Small lump in scrotum, anyone had/have this?

Small lump in scrotum, anyone had/have this?


V1nce Fox

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5,508 posts

73 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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Crapping myself a bit here, I've got appointment for friday afternoon but wondered if anyone's had similar symptoms? Very small hard lump in scrotum, not attached to testicle. i reckon maximum 3-4 mm dia. had it long as i can remember, no issues.

felt it the other day and might be imagining it but think it's a tiny bit bigger. stll not attached to anything and sometimes can't even find it but just got alarm bells so booked in.

other background: 47, male, in good health, shape and fitness. bit of loin to groin pain currently as well and had similar about a year ago. had blood test then, came back clear but advised possibly a kidney stone. pain went not long after and nothing since. i do drink stupid amounts of coffee and tea and nowhere near enough water so that's on me.

anyway bit of a ramble and bit worried, coupled with the usual not wanting to bother the doctor but feel i need to be sure. has anyone had anything similar?

Edited by V1nce Fox on Wednesday 29th January 19:23


7,954 posts

57 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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Is it on the surface of the scrotal sac itself?


600 posts

160 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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Yes. Apparently they are quite often small cysts which resolve themselves. Mine did. But you must still get it checked out.

V1nce Fox

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5,508 posts

73 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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Gweeds said:
Is it on the surface of the scrotal sac itself?
it's inside it, but free moving. best way i can describe it is it's floating around like a vein.

V1nce Fox

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5,508 posts

73 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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fourfoldroot said:
Yes. Apparently they are quite often small cysts which resolve themselves. Mine did. But you must still get it checked out.
good to hear thank you. thing throwing me is i've always had it. not sure why i'm worried about it now.


2,522 posts

178 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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A few years back, proper achey down there - checked and had a lump.

Had to wait 4 days to see a Dr, it got a bit bigger.

Totally harmless, varacele (sp?) basically popped a valve.

Left it a few more year’s until it looked like i had 3, 10min op to sort.

Dont worry until you know anything, will only make you feel worse.

V1nce Fox

Original Poster:

5,508 posts

73 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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Blakeatron said:
A few years back, proper achey down there - checked and had a lump.

Had to wait 4 days to see a Dr, it got a bit bigger.

Totally harmless, varacele (sp?) basically popped a valve.

Left it a few more year’s until it looked like i had 3, 10min op to sort.

Dont worry until you know anything, will only make you feel worse.
i do some pretty heavy work training/lifting. is this worth telling the doctor?


7,954 posts

57 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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I’ve had cysts and they’re similar to what you’ve described but like you absolutely crapped myself.

The doctor did say that generally speaking if something isn’t new, and hasn’t got worse, it’s usually unlikely to be anything sinister.

Hope it all gets sorted and it’s the right thing to do in getting it checked out.


860 posts

62 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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Sebaceous cyst maybe?


7,706 posts

198 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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Ever had an STI ?
You can get debris left in your sack that resemble little lumps.....they are totally harmless.
An ultrasound is the next step

V1nce Fox

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5,508 posts

73 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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more of a lancer evo fan tbh.

no, i'm sti free. blood test last year came back totally clean. i'll go and look up sebaceous cyst now. my image browser history is looking bloody iffy atm.

thanks for the replies, it's helped.


3,499 posts

218 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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What you describe sounds exactly like a cyst like I had a few years ago.
I also, like you crapped myself when i found it.

V1nce Fox

Original Poster:

5,508 posts

73 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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it's not a sebaceous cyst. whatever it is i've called it bob.


2,671 posts

66 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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I was checked for Nut Cancer a long time ago.

Turned out to be nothing.


25,130 posts

165 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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Update the thread with the findings won’t you?

I’ve got a lump I’m curious about but it sounds innocuous having googled it, it’s painless and it hasn’t got any bigger... I reckon it’s blood vessels or something.

V1nce Fox

Original Poster:

5,508 posts

73 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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HustleRussell said:
Update the thread with the findings won’t you?

I’ve got a lump I’m curious about but it sounds innocuous having googled it, it’s painless and it hasn’t got any bigger... I reckon it’s blood vessels or something.
i'll update for reference in case anyone has similar experience. fwiw most of the googling i've done has suggested similar, like it's floating/tangled in veins but not part of anything. either that or i'm going to have puppies. anyway, will update.


8,982 posts

263 months

Wednesday 29th January 2020
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if not attached, it can be a blocked sperm duct which will normally just go away in a short while.

IANAD by the way...

Yes I had one and had it checked out too...

Edited by Davel on Wednesday 29th January 21:13


13,391 posts

288 months

Thursday 30th January 2020
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Ha ha, the things today that scare the st out of you. The old saying a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, eh?
When I was 17 (loooooong time ago!) I had a GP (well-qualified, with load of medical students watching - I'd naively given permission for them to watch!) stuck a f. great hyperdeemic nurdle in my right testicle - she thought (wrongly) that I had a hydrocele - fluid.
Someone mentioned above varicocele (correct spelling). Basically varicose veins in the balls!

Years back I was in Cuba and had problems down below, especially peeing ('barbed wire' is how I described it back then!) or not being able to (pee) as the case was.
Great docs out there (although initially I didn't think they would be - ie: brainwashed to think Cuba was not the NHS - it's better! - and I simply wanted to get the fk back home).
This was a Friday and I'd have had a ultrasound scan on the Monday, but we were flying back home that day, and did so, loaded up with antibiotics.
Cuban docs told me to see doc as soon as I land in UK. I said I'd make an appointment as soon as back home. They were gobsmacked - 'you have to make an appointment?' Out there, you just queue up. I joined a queue, lots left peed off with waiting. If you're ill (not seriously of course) you stay in the queue, as I did. Perhaps that might work here?

Long story in between, I made appointment, waited about 3 days to see GP (what is it now, about 3 'weeks'?) but didn't get a ultrasound scan here for nearly a year!
Symptoms did not got better so had to endure all the finger bum psi levels and all the rest ie prostate stuff, and more antibiotics).
GPs said I should be referred - but I never got called.

Then found a lump down below.
Oh fk!
GP said it needed looking at. Ultrasound scan rather quickly arranged then.

Nurse got me to hold the todger out of the way with a towel to hide blushes, lots of jelly stuff all over area, does scan.
'That's it, all finished' she says.
'And what?' she says.
Now, I am persistent sod regards many things, getting old makes you that way, but it's my health which means if I'm unsure, I ask questions.
Second, even third opinions if I need to.

I politely ask 'What's the result?'
'Your health professional will let you know the results in a couple of weeks.'

Cut a long story short I think to myself 'you must be fking joking!'
Two weeks of f. worrying myself sick - that's how some people can get sick(er).

I asked again
'But surely you know the result, you've just done the examination?'
She said she did but it was not her job to tell me.

She did though, because I didn't give in.
At first I wished I hadn't pushed her.
She says 'Okay, you've actually got two lumps in the right testes.'
I thought 'Oh fk!'

She carries on:
'The good news is they are both cysts (Epididymal, pronounced Epi didy mal).
They are simply fluid filled and benign.'
'I haven't told you this, ok?'

'No problem, many thanks' and I walked out and drove home.
Phew! and HAPPY!

Guess what?
My 'health professional' (ie: GP) 'never' contacted me.
I put it all out of my mind and carried on with life.
A couple months later, for some reason, I felt down there after a shower one morning - both lumps had gone.
Never to reappear.

There's a moral there methinks.
Also makes one wonder what a fortnight of worrying oneself sick if the scenario would have been the same?
Probably. Who knows?


104 posts

120 months

Thursday 30th January 2020
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Had it a couple of times over the years. Look up epididymitis . Very common. My balls were sore and found a lump/s. First time had a course of antibiotics. Seemed to clear up ok. Was also told was common in guys who have had a vasectomy.

Had it since and seemed to clear up on its own.


509 posts

216 months

Friday 31st January 2020
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A couple of years ago I had to have an ultrasound scan, the worst bit of it was getting the results. Apparently my plums were completely 'normal', I double checked that they did not mean magnificent, nope normal was confirmed.

Good luck at your appointment with the Doctor.

Edited by the_stoat on Friday 31st January 06:47