Cv19 - day 11 and no improvement

Cv19 - day 11 and no improvement



Original Poster:

2,551 posts

83 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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I’ve been suffering from what I believe to be cv19 for 11 days now, and really not showing any signs of improvement.

My temp has been as high as 39.2, but more typically 38.8. Taking paracetamol as often as I can which sometimes seems to work, but not all the time.

Breathing is ok - chest is a bit tight but I’ve not had a continuous cough at any point.

Nose is quite blocked, and when I blow it, the tissue is full of really snotty blood clots which loook horrible.

Had paramedics here on Monday as I felt so bad. They were brilliant and did loads of tests - ECG, oxygen sats, BP, blood sugar etc and were satisfied I didn’t need to be admitted.

Appetite very poor - big bowl of bran flakes for breakfast is my only real meal each day. Sense of taste a bit haywire - cup of tea tastes rancid, so sticking to water with electrolytes in. Also had a meal replacement shake thing last night which was quite nice.

Managed to get up yesterday and spent most of the day downstairs which was good, but I’m just really worried / frustrated by any real sign of progress in fighting this.

Is there anything else I can try?



818 posts

244 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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you need to keep don't stop drinking. Water better than gin but doesn't taste as good. You could try adding a spoonful of something sweet - honey? No I'm not calling you honey...!

My mum used to give me lucozade when I was ill. I'm sure that caused diabetes lol!

Get well soon.

Edited by bonerp on Thursday 2nd April 08:31

Douglas Quaid

2,395 posts

90 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Can’t you eat some thin soup? Vegetable or chicken broth something like that? Bran flakes have barely any nutritional value. You need fuel for the machine!


Original Poster:

2,551 posts

83 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Thanks both.

I am managing to drink maybe 2.5 - 3 litres per day. Maybe I need to up this? Couldn’t contemplate alcohol at the moment! New Lucozade is not a patch on the stuff we used to have when I was a child...

Food - I am having small snacks but will try to up the amounts


1,078 posts

201 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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I’ve no suggestions others than what’s been written so far but just to say sorry you are still feeling so bad. 11 days is a long time but it no major breathing issues at least that’s a positive. If that does change then call an ambulance again. Hope you get better soon.


27,365 posts

188 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Some pals of mine are 15 days since 1st symptoms. Just starting feel they're turning a corner.

Hang in there.


Original Poster:

2,551 posts

83 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Thanks. It’s not been much fun as you can imagine.

My son had a mild dose with loss of taste and smell for a couple of days, but I seem to have the full on bd dose!


Original Poster:

2,551 posts

83 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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PositronicRay said:
Some pals of mine are 15 days since 1st symptoms. Just starting feel they're turning a corner.

Hang in there.
Ah, ok. That’s good to hear that they are feeling like they are turning a corner!


Original Poster:

2,551 posts

83 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Managed a quick potter around the back garden. First time I’ve been outside since this began. Nice to feel the fresh air on my face


4,092 posts

156 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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A neighbour who had reached day 13 with no improvement and had lost a lot of weight had contacted his GP who recommended Complan.

We picked some up for him and although it's no miracle cure, he said it had helped.


7,714 posts

198 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Have you actually been diagnosed with Covid 19 ?


Original Poster:

2,551 posts

83 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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V8covin said:
Have you actually been diagnosed with Covid 19 ?
No. No testing offered, but feels likely that is what it is. I have a flu jab every year


1,473 posts

198 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Studies have shown that Paracetamol can exacerbate, prolong and cause other problems. Try, if you can, to let your body respond naturally, get hot, kill the bug and increase immune response.


1,058 posts

249 months

Friday 3rd April 2020
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The keeping hydrated bit is key, especially for those suffering diarrhea as well as the other symptoms. If you can't stomach much else, go with a few spoons of sugar and a little salt in with each glass of water. I managed to take a multivitamin pill too (especially the very small ones) to help keep the immune system at full strength.


59 months

Friday 3rd April 2020
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not much more to add

I hope you are near the beginning of starting to feel better

essential to keep hydrated and eat what you can

do try to ease up a touch on the paracetamol

if you have a garden and can manage to get out in the fresh air for a bit, that can't do any harm


4,313 posts

235 months

Friday 3rd April 2020
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knitware said:
Studies have shown that Paracetamol can exacerbate, prolong and cause other problems. Try, if you can, to let your body respond naturally, get hot, kill the bug and increase immune response.
I've never been very impressed with Paracetamol, it doesn't do much for me when I am feeling rough. I Googled it last week and was surprised to read that no-one really understands how it actually works.


Original Poster:

2,551 posts

83 months

Friday 3rd April 2020
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Took paracetamol at 2am, and then I’ve managed to keep my temperature done to normal level until about 30 mins ago which is the longest time I’ve managed through this whole illness.

Just taken a couple more.

Managing to drink, but zero appetite and many things taste awful. Having a Complan style drink and some electrolyte drinks.


1,154 posts

72 months

Friday 3rd April 2020
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knitware said:
Studies have shown that Paracetamol can exacerbate, prolong and cause other problems. Try, if you can, to let your body respond naturally, get hot, kill the bug and increase immune response.
That's quite an interesting video and has some merit. It certainly all aligns with my knowledge of physiology.

I would suggest though that if you are choosing to let a fever burn itself out you'd want to be monitoring your temp regularly and keeping your fluids up.


2,405 posts

271 months

Sunday 5th April 2020
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I'm just about over it after 14 days. Been pretty bad at times. Certainly not able to eat much which I suppose doesn't help with the weakness etc
I did have a few days of tight chest and coughing towards the end plus lots of fever throughout.
I'm just going to get up but feel last night was a better sweats

I'll be very happy if it's gone,worst I can remember being in my life.


Original Poster:

2,551 posts

83 months

Sunday 5th April 2020
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My wife Called ambulance again this morning as I was totally exhausted. Ended up being admitted for an overnight stay - chest X-ray shows viral infection so they want to keep my oxygen levels up.

Been on a drip and had iv antibiotics etc.

Two firsts in one day - first ambulance ride, first night in hospital

It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving...
