downside is how hot you get at the moment.

Tablets and the like didn't work for me.

I get around seven hours sleep for an early and its ok.

Strangely when im on lates or nights I can sleep for 12 hours without an issue!


700 posts

62 months

Tuesday 20th April 2021
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LosingGrip said:
I am st at sleeping when im on earlies! I've tried all sorts. This is what works for me at the moment. I tend to wake up around 4.45...alarm goes off at 5.15.

In bed at 2130/2200. Alarms set.

Eye mask on and headphones on with some Netflix (normally Brooklyn Nine Nine). I'll be asleep within the first episode ending. I know people say no TV etc, but I can't sleep in a silent room. Girlfriend can't sleep with TV on so this is the best thing. (Phone is upside down so it's just the sound I can hear).

I've also got a weighted blanket. Works a treat. Only downside is how hot you get at the moment.

Tablets and the like didn't work for me.

I get around seven hours sleep for an early and its ok.

Strangely when im on lates or nights I can sleep for 12 hours without an issue!
A year on would you still say the weighted blanket is working?

I'm going to invest in my sleep, I'm wakening up 3am everynight, getting back to sleep an hour later then the baby wakening my up anytime after that. It's nothing new, been like this my whole adult life. Eyeing up a new mattress, something from Silent Night medium firmness to suit a side sleeper, an Emma pillow and the last thing on my list is a weighted blanket. Youtubers/Instagramers seem to swear by them but would be good to see how a real life person with no affiliates to any companies thinks of them.


5,879 posts

58 months

Tuesday 20th April 2021
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sbarclay62 said:
A year on would you still say the weighted blanket is working?

I'm going to invest in my sleep, I'm wakening up 3am everynight, getting back to sleep an hour later then the baby wakening my up anytime after that. It's nothing new, been like this my whole adult life. Eyeing up a new mattress, something from Silent Night medium firmness to suit a side sleeper, an Emma pillow and the last thing on my list is a weighted blanket. Youtubers/Instagramers seem to swear by them but would be good to see how a real life person with no affiliates to any companies thinks of them.
The Chris Evans show folks swear by them too.
He was or Rich Roll was offering a discount code on them not long ago


390 posts

89 months

Tuesday 20th April 2021
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Chamomile tea helps me greatly about an hour or so before bed. Usually half a cup so I’m not waking up needing to piss.


1,243 posts

176 months

Tuesday 20th April 2021
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I use generic Nytol from Morrison's every now and again. I tried a weighted blanket but woke up dripping with sweat. I've got a heavy throw now that I put at the foot of the bed, up to my knees, and it helps. Other than that, being careful with alcohol intake, and persevering for a big piss before I go to bed whether I feel I need one or not helps.
It's a vicious cycle, though. I had an awful night last night, and I'm already anxious about tonight, after 4 good nights in a row.
It's a fker, and it's easy to become obsessed with it. I wish I knew how to cope with it.

Drive it fix it repeat

1,046 posts

56 months

Tuesday 20th April 2021
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Depends how open you are to these things, a joint within an hour of me going to bed means I’m certain to go to sleep more or less instantly and sleep through to my alarm. normally wake feeling refreshed aswell which is very nice. I used to sleep fine naturally but since corona I’ve been doing less in the evenings so finding I’m not tired when I ought to be going to sleep. Works for me anyway.


569 posts

154 months

Tuesday 20th April 2021
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Luke. said:
Zopiclone's a winner.
My wife used to use this and said 1)she felt like a zombie in the morning and 2) it didn’t feel like she had a proper sleep, even though she had slept all night.


1,636 posts

160 months

Tuesday 20th April 2021
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Melatonin does the trick for me to correct sleep cycles.

Its not a sleeping pill as such but seems to do the job of bringing on tiredness followed by a deep sleep. Its nothing something I think you would want to use long term though but rather when you know you have to sleep at a certain period of the day.

Outside of designated sleeping pills, A concoction of Melatonin, Zinc and magnesium will put you in a deep sleep although with some very weird dreams too.


8,853 posts

186 months

Tuesday 20th April 2021
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I take magnesium and Ashwagandha, works for me.


2,803 posts

87 months

Wednesday 21st April 2021
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M22s said:
Luke. said:
Zopiclone's a winner.
My wife used to use this and said 1)she felt like a zombie in the morning and 2) it didn’t feel like she had a proper sleep, even though she had slept all night.
Tablets really aren’t the answer IMO!

Easy to prescribe and take (with no lifestyle changes - which appeals to many) but poor evidence.