PH Losers 2020 - Anyone want to join me?

PH Losers 2020 - Anyone want to join me?



Original Poster:

26,498 posts

214 months

Tuesday 31st December 2019
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Took it upon myself to start the '2020 weight loss' thread... biggrin

2020 wiki table is here.

I started my weight loss in August and had a good 4 months at the back end of 2019, losing 4st 5lbs/27.7kg and I'm planning to lose a further 7st 12lbs/50kg in 2020. I've been going to Slimming World and regular gym sessions, signing up with a personal trainer about 6 weeks ago (I've committed to a further 24 sessions in 2020 already).

Here's the progress I made last year:

I'm not sure whether to 'reset' my loss on the Wiki table and go from now - what do others think? Rolling achievement to date or from the 1/1/2020?

I found the 2019 thread really motivating so hopefully others will find the same support and encouragement here too!

Edited by Funk on Wednesday 1st January 23:10

Norwegian Blue

42 posts

149 months

Tuesday 31st December 2019
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I'm in. 185 / 6'1", 102kg this morning. Fired up MFP this afternoon and scrolled through the old weigh-ins, realised I was hovering around the 90kg mark 4 years ago and wanted to lose weight then.
Aiming for BMI of 25 for no other reason than it's a good a target as any. That means 85kg for me.
Problem areas? Fast food on late night drives twice a week, sugary drinks, beer. Generally I drink far too many of my calories. (He says, beer in hand.)
Method? Avoid the above, then run, swim and cycle once a week. No fad diets. Will keep a close eye on replacing the booze etc with equally poor life choices.


12,358 posts

194 months

Tuesday 31st December 2019
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Well done Funk. I'll be joining up just as soon as i pluck up the courage to see what I've put on over Christmas ha ha !


2,176 posts

231 months

Tuesday 31st December 2019
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I'm in! I'll weight myself in the morning and add to the Wiki. Cheers for kicking off the 2020 thread


1,315 posts

145 months

Tuesday 31st December 2019
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Me too. Will weigh tomorrow and post. Don’t have loads to lose but need motivation.


12,172 posts

220 months

Tuesday 31st December 2019
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I'm in too. thumbup

I've challenged myself to lose eight stone in a year, starting on July 1st 2019 and ending (obviously) on July 1st 2020. Had a couple of blips in the last few weeks meaning I'm behind target but I've done better than I thought I would and currently sit 3 stone 8 pounds lighter than I was in July.

My preferred choice of exercise has been, and will always, be walking. I live 100 yards from the Bristol - Bath cycle path which offers a scenic walk to a local village that is a 2 hour walk for me, around 7 miles nearly. I must have done that walk more than 40 times in the last six months and never tire of it so will continue to go along this road (quite literally) for a few more months before probably joining a gym for the final push.

This has been combined with a slightly more careful attitude to what I eat although I'm still eating a lot of junk really.

Happy New Year to everyone on here that is currently on a journey, particularly Funk and Rob Marriott whose journeys I've found very inspiring.


23,121 posts

145 months

Tuesday 31st December 2019
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On the 20th December, I posted the below on the 2019 weight loss thread:

HTP99 said:
Ok I am in again, I started this year and lost interest around March/April.

This time last year I was 106.7, and got down to about 97.6 towards the end of February, then it crept back up and I can see that my last record on the table was 99.3 in early May.

My issue is I like a drink and that is predominantly I feel what caused my weight loss in January to mid Feb as I stopped drinking all of January with it tailing off significantly after Christmas day, my diet as a rule has always been pretty good; takeaways once a month tops, home made salads for lunch, most meals are from scratch etc. I like a drink and I know I drink too much. I am still active and walk my dogs daily.

My last drink this week was Sunday and that was just a pint with lunch at the pub and I have already shed 2kg since then; 103.7 on Saturday, 101.6 today; haven't been in the 101's for months.

I have a busy and strenuous 2 week holiday coming up in April which I need to be fit for which will involve high altitude; up to 5000 metres above sea level for some of it with spending 3400 metres above sea level for almost a week, plus I have now been diagnosed with asthma so I need to think of my health more.

So I am starting now, I will have drink and likely indulge with food over Christmas but you have to start somewhere, so if I can be put back on the table please with a starting weight as of 20/12/2019, of 101.6kg and I am aiming to shed at least 2 stone by April.

Good luck for 2020 everyone.
I'll weigh in tomorrow.


4,286 posts

108 months

Tuesday 31st December 2019
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Well I spectacularly fell off the wagon last year so heres hoping to have a better go this year. I will weigh in Friday and every Friday thereafter.

Edited by MB140 on Tuesday 31st December 22:21

Edited by MB140 on Tuesday 31st December 22:22


10,898 posts

186 months

Tuesday 31st December 2019
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I would love to say ill join, but whether i will stick to it is another matter ( i know how to lose weight, and have done a little in the past).

I'm 5.7''
Currently sitting at 105kg (16 and a half stone.)
I would like to be at 80-85kg (12.6-13.3 stone).

the goal weight was how much i weighed about 10years ago before drinking and takeaways came in. it would be really great to lose it by the end of august, as I will hopefully plan on going abroad to see family and see out some milestone birithdays for relatives. Not to mention fit into clothes i haven't worn at all this decade.

500 Miles

1,798 posts

231 months

Tuesday 31st December 2019
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Every year I miss this by a few months and don’t contribute as I’m a late starter.

Will weigh in tomorrow however would love to get into mid teens body fat - although recognise I’ve never been in mid teens body fat :0 probably sitting around 25% at the moment and 81kg.

Started to get into cycling so hopefully that helps.

Good luck all


6,100 posts

146 months

Wednesday 1st January 2020
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I'm in.

I am 6ft4, 106kg. Below 90kg is my target and a lot fitter. Going for a more healthy eating diet rather than a specific diet type.

Got MFP ready to go and I've blown the dust off my gym card.

Edited by dazwalsh on Wednesday 1st January 02:37

Edited by dazwalsh on Wednesday 1st January 02:38


860 posts

62 months

Wednesday 1st January 2020
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You’ve lost more than a bag of cement. Don’t reset anything. Leave it as a reminder of what you’re capable of doing. Well done thumbup


12,172 posts

220 months

Wednesday 1st January 2020
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Happy New Year to everyone on the thread!! beer

Do we need a new table thread to update or maybe just change the title on the previous one from 2019 to 2020? scratchchin


3,038 posts

163 months

Wednesday 1st January 2020
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Intending to have a good go at it this year.

As others have said, I drink too many of my calories, and need to hit the reset on what I’m pouring down my throat.

Am heading off to a birthday bash today, marking the complete end of the festive season, so I’ll weigh in with my proper starting number tomorrow. Expecting 120+kg after a heavy Xmas.

Hopefully a dry spell, low carbs and an hour on the exercise bike a day will start to see some movement.


17,246 posts

200 months

Wednesday 1st January 2020
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I’m in. Will weigh myself later on.

Weight has slowly crept up over last 18 months.

I’m probably around 16st. 6 years ago I was 11.5st. 10 years ago i was 18.5st. So I know I can do it.

A thread similar to this helped all those years ago.


2,705 posts

163 months

Wednesday 1st January 2020
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I’m in again but I hope not to be as active as last year. I think I’m going to cut down to weighing every two weeks, rather than weekly.

I start the year on 85.5kg (down from 116.1 this time last year... anyone who needs a bit of encouragement, this thread works wonders!)

My aim is 79kg, I don’t want to be any lower than that really but I do want to lose the roll of fat around my belly which doesn’t seem to want to go away.

Thank you again to anyone who contributed to the thread last year, having other people doing something similar is more helpful than I could have imagined!


59 months

Wednesday 1st January 2020
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I’m in, previous loss was nearly 10 stone in 2.5 years, but piled 8 stone back on with work, lack of sleep and injuries to shoulders/knees.

6ft 7", currently 27.5st

2020, new start, new partner, new bike.

Let’s do this! cool


23,121 posts

145 months

Wednesday 1st January 2020
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OK, this morning I was 102kg, I did have a rather large brunch afterwards though, however this will see me through until dinner tonight and I'm back at work tomorrow so I can get back into my normal eating habits and routine.


7,098 posts

225 months

Wednesday 1st January 2020
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Back on the bus again.

I started last year at 137.5kg and last weigh in before Xmas I was down to 129.9kg.

Weighed in this morning and a couple of weeks of indulgence (coupled with a lot of food and drink last night mind) and I’m back to 134.3kg.

Now, I’ve recently bought a Laser dinghy to get back into sailing for which the upper weight to really be competitive is ~90kg. censored

So, all aboard the tour bus once again, properly this time.


7,268 posts

233 months

Wednesday 1st January 2020
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Serious effort to start NOW!
117.9 at weigh in this morning. Injury took its toll last year, still struggling with torn Achilles tendon & calf muscle. Massive throat & chest infection in Nov & Dec which meant steroids, which didn't help the weight.
Now have all clear for gym & bike work from physio so hopefully that plus eating sensibly will get the weight going in the right direction.

PS Have a weight/BMI/Exercise/graphing Excel, not a masterpiece but useful, if anyone wants a copy PM me with your mail address.